Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Big Nate | How To Get Ripped Or Die Tryin' (Short) | Paramount Plus

Big Nate | How To Get Ripped Or Die Tryin' (Short) | Paramount+

You don't have to be physically fit to pass gym class, just willing to make a bit of a stink. Join Nate as he hatches his latest diabolical plan to ace P.E. with a healthy dose of P.U.

Stream full episodes of Big Nate on Thursday, Feb. 17, exclusively on Paramount+. Click HERE for more info about the show and visit ParamountPlus.com for a free trial!

H/T: ASF /@SweetShop209.

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Big Time Rush to Make Some 'Big Announcements' in February 2022

Big Time Rush - 2021 Recap | BTR

Big Time Rush recap of 2021.

"Big announcements coming this month! :-) <3"

Directed & Edited By: Kerry Henderson

#BigTimeRush #2021Recap #Rushers

Stream "Call It Like I See It": https://found.ee/CallItLikeISeeIt

Shop Big Time Rush Merch: http://bigtimerush.store

Follow Big Time Rush:

Originally published: February 01, 2022.

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Fashion: Un-Edited | Nickelodeon UK

Fashion: Un-Edited | Nickelodeon UK

What does fashion mean to you? Does your style represent who you are? Danger Force's Luca Luhan and Side Hustle's Jayden Bartels hear from kids like you, about what fashion means to them!

#NickUnedited #DangerForce #SideHustle

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馃敶 LIVE: Celebrate Black History Month & Diversity! w/ AJ & Blaze, Lorelai, & Zooli | Nick Jr.

馃敶 LIVE: Celebrate Black History Month & Diversity! w/ AJ & Blaze, Lorelai, & Zooli | Nick Jr.

February is Black History Month so get ready to celebrate with your Nick Jr. friends including AJ and Blaze, Zooli from Bubble Guppies, and Lorelai from Santiago of the Seas!

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryForKids #NickJr

Stream all your favorite Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. shows on Paramount+ and Noggin! Try Paramount+ for FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Black History Month on Nickelodeon Preschool and Nick Jr. News and Highlights!

A Moral Star, Part 1: Paramount Plus to Premiere New 'Star Trek: Prodigy' Episode on Jan. 27 - First Look

Paramount+ will premiere the brand new Star Trek: Prodigy episode "A Moral Star, Part 1" (#109) on Thursday, January 27! Stay 'tooned for more information about the episode. Catch up with the adventure so far exclusively on Paramount+ - try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!


Episode 109 – A Moral Star, Part 1 (Available to stream Thursday, January 27th)

The crew forgo their dreams of Starfleet to return to Tars Lamora in a no-win scenario.

Written by: S1 Writers Room (Kevin & Dan Hageman, Julie Benson, Shawna Benson, Lisa Schultz Boyd, Nikhil S. Jayaram, Diandra Pendleton-Thompson, Chad Quandt, Aaron J. Waltke)

Directed by: Ben Hibon

First Look Images:



Mission Log: Prodigy - ep 109 - "A Moral Star" Part 1 | Roddenberry Entertainment

Star Trek: Prodigy season 1, episode 9, "A Moral Star" Part 1 goes into the Mission Log

Produced by the Nickelodeon Animation Studio and CBS Studios’ Eye Animation Production, STAR TREK: PRODIGY is already a hit amongst Paramount+ subscribers, and had the top-performing premiere day out of any original animated kids series on the service. The series was recently renewed for a second season, which is slated to premiere in 2023.

The STAR TREK: PRODIGY voice cast includes Kate Mulgrew (Hologram Kathryn Janeway), Brett Gray (Dal), Ella Purnell (Gwyn), Rylee Alazraqui (Rok-Tahk), Angus Imrie (Zero), Jason Mantzoukas (Jankom Pog), Dee Bradley Baker (Murf), John Noble (The Diviner) and Jimmi Simpson (Drednok).

Developed by Emmy® Award winners Kevin and Dan Hageman (“Trollhunters” and “Ninjago”), the CG-animated series STAR TREK: PRODIGY is the first “Star Trek” series aimed at younger audiences, and follows a motley crew of young aliens who must figure out how to work together while navigating a greater galaxy, in search of a better future. These six young outcasts know nothing about the ship they have commandeered – a first in the history of the “Star Trek” franchise – but over the course of their adventures together, they will each be introduced to Starfleet and the ideals it represents.

