Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for March 18, 2025 | Nickelodeon

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for March 18, 2025 | Nickelodeon

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for March 18, 2025 | Nickelodeon

Stream the classic Rugrats series on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.

Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.

Read more Rugrats comic strips!: https://www.creators.com/features/rugrats

More Nick: Paramount+ Renews 'Rugrats' For Season 3!

Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Classic Nickelodeon, NickRewind and Rugrats News and Highlights!

CandyRific Announces PAW Patrol Easter 2025 Offerings

The range contains fans, light-up bracelets and sticker stampers.

PAW Patrol Sticker Stampers
"PAW Patrol" Sticker Stampers, Candyrific

CandyRific has partnered with PAW Patrol for candy fans, sticker stampers and light-up bracelets for the Easter holiday.

Each fan, light-up bracelet and sticker stamper is topped with the pups from the beloved Nickelodeon and Spin Master Entertainment CG-animated preschool series.

CandyRific has also partnered with Haribo to launch a range of candy fans, sticker stampers and light-up bracelets featuring the Haribo Goldbear character, which are also set to release this Easter.

PAW Patrol fans can stream full PAW Patrol episodes and movies, including The Mighty Movie, on Paramount+. Try it FREE today at ParamountPlus.com.

Shop all things PAW Patrol on the official Paramount Shop.

Original source: License Global.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Easter on Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr., and PAW Patrol Universe News and Highlights!

‘The Legend of Korra’ Set to Leave Netflix In April 2025

The removal comes after the sequel series to Avatar: The Last Airbender was removed from Netflix internationally in recent years.

The Legend of Korra

The Legend of Korra, the follow-up to Nickelodeon's beloved Avatar: The Last Airbender animated series, could soon be leaving Netflix in the U.S., having already left Netflix in international territories in recent years, WoN reports. The main Nick show, however, is safe for another few years. 

First being added to Netflix back in August 2020, Netflix is currently scheduled to lose seasons 1-4 of The Legend of Korra in April 2025, with the removal planned for April 16th, 2025 (meaning your last day to watch is April 15). The series will continue to be available to stream on Paramount+. 

As with all Netflix removals, they are subject to change. This means we could see a last-minute relicense between Netflix and Nickelodeon’s parent company, Paramount Global, that will keep the show streaming for a while longer. Given that an expiry notice is now showing, however, it seems unlikely that’s going to happen. 

Both Avatar and The Legend of Korra were set to leave Netflix back in 2021, with then Nickelodeon CEO (now co-CEO of Paramount) Brian Robbins telling The Hollywood Reporter that both will likely be exclusive to Paramount+ at some point. The executive added, “It’s not like this is some secret that we’re pulling the wool over anybody else’s eyes on other services. They’re happy to have the content, and they understand the strategy. We’re very upfront about it.”

Will Avatar: The Last Airbender also be leaving?

Avatar at once stage was also due to leave Netflix in the U.S. alongside The Legend of Korra although WoN is reporting that Netflix has managed to renew that license for another few years. It's understand that Netflix picked up a two-year extension for the show’s license with it now scheduled to remain on Netflix through April 2027. 

Keeping the OG Avatar: The Last Airbender on both Netflix in the US and internationally (the series remains available in most territories) makes a lot of sense, given that Netflix has the live-action companion series. 

What happened to The Legend of Korra on Netflix internationally?

While many regions of Netflix have streamed the sequel series to Avatar in the past, most have lost it. Netflix UK, for example, streamed the show in full for 49 months from December 2020 through to the end of 2024. Canada saw the removal back in 2023, and Australia lost it in 2021 after only a year being available on the service. 

It’s going to be a busy few years for Avatar: The Last Airbender, which is currently celebrating its 25th  anniversary. Season 2 of the Netflix live-action series is about to wrap up filming before taking a few month’s break and then getting back into production throughout the Summer with a planned wrap now set for November. That indicates a 2026 return, possibly for both seasons. 

