Monday, April 26, 2021

April 2021 on Nickelodeon Russia: Side Hustle | Spyders | The Casagrandes | Ollie's Pack + More

--- This April (апреле), Nickelodeon Russia (Россия) will be airing:

-- Brand new episodes of Side Hustle (Nickelodeon Подработка), Saturdays and Sundays at 16:05 MCK all month long!

-- Brand new episodes of Герой дома weekends at 17:00 MCK, leading up to the final battle on Saturday 17th April 2021 at 17:00 MCK!

-- Spyders (Nickelodeon Шпионаж) season two, with new episodes premiering weekdays at 16:30 MCK starting Monday 12th April 2021!

-- The Casagrandes (Касагранде) season two, Fridays at 17:45 MCK from Friday 16th April 2021!

Meanwhile, on Nickelodeon HD:

-- Brand new episodes of Danger Force (Опасный отряд) Sundays at 19:00 MCK from April 11!

-- The brand new show Side Hustle, Sundays at 19:25 MCK from April 25!

-- Brand new episodes of Ollie's Pack (Рюкзак Олли) weekdays at 4:40 MCK from April 26!

-- Spyders season two weekdays at 19:00 MCK from April 26!

From Nickelodeon Россия's VKontakte page:

Новости апреля

Привет! Давно не виделись :) У нас накопилось немного классных новостей, но предупредим сразу, что новых серий «Губки Боба» пока что нет (нам тоже без него грустно). Зато есть много других!


Премьера — Nickelodeon Подработка

Об этом шоу ты уже слышал, ведь мы показали первую серию сразу после #KCA. Но новость от этого не стала менее волнительной! «Nickelodeon Подработка» — суперский сериал о настоящих друзьях, которые вместе могут справиться с любыми задачами, даже с самыми нелепыми (как один день в роли манекена).

Крутость ещё в том, что главные роли исполняют очень крутые девчонки — Джейден Бартелс и Энни Леблан. А в дубляже их персонажи звучат голосами Юли Гаврилиной и Евы Миллер <3 Смотрим шоу по выходным в 16:05 МСК весь месяц!

Новые серии — Герой дома

На самом деле, нас ждёт ещё 5 эпизодов, ведь мы постепенно приближаемся к финалу. Расставаться с участниками шоу совсем не хочется, но ОЧЕНЬ хочется узнать, кто же всё-таки станет Героем дома!

Новые эпизоды смотрим по выходным в 17:00 МСК. А финальную битву увидим 17 апреля в то же время!

Новый сезон — Nickelodeon Шпионаж

История секретного шпионского отряда продолжается! У ребят появляются новые союзники и новые противники, так что с каждой серией становится всё интереснее! Смотрим новый сезон с 12 апреля по будням, время осталось тем же — 16:30 МСК.

Новые серии — Касагранде

А по пятницам будем тусить с семьёй «Касагранде»! Отправимся в путешествия и на поиски сокровищ, побываем в парке развлечений и станем свидетелями зарождения новой любовной линии :)

Надеемся, тебя это заинтриговало и ждём у экранов с 16 апреля по пятницам в 17:45 МСК.

Nick HD

Быстренько пробежимся по главным событиям :)

В эфире HD версии с 11 апреля начнём показывать новые серии «Опасного отряда» — по воскресеньям в 19:00 МСК.

Ближе к концу месяца здесь тоже состоится премьера нового шоу «Nickelodeon Подработка» — с 25 апреля по воскресеньям в 19:25 МСК.

А с 26 апреля сразу две премьеры! Зрители HD только начнут смотреь «Рюкзак Олли» — по будням в 16:40 МСК, а вместе с ним и новый сезон «Nickelodeon Шпионаж» — по будням в 19:00 МСК.

Ждём добрых и радостных комментов! До встречи в эфире :)


Продюсеры Deer Squad — первого китайского мультсериала, который показали в США на Nickelodeon — постарались построить сюжет так, чтобы уважать культурные особенности и китайских, и зарубежных зрителей. Герои Deer Squad — четыре олененка, которые спасают животных и людей в лесу. Глава отдела оригинальной анимации и инвестиций iQiyi Ян Сяосюань подтверждает: сериал действительно создавали с учетом привычек и желаний глобальной аудитории.