STAR TREK: PRODIGY is from CBS’ Eye Animation Productions, CBS Studios’ new animation arm; Nickelodeon Animation Studio, led by President of Animation Ramsey Naito; Secret Hideout; and Roddenberry Entertainment. Alex Kurtzman, Heather Kadin, Aaron Baiers, Katie Krentz, Rod Roddenberry and Trevor Roth serve as executive producers, alongside co-showrunners Kevin and Dan Hageman and Ben Hibon, who also directs and serves as executive producer and the creative lead of the animated series.

STAR TREK: PRODIGY is distributed by ViacomCBS Global Distribution Group and is also available to stream on Paramount+ in international territories, including Latin America, the Nordics and Australia. In Canada, it airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave.

Per Paramount+:

"Season one of STAR TREK: PRODIGY returned on Thursday, Jan. 6 with episode six. The remaining four episodes of season one’s first half will be available to stream weekly on Thursdays, with episode 10 available to stream on Thursday, Feb. 3. The additional 10-episode-long second half of season one will be available on Paramount+ later in 2022.


"STAR TREK: PRODIGY currently streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S. and Australia, and is coming soon to Paramount+ in Latin America and the Nordics as well as to Nickelodeon international channels, which are available in 180 countries globally. In Canada, it airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave. STAR TREK: PRODIGY is distributed by ViacomCBS Global Distribution Group."


Originally published: January 24, 2022.

Additional source: TrekMovie.com.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon and Star Trek: Prodigy News and Highlights!

How to Draw the Bubble Guppies | Noggin


Stream all your favorite Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. shows on Paramount+ and Noggin! Try Paramount+ for FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr., Noggin and Bubble Guppies News and Highlights!

Family Day on Nickelodeon Israel

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#谞讬拽诇讜讚讬讗讜谉 #讛专注砖谞讬诐

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#谞讬拽诇讜讚讬讗讜谉 #shorts #讛专注砖谞讬诐

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Family Day (Yom HaMishpacha)

Originally published: January 30, 2022.

Additional source: World Jewish Travel.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Israel and TeenNick News and Highlights!

ViacomCBS Names Lee Rosenthal as President Of Worldwide Physical Production at Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Studios

Longtime Paramount exec Lee Rosenthal is returning to the studio to serve as President, Worldwide Physical Production, Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Studios. Brian Robbins, President & CEO of Nickelodeon and Paramount announced the appointment in a memo to employees on Tuesday, February 1. The news comes as the company looks to optimize and strategically align across both studios.

Rosenthal will manage physical production across Paramount Pictures, Paramount Animation, Nickelodeon Animation and Live Action, with those divisions reporting directly to him. As part of a restructuring, the VFX and postproduction teams at Paramount will also report directly to Rosenthal.

Rosenthal has worked at Paramount for 27 years, starting as Vice President (VP) of Production Management for Paramount in 1994 and rising to become President of Physical Production in 2009. He has overseen production on several recent key tentpoles for the studio, including A Quiet Place — Part II and the upcoming Top Gun: Maverick. He had stepped away from production duties in August, serving as a consultant for Nickelodeon over the past six months.

Rosenthal’s return to Paramount is the latest staffing change by Robbins, who became the new president and CEO of the studio this past September. His appointment has been accompanied by a flurry of new hires and restructuring within the studio as it looks to rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic with a 2022 slate that includes Jackass Forever, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Top Gun: Maverick and Babylon.

Below is Robbins’ memo about Rosenthal’s appointment:


As Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon move closer together through our overarching franchise strategy, I have worked hard and methodically to identify areas that bridge the business in ways that enhance and best support each brand’s singularity. Physical production is an area where there is significant opportunity for alignment and optimization across Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Studios. As a result of this strategic alignment, I am pleased to announce that studio veteran Lee Rosenthal has been named President, Worldwide Physical Production, Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Studios, effective immediately and reporting to me.