That’s in addition to all the animated projects in the works. Aang: The Last Airbender, the first animated project from Avatar Studios, is due out in 2026, and we just recently got the official title for Avatar: Seven Havens, a new animated series set after the events of Korra.

Stream Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra on Paramount+ and Netflix! Try Paramount+ for FREE at ParamountPlus.com

Shop Avatar merch on the OFFICIAL Paramount Shop!

Listen to the official A:TLA podcast, Avatar: Braving the Elements!

Get more Avatar: The Last Airbender on: YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

Originally published: March 18, 2025.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra News and Highlights!

March 2025 on Paramount Kids Channels In Italy

Below are Paramount Italia's March (Marzo) 2025 programming highlights for Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Super! and Paramount+ in Italy!

'I Thunderman: in missione' key art/poster

Nuova Serie
Da martedì 4 marzo 2025, ogni martedì alle 20.00

Nuovi Episodi
Dal 10 marzo
Da lunedì a venerdì alle 18.10

Let's Movie
Buon Carnevale!
Da 3 al 7 marzo alle 19.30

Sabato e domenica dale 12.30

Buon Compleanno Super!
Martedì 18 marzo alle 19.30 e dale 14.10 MARATONA MIRACULOUS

È possibile vedere altri spettacoli di Nick su Paramount+: ParamountPlus.it.

Marzo 2025 su Super! Italia
La primavera sta arrivando e marzo su Super! ( 📺 47) è IMPERDIBILE 💐 Scopri tutte le novità del mese!

Marzo 2025 su Super! Italia

Originally published: March 18, 2025.

Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Italia and Paramount Plus News and Highlights!

March 2025 on Nickelodeon Germany

Below are Nickelodeon Germany's (Deutschland) programming highlights for March (März) 2025!

Sonic Prime / Rock Island Mysteries

Der März bringt frischen Frühlingswind ins TV-Programm der Paramount-Sender! Während Nickelodeon mit der Free-TV-Premiere von „Sonic Prime“ in Parallelwelten eintaucht, warten in einer neuen Staffel „Rock Islands Rätsel“ einige Geheimnisse darauf, gelüftet zu werden.

Neue Show (Free-TV-Premiere)
Premiere: Ab 01.03.
Samstags & Sonntags um 15:30 Uhr

Fans des Kult-Igels können sich auf die CGI-Fernsehserie „Sonic Prime“ freuen. Nach einem erbitterten Kampf mit seinem Erzfeind Dr. Eggman ist das Universum zersplittert. Auf der Suche nach seinen Freunden kämpft sich Sonic durch verschiedene Parallelwelten. Für sein Figurendesign gewann der leitende Animator Joey Pogoy einen Kinder- und Familien-Emmy®

Staffel Drei (Free-TV-Premiere)
Ab 03. März / montags bis freitags 13:00 Uhr

Nach einer epischen Schlacht sind Taylor (Alexa Curtis) und ihre Freund*innen wieder dabei, „Rock Islands Rätsel“ zu lösen. Denn noch immer stellt sich die Frage: Wie können sie Taylors vermissten Onkel Charlie nach Hause bringen? Dazu droht eine neue Gefahr. Die australische Serie geht bereits in die dritte Staffel.

Neue Folgen (Free-TV-Premieren)
Ab 10. März 2025 / montags bis freitags 07:40 Uhr

Sonntag 9. März 2025 um 16:45 Uhr

Ab 17. März 2025

Ab 10. März 2025 / montags bis freitags 16:15 Uhr

Die Thundermans Undercover
Neue Serie
Ab 7. April 2025

March 2025 on Nickelodeon Brazil

Below are Nickelodeon Brazil's (Brasil) programming highlights for March (Março) 2025! Post in Brazilian-Portuguese (Português do Brasil):

Os Mistérios de Rock Island

Novos episódios (T3)

Para a 3ª temporada, nossos heróis serão acompanhados por Bolha e Firefly, duas amigas com habilidades surpreendentes, e por Voltaire, um dragão gentil e imprevisível. Mas cuidado com Dwayne e Rowena, sobrinhos de Gargamel, escondidos na floresta...