«В Китае олени считаются счастливыми животными, а на Западе они ассоциируются с Рождеством и Санта-Клаусом. Но сюжетные линии, которые могут насторожить западных родителей, в мультфильм не добавили», — объясняет Ян.

Deer Squad понравился и китайским зрителям, и зарубежным. В Великобритании Deer Squad в отдельные дни был популярнее, чем «Свинка Пеппа». В 2022 году выйдет третий сезон мультсериала об оленях. iQiyi увеличит число эпизодов в каждом последующем сезоне с 40 до 52. А в будущем и сезоны могут сделать еще длиннее:

«Американских “Тома и Джерри” до сих пор показывают, еще и новый контент снимают, даже спустя 80 лет после выхода мультсериала. Мы постараемся, чтобы Deer Squad тоже стал глобальной франшизой», — добавляет Ян.


Песня Сантьяго | Сантьяго и его моря | Nick Jr. Россия

Смотрите новое шоу "Сантьяго и его моря" с 24 апреля в 14:40 МСК на Nick Jr.

Варвар и тролль:

Official ViacomCBS Russia press release:



В День Земли 22 апреля Nickelodeon Россия показал эпизоды мультсериала «Лесная команда», затрагивающие проблемы экологии в современном мире. А также телеканал вместе с блогерами из XO Team и BIP House расскажет об экологической ответственности.

День Земли — это особенный день, когда весь мир стремится привлечь внимание к необходимости бережно относиться к планете. Чтобы сохранить природу для будущих поколений, нужно уже сейчас учить детей ответственному и осознанному потреблению и другим правильным эко-привычкам.

Nickelodeon Россия давно поддерживает эту инициативу и рассказывает, почему так важно вести экологичный образ жизни. 22 апреля вышли специальные эпизоды «Лесной команды» про очаровательных друзей-оленяшек. По сюжету, четверо оленят оберегают природу и жителей леса от технологических экспериментов предпринимателя сэра Стила. Помимо того, что в мультсериале поднимается проблема защиты окружающей среды, он также рассказывает о важности дружбы и взаимопомощи на примере главных персонажей-оленят.

Также Nickelodeon Россия и блогеры из команды ХО Team и BIP House создали серию видеороликов для привлечения внимания к проблеме экологии. В своих видео они рассказали детям, как ежедневные действия вроде отказа от использования пластиковых пакетов, раздельный сбор мусора и привычка экономить воду и электричество могут помочь сохранить планету. Всего в Instagram-аккаунте Nickelodeon Россия выйдет пять роликов, посвященных Дню Земли.

Инициативу телеканала решил поддержать MTV Россия. Команда считает важным не только рассказывать детям про экологию, но и отвечать на их вопросы по этой теме. Именно поэтому они совместно подготовили специальный выпуск Eco-Selfie News. В нем ведущий Артем Колесников поговорит с детьми о том, как, по их мнению, нужно заботиться о природе. Запись программы можно будет посмотреть в официальных Instagram-аккаунтах в России, Nickelodeon и MTV.

Не пропустите марафон тематических серий «Лесной команды» в четверг, 22 апреля, в 8:25 по Москве на Nickelodeon Россия, а в течение всей недели в Instagram-аккаунте Nickelodeon будут появляться ролики блогеров из XO Team и BIP House.


Official ViacomCBS Russia press release:


Сегодня на телеканале Nick Jr. состоится премьера интерактивного двуязычного мультсериала «Сантьяго и его моря» для детей дошкольного возраста, который расскажет о невероятных приключениях восьмилетнего Сантьяго Монтеса и его друзей.

Отыскав магический компас Капитана Калаверы, Сантьяго и его товарищи — кузен Томас, русалка Лорелея и маленький лягушонок Кико — отправляются в самое сердце моря на величественном корабле Эль-Браво. Команда друзей исследует новые земли, но чтобы преодолеть все опасности на своем пути, герою понадобится помощь зрителей, к которым он обращается в решающий момент.