Lee was previously at Paramount for 27 years, and most recently served as a consultant at Nickelodeon since August of last year. In this newly-created role, Lee will return to the Melrose Lot to oversee physical production across Paramount Pictures, Paramount Animation, Nickelodeon Animation and Live Action. He will be responsible for discovering and maximizing our efforts and efficiencies across these businesses; and creating more opportunities for physical production teams to gain experience in live action and animation across both film and television. Moving forward, the physical production teams across all these divisions will report directly to Lee while still working closely with their respective creative and business affairs leads. While the post production support for Nickelodeon Studios will continue to be served under the ViacomCBS Media Nets infrastructure with a dotted line to Lee, the VFX and post production teams at Paramount Studios will directly report to Lee in this new structure.

During his tenure at the studio, Lee most recently served as the President of Physical Production for Paramount Pictures, where he oversaw the production management department. He was responsible for supervising physical production, staffing, budgeting, and troubleshooting for Paramount’s full slate of films, from pre-production through filming, visual effects, and post-production on films including Top Gun: Maverick and A Quiet Place Part II. Lee started at Paramount in 1994 as an assistant to the Vice President of Production Management and was elevated to Production Executive and Vice President before eventually becoming head of the department in 2009.

Personal Paramount highlights for Lee include the first feature he supervised Varsity Blues; Rango, which won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature; Star Trek, directed by J.J. Abrams, and its sequels; working on every Mission: Impossible film, and awards favorites Rocketman, Fences, The Big Short, and True Grit. Prior to Paramount, he began his Hollywood career as a Staff Coordinator at Walt Disney Pictures and Television (1989-1994).

This new leadership position not only reflects Lee’s outstanding business acumen and strong filmmaker relationships, but the leadership he has demonstrated over his meaningful tenure as well. Please join me in welcoming Lee back to Paramount and into this exciting new chapter at our company.


Sources: TheWrap, Deadline.

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Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for February 1, 2022 | Nickelodeon

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for February 1, 2022 | Nickelodeon

Stream the classic and the all new CG-animated Rugrats series on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.

Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.

Read more Rugrats comic strips!: https://www.creators.com/features/rugrats

More Nick: Paramount Plus Renews the All-New 'Rugrats' for Season 2!

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Avatar: Last Airbender's Aang & Ozai Actors Face Off in New Behind-the-Scenes Photo

Avatar The Last Airbender's Aang (Gordon Cormier) & Ozai (Daniel Dae Kim) actors face off in behind-the-scenes image while shooting the remake.

Avatar: The Last Airbender stars Gordon Cormier, and Daniel Dae Kim recently posed for a behind-the-scenes photo. The two are set to play Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Ozai, the main protagonist and antagonist of the series. The live-action remake is shooting in Vancouver, British Colombia, for its premiere on Netflix.

Avatar: The Last Airbender, based on the Nickelodeon's beloved animated series of the same name, will tell the story of Aang, the Avatar capable of controlling all four elements, in a world where certain people can control one element. Aang is destined to bring peace to the four nations while Ozai, the Fire Nation lord, intends on world domination. Aang, only a child, must overcome his immaturity and naivety to take on the monumental task and bring about balance to Asiatic. The Avatar: The Last Airbender remake is highly anticipated by fans who grew up with the animated series.

On Instagram, Cormier posts the image of him posing with Kim, the two dressed in casual clothing. Cormier's pose is reminiscent of Aang's air-bending style seen in the original series, where Kim takes on a more dynamic pose in contrast to Ozai's more aged and dignified manner of fighting. Cormier includes the caption "Momo, time for you to go" in reference to Aang's pet Momo, the last known winged lemur. Check out the photo below!:

Cormier came to be known due to his performance as Joe in the 2020 remake of The Stand and is joined by Kiawentiio Tarbell, Ian Ousley, and Pen15 star Dallas Liu as Katara, Sokka, and Zuko, respectively. Kim, known for his work on Lost and Hawaii Five-O, made an appearance as General Fong in one episode of the original series in 2006. The new cast is made of people of AAIP descent to better reflect the original series' inspiration in terms of worldbuilding and setting.

Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra on Paramount+ and Netflix! Try Paramount+ for FREE at ParamountPlus.com

Listen to the brand new podcast, Avatar: Braving the Elements!