 Os Smurfs - Temporada 3
» De 24 de fevereiro a 6 de março, de segunda a quinta às 8:00 e 14:00 hrs BR na Nickelodeon

Novos episódios

Prepare-se para os episódios finais de Monster High!

 Monster High - Últimos episódios
» De 24 de fevereiro a 6 de março, de segunda a quinta às 15:40 hrs BR na Nickelodeon

Nova temporada (T3)

Taylor e seus amigos aventureiros perseguem novos mistérios na amada Rock Island, crescendo e desenvolvendo suas habilidades únicas. Quando forças externas perturbam o equilíbrio da ilha, eles enfrentam um desafio ainda maior.

Os Mistérios de Rock Island - Novos episódios (T3)
» De 3 al 28 de março, de segunda a sexta às 19:40 BR na Nickelodeon.

Novo filme
Netflix Brasil

"Plankton: O Filme" estreia em 7 de março, só na Netflix.


Prepare-se para a estreia da nova série Os Thundermans: Disfarçados! Reveja a série orginal no especial Os Thundermans: As Origens. 

Especial Os Thundermans: As Origens
» De 10 de março a 4 de abril, de segunda a sexta às 18:30 BR na Nickelodeon.

Os Thundermans: Disfarçados
Nova série

Eles estão de volta... e agora, em uma missão secreta! ⚡🕵️‍♂️ Os Thundermans Disfarçados estreia dia 7 de abril na Nickelodeon e Paramount+! Não perca essa nova aventura cheia de ação, humor e superpoderes! 💥🔥 

Phoebe Thunderman: Bruna Laynes
Max Thundermen: Yan Gesteira
Chloe Thunderman: Bia Menezes - Dubladora.

Você pode assistir a mais programas de Nick no Paramount+: ParamountPlus.com.

March 2025 on Nickelodeon Latin America

Below are Nickelodeon Latin America's (Latinoamérica) programming highlights for March (Marzo) 2025! This post features highlights for both the Nickelodeon México and the Nickelodeon Pan-regional feeds. Post in en Español.

Los Misterios de Rock Island

Nueva temporada (T3)
Nickelodeon Panregional

Taylor y sus amigos aventureros persiguen nuevos misterios en su amada Rock Island, mientras crecen y desarrollan sus habilidades únicas. Cuando fuerzas externas alteran el equilibrio de la isla, se enfrentan a su mayor desafío hasta ahora.

Nickelodeon Panregional:

Los Misterios de Rock Island - Nuevos episodios (T3)
» Del 3 al 28 de marzo, de lunes a viernes a las 19:40 COL / 21:40 ARG-CHI en Nickelodeon.

Nickelodeon México:

Los Misterios de Rock Island - Nuevos episodios (T3)
» Del 3 al 28 de marzo, de lunes a viernes a las 11:00 PM MEX en Nickelodeon.

Nickelodeon México

¡No te pierdas los mejores episodios de Henry Danger y su más reciente película!

Especial: Más Danger Que Nunca
» Jueves 27 de febrero a las 10:30 PM MEX, viernes 28, sábado 1° y domingo 2 de marzo durante todo el día en Nickelodeon.

*Programación válida sólo para México.

#HenryDanger #HenryDangerTheMovie #HenryDangerLaPelicula  #Nickelodeon

Nuevo espectáculo
TeenNick Latinoamérica


No te pierdas Bella y los Bulldogs en TeenNick
» De lunes a viernes a las 5:00 PM MEX / 20:00 HRS ARG

Nuevos episodios
Nickelodeon Panregional + Nickelodeon México

¡A partir del lunes 24 de febrero de 2025!

¡Prepárate para los últimos episodios de Monster High!