Игровой формат сериала поможет юным зрителям ненавязчиво погрузиться в новый для них язык общения. Например, уже с первой серии дети смогут выучить несколько испанских слов, повторяя их за главным персонажем. Увлекательный мир мультфильма знакомит детей с латиноамериканской культурой, вместе с героями они изучают правила поведения и осваивают другие навыки, которые пригодятся им в будущем.

Смотрите премьеру мультсериала «Сантьяго и его моря» с 26 апреля по будням в 17:40 по Москве на телеканале Nick Jr.



Originally published: Wednesday, March 31, 2021.

Additional source:

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ABRILÍSIMO 2021 Promo | Nickelodeon Latin America

ABRILÍSIMO 2021 PROMO | Nickelodeon Latinoamérica


- The brand new show Side Hustle
- Brand new episodes of Danger Force
- Spyders season 2
- And more!


Llegó abril y en Nickelodeon, como ya es costumbre todos los años, llega Abrilísimo, esto significa un mes cargado de muchos estrenos en la pantalla naranja. Se estrena Side Hustle, Una Tarea Complicada. Además, nuevos episodios de Spyders, Chateando con Jayden y Brent, Danger Force, All That, The Loud House, Los Casagrande y Bob Esponja. También, muchos especiales todos los fines de semana, algo que ya es una marca registrada de Nick. A continuación, el repaso con todos los detalles de lo más destacado de abril. 

Side Hustle, Una Tarea Complicada
Lunes 5 de abril 17:30 hs. (Uru/Arg), 18:30 hs. (Méx/Col), 19:30 hs. (Ven/Chi)

Nuevos Episodios
Chateando Con Jayden y Brent
Sábados 18:30 hs. (Uru/Arg)
Lunes 18:00 hs. (Méx/Col), 19:00 hs. (Ven/Chi)

The Loud House
Del lunes 5 al viernes 10 de abril 19:00 hs. (Uru/Arg) (repetición sábado 11 de abril 10:00 hs.), 17:00 hs. (Col), 18:00 hs. (Ven/Chi), 20:00 hs. (Méx) (repetición sábado 11 de abril 20:00 hs.) 

Los Casagrande
Del lunes 12 al viernes 16 de abril 19:00 hs. (Uru/Arg) (repetición sábado 17 de abril 10:00 hs.), 17:00 hs. (Col), 18:00 hs. (Ven/Chi), 20:00 hs. (Méx) (repetición sábado 17 de abril 20:00 hs.)

Bob Esponja
Del lunes 19 al viernes 23 de abril 19:00 hs. (Uru/Arg) (repetición sábado 24 de abril 10:00 hs.), 17:00 hs. (Col), 18:00 hs. (Ven/Chi), 20:00 hs. (Méx) (repetición sábado 24 de abril 20:00 hs.) 

Segunda Temporada 
Lunes a viernes 17:00 hs. (Uru/Arg), 19:00 hs. (Méx), 19:30 hs. (Col), 20:30 hs. (Ven/Chi). 

All That 
(A partir del sábado 3)
Sábados y domingos 19:00 hs. (Uru/Arg), 19:30 hs. (Méx)
Lunes a viernes 21:30 hs. (Col), 22:30 hs. (Ven/Chi). 

Danger Force
(A partir del domingo 11 solo en la zona sur)
Domingos 16:00 hs. (Uru/Arg).

Sábados de Chef con Lorena García 
A partir del sábado 3 de abril, todos los sábados 10:00 y 21:00 hs. (Méx), 12:00 hs. (Col), 13:00 hs. (Ven), 14:00 hs. (Chi).

A partir del sábado 10 y domingo 11, todos los sábados y domingos 20:00 hs. (Uru/Arg). 

Día de Pascua
Domingo 4 de Abril 10:00 hs. (Uru/Arg), 07:00 hs. (Méx), 07:30 hs. (Col), 08:30 hs. (Ven/Chi).



Nickelodeon revela auspiciantes para Abrilísimo

Nickelodeon Latinoamérica anunció que las marcas LEGO City, Jumex y Krispy Kreme se han sumado como patrocinadores de los episodios favoritos de los niños durante Abrilísimo, que incluye programación con nuevas series, episodios estreno, adelantos, maratones y especiales para toda la familia.