Original source: ScreenRant.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Poland Launches 'Winter Madness on Nickelodeon' Stunt, Competition

Nickelodeon Poland (Polska) has launched Winter Madness on Nickelodeon, a brand new winter-themed programming block and competition! Viewers can tune into winter-themed episodes of fan-favourite shows, such as SpongeBob SquarePants, The Loud House and The Casagrandes everyday between 09:30 to 11:30 from Monday 31st January and Friday 18th February 2022. Viewers are also invited to enter Nick's exclusive contest to win snowsome prizes such as a personalised snowboard and winter sets consisting of a sled, slide plate and woolly hat to keep warm in the snow. To enter, viewers need to visit the competition's official website on nick.com.pl and tell Nick what they like about winter.

Zimowe szale艅stwo w kanale Nickelodeon

Z okazji trwaj膮cych ferii zimowych Nickelodeon przygotowa艂 dla swoich widz贸w niespodziank臋 („Zimowe szale艅stwo na Nickelodeon”). Od poniedzia艂ku, 31 stycznia br. o godz. 9:30 stacja wyemituje specjalne, zimowe odcinki takich program贸w jak „SpongeBob Kanciastoporty”, „Harmidom” i „Wielkodomscy”. Na fan贸w zimowych aktywno艣ci czeka r贸wnie偶 kreatywny konkurs ze 艣nie偶nymi nagrodami.

Nickelodeon przygotowa艂 specjalny blok programowy dla mi艂o艣nik贸w zimowych historii. Od poniedzia艂ku, 31 stycznia do pi膮tku, 18 lutego br., codziennie od poniedzia艂ku do pi膮tku, w godzinach 9:30-11:30 emitowane b臋d膮 tematyczne odcinki seriali. Widzowie b臋d膮 mogli w贸wczas 艣ledzi膰 艣nie偶ne przygody zwariowanych bohater贸w „Wielkodomskich” i „Harmidomu”. Zima zawita tak偶e do Bikini Dolnego, gdzie mieszkaj膮 bohaterowie kultowego ju偶 serialu animowanego „SpongeBob Kanciastoporty”. Najzabawniejsza g膮bka na 艣wiecie wraz z przyjaci贸艂mi - Patrykiem Rozgwiazd膮, Wiewi贸rk膮 Sandy i Skalmarem - poka偶膮 widzom, jak wygl膮da zima pod wod膮.

To nie wszystko. Dla fan贸w zimowych aktywno艣ci Nickelodeon przygotowa艂 konkurs, w kt贸rym do wygrania jest w艂asnor臋cznie zaprojektowana deska snowboardowa. Nale偶y wej艣膰 na stron臋 konkursow膮 (przejd藕 na stron臋), zaprojektowa膰 swoj膮 desk臋 snowboardow膮 i odpowiedzie膰 na pytanie konkursowe: „Za co i dlaczego lubisz zim臋?”. Co tydzie艅 uczestnicy konkursu maj膮 szans臋 na wygranie nagr贸d w postaci spersonalizowanej deski snowboardowej i 5 zimowych zestaw贸w sk艂adaj膮cych si臋 z sanek, talerza do zje偶d偶ania i czapki. - Do zobaczenia na Nicku - zach臋ca nadawca.

„Zimowe szale艅stwo na Nickelodeon” - emisja od poniedzia艂ku do pi膮tku (od 31 stycznia 2022 roku) o godz. 9:30 w kanale Nickelodeon.


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Nickelodeon UK Ratings for Week of Monday Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd January 2022

Nickelodeon UK Network Ratings for week of Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd January 2022.

Nickelodeon Total:

5. SAM & CAT (SAT 15:59) - 13,600
6. HORRID HENRY (FRI 06:14) - 12,905
7. THE THUNDERMANS (MON 18:59) - 11,400
8. DANGER FORCE (MON 07:00) - 11,200
9. THE THUNDERMANS (FRI 08:00) - 10,600
10. THE THUNDERMANS (MON 24:31) - 10,200
11. HORRID HENRY (TUE 14:00) - 9,312
12. SIDE HUSTLE (TUE 16:31) - 9,143
13. THE THUNDERMANS (THU 12:31) - 8,900
14. TYLER PERRY'S YOUNG DYLAN (TUE 16:00) - 8,203