Nickelodeon Panregional:

Monster High  - Últimos episodios
» Del 24 de febrero al 6 de marzo de lunes a jueves a las 15:40 COL / 17:40 ARG-CHI en Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon México:

Monster High  - Últimos episodios
» Del 24 de febrero al 6 de marzo de lunes a jueves a las 5:30 PM MEX en Nickelodeon

Nuevos episodios
Nick Jr. Latinoamérica

Nuevos episodios (T3)
Nickelodeon México + Nickelodeon Panregional

En la tercera temporada nuestros héroes llegan con Burbuja y Luciérnaga, dos amigas con grandes habilidades, y con Voltaire, un dragón gentil e impredecible. ¡Pero cuidado con Dwayne y Rowena, los sobrinos de Gargamel que acechan en el bosque!

Los Pitufos  - Temporada 3

Nickelodeon México:

» Del 24 de febrero al 6 de marzo, de lunes a jueves a las 5:00 PM MEX en Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon Panregional:

Resto de Latam: 24 de febrero al 6 de marzo, de lunes a viernea a las 8:00 & 14:00 COL / 10:00 & 16:00 ARG-CHI

Los Thundermans: El Origen
Nickelodeon Panregional + Nickelodeon México

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado de dónde vienen los Thundermans? Revive la serie original y ¡prepárate para una nueva thunder-aventura con el estreno de Los Thundermans: Encubiertos!

Nickelodeon Panregional:

Especial Los Thundermans: El Origen
» Del 10 de marzo al 4 de abril, de lunes a viernes a las 18:30 COL / 20:30 ARG en Nickelodeon.

Nickelodeon México:

Especial Los Thundermans: El Origen
» Del 10 de marzo al 4 de abril, de lunes a viernes a las 12:30 PM MEX en Nickelodeon.

Nickelodeon México

¡Los Louds invaden tu pantalla durante un fin de semana y un día feriado entero! 

Especial ¡Invasión Total con The Loud House!
» Desde el viernes 14 de marzo a las 11:30 PM hasta el lunes 17 de marzo durante TODO EL DÍA.*

Interrumpido únicamente por el especial Los Thundermans: El Origen y un nuevo episodio de Los Misterios de Rock Island el 17 de marzo.

Nueva serie
Nickelodeon México

¡Prepárate para una nueva Thunder-aventura!

Los Thundermans: Encubiertos
Muy pronto por Nickelodeon

Puedes ver más shows de Nick en Paramount+: ParamountPlus.com.

Popularity Papers FULL EPISODE Sneak Peek | Odd Squads | Nickelodeon UK

Popularity Papers FULL EPISODE Sneak Peek | Odd Squads | Nickelodeon UK

You can watch more episodes of Popularity Papers on Nickelodeon UK & Ireland 📺 new episodes are coming 14 March, but until then you can watch this sneak peek episode, Odd Squads!

Will sabotaging a televised competition make you popular? It's Mapleview Middle's favourite school event: the Astounding Treasure Hunt! Every year, the school pairs off on an epic scavenger hunt and this year will be ten times as exciting since it will be broadcast on the local news. As the school team up, Julie and Lydia notice that the popular kids stick with the popular kids and the dweebs stay with the dweebs, reinforcing the popularity hierarchy. Julie and Lydia decide to change the teams, pairing a popular kid with a dweeb to see if that will disrupt the social order. As the day unfolds, teams fight and break apart, some find unexpected common ground, Lydia finds herself awkwardly stuck in the boiler room with Chuck and Sage and Julie discovers the meaning of the word 'backlash'.

Paramount+ UK & Ireland is HERE! Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favourites! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Paramount+ is also available with Sky Cinema at no extra cost.

If you love Nickelodeon, hit the YouTube subscribe button - http://bit.ly/1Dl75Rg

To watch full episodes of all of your favourite shows, tune in to the Nickelodeon and NickToons UK TV channels. 

For more ways to laugh your pants off...

Official Nickelodeon UK website: http://nick.co.uk
Like Nick on Facebook: https://facebook.com/NickelodeonUK
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Originally published: March 02, 2025.

#NickelodeonUK #PopularityPapers #FullEpisode

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