Además, a partir hoy y hasta el 28 de mayo de 2021 LEGO City será también el patrocinador de Nickelodeon Master, un juego interactivo presentado por Bob Esponja, quien invita a los niños en casa a jugar respondiendo preguntas sobre sus personajes favoritos de Nick lo más rápido posible mientras miran episodios de sus series animadas preferidas.

Al responder las preguntas correctamente, los niños pueden ganar y acumular puntos, y el fanático con más puntos será coronado como el ganador del juego.

Entre los destacados de Abrilísimose encuentran Side Hustle, además de nuevos capítulos de The Loud House, Los Casagrande, Es pony, Danger Forcey All That, así como un adelanto de Kamp Koral, entre otros.



Lego City, Jumex y Krispy Kreme se convierten en patrocinadores del contenido que la señal transmite durante este mes.

Nickelodeon Latinoamérica dio a conocer que las marcas Lego City , Jumex y Krispy Kreme se suman como patrocinadores de los direferentes congtenidos que forman parte de “Abrilísimo”, un mes lleno de diversión con nuevas series, de nuevos episodios, adelantos, maratones y especiales para toda la familia.
Además, a partir del lunes, 26 de abril hasta el 28 de mayo 2021 Lego City será también el patrocinador de “Nickelodeon Master”, un juego interactivo presentado por Bob Esponja, quien invita a los niños en casa a jugar respondiendo preguntas sobre sus personajes favoritos de Nick lo más rápido posible mientras miran episodios de sus series animadas. Al responder las preguntas correctamente, los niños pueden ganar y acumular puntos, y el fan con más puntos será coronado como el ganador del juego. ¡Los jugadores con la mayor cantidad de puntos también tendrán su nombre en la pantalla y las preguntas que patrocina Lego City tendrán doble puntaje, dándole a los chicos la oportunidad de ganar un kit de Nick y Lego. 
Los nuevos estrenos de Nickelodeon durante “Abrilísmo” incluyen “Side Hustle”, la historia que sigue a dos mejores amigas que crean una app llamada “Kid-DING" para ganar dinero. También llega “Group Chat”, el programa de entrevistas de Nickelodeon que ahora cuenta con las estrellas de las redes sociales Jayden Bartels y Brent Rivera mientras conversan, juegan y hacen desafíos locos.
Para los más pequeños de la casa llega uno de los estrenos más esperados de este mes a Nick Jr., “Santiago de los Mares”, la nueva serie animada interactiva de acción y aventuras para niños en edad preescolar que sigue a Santi Montes y a sus amigos en un mundo latino-caribeño.
Por si no fuera poco, nuevos episodios de “The Loud House”, “Los Casagrande”, “Bob Esponja”, “Es Pony”, “Ollie's Pack”, “Paw Patrol”, “Las Pistas de Blue y Tú”, “Danger Force”, “All That”, “Spyders 2” y el adelanto de “Kamp Koral” llegan con grandes historias para toda la familia; además de maratones y especiales de “Abrilísimo”.


Nickelodeon - Programação Semanal de 26 de abril a 02 de maio


Conheça os destaques da programação do Nickelodeon de 26 de abril a 02 de maio.


O mês de abril conta com estreias incríveis e uma programação especial para curtir com toda a família. É o Abrilíssimo da Nickelodeon!


A Nickelodeon reconhece o valor e a importância dos deliveries que se tornaram tão necessários e acabam sendo o contato com o mundo lá fora para quem pode ficar em casa. Por isso, para este mês de abril, tradicional por trazer novidades para a programação, o canal preparou o especial Diversão em Casa que promete entregar muita diversão nas casas das crianças.

No Diversão em Casa, a audiência vai poder escolher seu combo de desenhos favoritos toda semana através de votação nas redes sociais da Nick ( Twitter e Instagram ), de segunda a sexta. O combo vencedor vai ao ar no domingo, a partir das 15h. E como que é combo tem brinde, a Nick exibe dois episódios inéditos surpresa depois do especial.

Além dos combos, a Nick exibe, de segunda a sexta, episódios das séries que estão participando dessa ação. Cada semana, uma série: The Loud House, Os Casagrandes e Bob Esponja.

O especial Diversão em Casa começou dia 12 de abril, segunda-feira, com a abertura das votações do primeiro combo. E termina dia 16 de maio, domingo, com a exibição do último combo vencedor.