NickToons Total:

3. THE SMURFS (MON 16:14) - 27,900
5. HORRID HENRY (WED 18:30) - 25,900
7. HORRID HENRY (FRI 17:15) - 23,000
8. HORRID HENRY (WED 18:44) - 22,800
9. THE SMURFS (MON 15:59) - 19,600
10. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS (TUE 19:29) - 18,400
11. MIDDLEMOST POST (MON 16:29) - 18,200
12. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS (THU 16:45) - 17,200
13. HORRID HENRY (FRI 09:44) - 14,100
14. HORRID HENRY (SAT 14:59) - 13,700
15. HORRID HENRY (SAT 09:59) - 13,700

Nick Jr. Total:

1. PEPPA PIG (SUN 13:49) - 95,900
2. PEPPA PIG (SUN 13:44) - 91,200
3. PEPPA PIG (THU 10:29) - 87,800
4. PEPPA PIG (SUN 12:59) - 86,100
5. PEPPA PIG (WED 10:50) - 85,900
6. PEPPA PIG (FRI 14:30) - 81,100
7. PEPPA PIG (THU 10:34) - 80,500
8. PEPPA PIG (WED 15:20) - 78,000
9. PEPPA PIG (THU 09:59) - 77,700
10. PEPPA PIG (THU 10:14) - 76,200
11. PAW PATROL (WED 29:44) - 72,900
12. PEPPA PIG (SUN 12:34) - 72,800
13. PEPPA PIG (WED 10:45) - 70,400
14. PEPPA PIG (SUN 14:44) - 64,599
15. PEPPA PIG (SUN 14:19) - 62,400

Nick Jr. Too:

1. PEPPA PIG (WED 13:00) - 91,100
2. PEPPA PIG (MON 17:44) - 80,200
3. PEPPA PIG (MON 17:54) - 80,200
4. PEPPA PIG (WED 14:00) - 78,100
5. PEPPA PIG (MON 16:59) - 74,200
6. PEPPA PIG (WED 14:09) - 73,600
7. PEPPA PIG (THU 13:39) - 72,500
8. PEPPA PIG (MON 17:39) - 72,500
9. PEPPA PIG (TUE 29:54) - 72,300
10. PEPPA PIG (WED 21:54) - 71,400
11. PEPPA PIG (FRI 19:44) - 69,000
12. PEPPA PIG (SUN 10:54) - 68,900
13. PEPPA PIG (TUE 19:29) - 68,500
14. PEPPA PIG (THU 13:09) - 67,300
15. PAW PATROL (MON 18:29) - 65,300

Note: Nick Jr. Too is listed as Nick Jr 2 on BARB.

Nickelodeon Network:

1. PEPPA PIG (SUN 13:49) - Nick Jr Total - 95,900
2. PEPPA PIG (SUN 13:44 - Nick Jr Total - 91,200
3. PEPPA PIG (WED 13:00) - Nick Jr 2 - 91,100
4. PEPPA PIG (THU 10:29) - Nick Jr Total - 87,800
5. PEPPA PIG (SUN 12:59) - Nick Jr Total - 86,100
6. PEPPA PIG (WED 10:50) - Nick Jr Total - 85,900
7. PEPPA PIG (FRI 14:30) - Nick Jr Total - 81,100
8. PEPPA PIG (THU 10:34) - Nick Jr Total - 80,500
9. PEPPA PIG (MON 17:44) - Nick Jr 2 - 80,200
10. PEPPA PIG (MON 17:54) - Nick Jr 2 - 80,200
11. PEPPA PIG (WED 14:00) - Nick Jr 2 - 78,100
12. PEPPA PIG (WED 15:20) - Nick Jr Total - 78,000
13. PEPPA PIG (THU 09:59) - Nick Jr Total - 77,700
14. PEPPA PIG (THU 10:14) - Nick Jr Total - 76,200
15. PEPPA PIG (MON 16:59) - Nick Jr 2 - 74,200

Ratings data provided by BARB.

Programmes of less than 5 minutes duration are excluded from these reports.

Linear TV viewing only; Data for viewing programming on PC/laptops, Tablets and Smartphones is currently unavailable.

Originally published: February 01, 2022.

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