Prontos para encher o carrinho?

Confira abaixo a programação dessa semana:

Votação entre 26 e 30 de abril

Exibição do Combo vencedor no domingo, dia 02 de maio


The Loud House ou Bob Esponja

Os Casagrandes ou Bob Esponja

Bob Esponja ou Bob Esponja

Mais dois episódios inéditos surpresa

De segunda a sexta assista episódios de Bob Esponja, a partir das 14h

Exibição: de segunda-feira, 26 de abril, até sexta, dia 30, das 15h às 16h.

De segunda a sexta-feira, das 14h às 15h, Bob Esponja e sua turma irão invadir a programação da Nick! Na sexta, a partir das 14h30, a Nick exibe dois episódios inéditos da série.


Os Coroas da Goldie
Exibição: sábado, dia 1º de maio, às 18h.

O novo live action da Nickelodeon, Os Coroas da Goldie, conta a história de Goldie, uma adolescente de 14 anos que tem sua vida virada de cabeça para baixo. Isso acontece quando sua família vai morar com o vovô Maury e seus colegas de quarto de 70 e poucos anos.

No primeiro episódio, os coroas e os jovens fazem uma aposta para descobrir quem consegue ficar mais tempo longe de dispositivos. Os dois grupos se enfrentam em uma verdadeira batalha para se tornarem os campeões de rejeição à tecnologia.


Spyders - 2ª temporada
Exibição: de segunda-feira, 26 de abril, até sexta, dia 30, às 19h.

Os Spyders estão de volta, com a maior missão de todas: salvar seus pais, rastrear novos suspeitos e, principalmente, manter a calma!

Conversando com Jayden e Annie
Exibição: segunda-feira, 26 de abril, às 19h30.

Neste talk show, Annie LeBlanc e Jayden Bartels, conversam sobre os jogos populares e tendências da vida moderna. A atração também acompanha os anfitriões que jogam, competem em desafios e se comunicam com seus convidados via chat.

Santiago dos Mares
Estreia: sábado, 1º de maio, e domingo, dia 02, às 7h.

A série de ação acompanha Santiago "Santi" Montes, um pirata corajoso e atencioso, enquanto ele embarca em resgates ousados ​​e caças ao tesouro, além de mantém o alto mar seguro em um fantástico mundo caribenho.

Exibição: sábado, 1º de maio, a partir das 12h30.

Heitor foi expulso de sua banda por não ser legal o bastante. Magoado e distraído, na volta do estúdio para casa ele cai em um bueiro, indo parar em uma cidade subterrânea muito diferente do mundo em que vive. Nesse lugar, habitado por criaturas muito esquisitas, ele encontra o que buscava: amigos leais e, mais do que isso, uma banda. Heitor torna-se o novo guitarrista dos Under-Undergrounds, uma bandinha de garagem que não liga para estereótipos devido ao amor que compartilha pela música.

Danger Force
Exibição: sábado, 1º de maio, a partir das 20h30.

Danger Force é a nova série estrelada pelo Capitão Man, de Henry Danger. Na nova atração, Chapa, Miles, Mika e Bose foram recrutados pela Academia Swellview (SW.A.G.), uma escola concebida pelo Capitão Man, que foi trazido à vida por Schwoz, depois de ter sofrido uma mutação acidental na luta para salvar Swellview. Enquanto estiverem lá, devem aprender a controlar seus superpoderes - frequentemente problemáticos - à medida que começam a combater o crime.

É o Pônei
Exibição: domingo, 02 de maio, a partir das 16h30.

É o Pônei acompanha as divertidas aventuras de Annie e seu melhor amigo entusiasmado, imprevisível e despreocupado, Pônei. Com muito otimismo e segurança, essa dupla torna qualquer situação comum em uma história extraordinária.

Portal do Ollie
Exibição: domingo, 02 de maio, a partir das 17h30.

O Portal do Ollie é uma animação sobre um menino de 13 anos que, com a ajuda de seus melhores amigos, Cleo e Bernie, e do treinador de monstros, o Capitão Wowski, protege e controla um portal da sua mochila para o mundo dos monstros.


Originally published: Wednesday, March 31, 2021.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Latin America News and Highlights!

Jakks Pacific and Disguise Announce U.S. Rights to 'PAW Patrol: The Movie'

Jakks Pacific and Disguise Announce U.S. Rights to PAW Patrol: The Movie

Paw Patrol Movie Fly Wheel

SANTA MONICA, Calif.--April 26, 2021--JAKKS Pacific, Inc. (NASDAQ: JAKK), the leading toy and consumer products manufacturer, and Disguise, Inc., the Halloween costume division of JAKKS, today announced new rights in the U.S. for the upcoming theatrical release, PAW Patrol: The Movie, commencing in 2021. The major motion picture animated feature film, is a Spin Master Entertainment production in association with Nickelodeon Movies, and will be distributed by Paramount Pictures. PAW Patrol: The Movie, based on the award-winning preschool series produced by Spin Master Entertainment and broadcast by Nickelodeon, is scheduled to be released into theatres on August 20.

JAKKS will design, manufacture, market, and sell PAW Patrol: The Movie branded toy product lines including Foot to Floor Ride Ons, Ball Pits, Tents, Activity Tables, Music Activity Mats and Kids Furniture. For the first time ever, Disguise will design, market, manufacture and distribute costumes, costume accessories, adaptive costumes and trunk-or-treat kits for this iconic brand.

Source: Jakks Pacific/The Toy Book

“Disguise is proud to be working with ViacomCBS Consumer Products for the very first time on costumes to support the massively popular PAW Patrol brand as it takes to the big screen for the first time. We have received tremendous support from all retailers on the robust line of costumes and accessories that the Disguise team has created in anticipation of the new film, including our new adaptive PAW Patrol costumes. I expect to see many kids dressed up as Chase, Marshall, Skye and the rest of the pups this Halloween!” said Tara Hefter, EVP and GM of Disguise, Inc.

Owned by JAKKS Pacific, Inc, Disguise is a world leader in design and development of inventive and cutting edge Halloween costumes and accessories with distribution across the world. PAW Patrol: The Movie brings a fun and adventurous group of characters into the fold and expands Disguise’s strong line of licensed preschool costumes.

Source: Jakks Pacific/The Toy Book

JAKKS products will hit shelves and online stores in time for the movie. Disguise’s Halloween costumes and accessories for PAW Patrol: The Movie will be available online, at major retailers and Halloween specialty stores Fall 2021.

About Spin Master
Spin Master Corp. (TSX:TOY; is a leading global children's entertainment company that creates, designs, manufactures, licenses and markets a diversified portfolio of innovative toys, games, products and entertainment properties. Spin Master is best known for award-winning brands including Zoomer®, Bakugan®, Erector® by Meccano®, Hatchimals®, Air Hogs® and PAW Patrol®. Since 2000, Spin Master has received 110 TIA Toy of The Year (TOTY) nominations with 30 wins across a variety of product categories, including 13 TOTY nominations for Innovative Toy of the Year. To date, Spin Master Entertainment has produced nine television series, including the relaunched Bakugan: Battle Planet and current hit PAW Patrol, which is broadcast in over 160 countries and territories globally. Spin Master employs over 1,600 people in countries around the world including Canada, United States, Mexico, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Russia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Vietnam and Australia.

About ViacomCBS Consumer Products
ViacomCBS Consumer Products (VCP) oversees all licensing and merchandising for ViacomCBS Inc. (Nasdaq: VIACA, VIAC), a leading global media and entertainment company that creates premium content and experiences for audiences worldwide. Driven by iconic consumer brands, VCP’s portfolio includes a diverse slate of brands and content from BET, CBS (including CBS Television Studios and CBS Television Distribution), Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, Paramount Pictures and Showtime. With properties spanning animation, live-action, preschool, youth and adult, VCP is committed to creating the highest quality product for some of the world’s most beloved, iconic franchises. Additionally, VCP oversees the online direct-to-consumer business for CBS and Showtime programming merchandise, as well as standalone branded ecommerce websites for Star Trek, SpongeBob, South Park, and MTV.

About JAKKS Pacific, Inc.:
JAKKS Pacific, Inc. is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of toys and consumer products sold throughout the world, with its headquarters in Santa Monica, California. JAKKS Pacific’s popular proprietary brands include; Fly Wheels™, Kitten Catfe™, Perfectly Cute™, ReDo™ Skateboard Co, X-Power™, Disguise®, Moose Mountain®, Maui®, Kids Only!®; a wide range of entertainment-inspired products featuring premier licensed properties; and C’est Moi™, a new generation of clean beauty. Through JAKKS Cares, the company’s commitment to philanthropy, JAKKS is helping to make a positive impact on the lives of children. Visit us at and follow us on Instagram (@jakkstoys), Twitter (@jakkstoys) and Facebook (JAKKS Pacific).

©2021 JAKKS Pacific, Inc. All rights reserved.

About Disguise, Inc.:
Since 1987, Disguise has been a leader in the Halloween industry creating innovative and trend setting costumes and accessories. Based in San Diego, Disguise produces costumes and accessories under many of the world’s leading licensed brands, as well as its own proprietary brands for the nation’s largest retailers including specialty, party and pop up stores. Disguise designs and manufactures millions of costumes for U.S. and other international markets each year bringing smiles and creating memories for kids and adults alike. To see Disguise’s extensive Halloween collection, please visit and follow us on Instagram (@disguise.costumes), Twitter (@DisguiseInc) and Facebook (Disguise Costumes).

Disguise is a trademark of Disguise, Inc.


More Nick: Spin Master Announces Star-Studded Voice Talent for 'Paw Patrol' Movie!

Additional images via The Toy Book.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr., Nickelodeon Preschool and PAW Patrol News and Highlights!

Cab Casting Now Casting Extras for 'Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan' Season 2

Cab Castings has issued a casting call for child extras to appear in the second season of Nickelodeon's hit live-action comedy series Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan, which is currently being filmed at Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, Georgia! Below is the Cab Casting's casting call:



The breakdown for the MINOR FEATURED EXTRAS is:

- AGES 9 AND UP (For legal reasons this age is a must)
- MUST BE IN HEIGHT RANGE OF (4'5 to 5'2 tall)


- WEDNESDAY 4/28/2021
- FRIDAY 4/30/2021

There will be more availability in the month of May 2020 as we will still be filming. 

Covid Testing:

Covid testing will begin as early as TODAY. AT TPS, YOU MUST MAKE EVERY TEST IN ORDER TO STAY BOOKED.

****This is not a live-in bubble situation so there is frequent testing.

To work on Wednesday, 4/28
1st Test: 4/24/2021 @ 4PM ($25)
2nd Test: 4/27/2021 ($25)
3rd Test: 4/28/2021 (on set)
To work on Friday, 4/30
1st Test: 4/26/2021 ($25)
2nd Test: 4/29/2021 ($25)
3rd Test: 4/30/2021 (on set)

The rate for extras on this production is $100 for 10hrs of work which you will receive in the form of a check in the mail 2 to 3 weeks after filming. 

Payment will be by check through the mail. All information for the check will be filled out on a voucher the parent submits upon the minor's arrival to set. Minors will be on set for 10 hours or less and will receive meals and have a craft services for snacks though out the day.


Recently, Tyler Perry Studio lifted its mandatory production bubble, and hundreds of employees received vaccination for COVID-19.

Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan follows a family whose world is turned upside down when their nephew, Young Dylan (Dylan Gilmer), an aspiring hip-hop star, moves in unannounced.

In Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan, Dylan’s grandmother Viola (Aloma Wright) realizes that raising her grandson is too much to take on, so she decides to send him to live indefinitely with her affluent son Myles Wilson (Carl Anthony Payne II), his wife Yasmine (Mieko Hillman) and their two kids Rebecca (Celina Smith) and Charlie (Hero Hunter). Suddenly, the Wilson family household needs to adapt as lifestyles clash between rising hip-hop star Young Dylan and his straight-laced cousins. From Dylan giving Charlie, Rebecca, and her best friend Bethany (Jet Miller), lessons in “swag” and street smarts, to learning that even rappers have rules in the Wilson house, the series follows the hilarious hijinks this family faces as they try to get on the same beat.

Announced during Nickelodeon Upfront 2021, the second season of Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan (20 episodes) will see the Wilson family household getting into even more hilarious hijinks. Hip-hop mogul-in-training Dylan (Dylan Gilmer) continues his pursuit of stardom, while acclimating to suburban life with uncle Myles, aunt Yasmine, grandmother Viola, cousins Rebecca and Charlie and Rebecca’s best friend Bethany.

Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan season two is executive produced and created by Tyler Perry with Michelle Sneed as executive producer, and Will Areu and Mark E. Swinton serving as producers.

Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan made its world debut on Nickelodeon in the U.S. on Saturday, February 29, 2020, and has since rolled out onto Nickelodeon channels globally. The series premiere episode reached more than 2.6 million total viewers in six airings over its premiere weekend, making it he biggest Live +3 lifts for a series premiere in three years for the network at the time.

Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan is Perry's first kid-scripted series for Nickelodeon.

Days prior to the grand opening of Tyler Perry Studios in October 2019, the mogul made the announce during an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show that he handpicked Gilmer to star in the series.

Gilmer came on the show to talk about his guest-starring role on the revival of Nickelodeon’s hit series All That, which Ellen helped him secure. Ellen shared her excitement for the young star with Perry, who was blown away by Gilmer’s audition tape. Ellen kept the surprises coming by giving the young star some gifts to help set up his new dressing room.

Original source: 11Alive.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon UK Ratings for Week of Monday 12th - Sunday 18th April 2021

Nickelodeon UK Network Ratings for week of Monday 12th - Sunday 18th April 2021.

Ratings across the Nickelodeon UK Network were a bit of a mixed bag again this week compared to the previous week (April 5-11), according to BARB data, with Nicktoons and Nick Jr. reporting increased viewership.

Nickelodeon Total:

1. THE THUNDERMANS (THU 18:31) - 37,800
2. HORRID HENRY (SAT 06:15) - 34,000
3. DANGER FORCE (FRI 09:07) - 29,000
4. THE THUNDERMANS (MON 14:31) - 27,600
5. THE THUNDERMANS (SAT 24:00) - 25,900
6. DANGER FORCE (THU 09:07) - 24,100
7. HUNTER STREET (WED 20:00) - 23,700
8. HORRID HENRY (SAT 06:44) - 23,000
9. THE THUNDERMANS (WED 14:31) - 22,200
10. THE THUNDERMANS (FRI 14:00) - 20,300
11. THE THUNDERMANS (SUN 12:59) - 20,200
12. HORRID HENRY (WED 06:59) - 20,200
13. THE THUNDERMANS (SAT 14:00) - 19,800
14. THE THUNDERMANS (THU 16:28) - 19,600
15. HORRID HENRY (THU 28:14) - 19,300

NickToons Total:

1. HORRID HENRY (FRI 16:45) - 72,500
2. HORRID HENRY (WED 10:30) - 52,900
3. HORRID HENRY (WED 10:15) - 52,600
4. OLLIE'S PACK (FRI 17:30) - 46,300
5. HORRID HENRY (SAT 10:15) - 46,000
6. HORRID HENRY (FRI 16:00) - 45,500
7. HORRID HENRY (FRI 15:30) - 45,100
8. HORRID HENRY (FRI 15:15) - 44,200
9. HORRID HENRY (SAT 16:44) - 43,800
10. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS (SAT 16:59) - 43,800
11. HORRID HENRY (SAT 08:14) - 43,400
12. HORRID HENRY (FRI 15:45) - 42,800
13. HORRID HENRY (WED 11:15) - 41,800
14. HORRID HENRY (WED 11:30) - 41,800
15. HORRID HENRY (FRI 22:00) - 41,700

Nick Jr. Total:

1. PEPPA PIG (THU 09:04) - 227,900
2. PEPPA PIG (SUN 16:15) - 191,600
3. PEPPA PIG (SUN 16:04) - 172,100
4. PEPPA PIG (SUN 16:20) - 170,100
5. PEPPA PIG (FRI 09:45) - 154,300
6. PEPPA PIG (FRI 09:50) - 152,800
7. PEPPA PIG (THU 09:34) - 151,600
8. PEPPA PIG (THU 09:44) - 148,100
9. PEPPA PIG (THU 09:59) - 147,700
10. PEPPA PIG (MON 15:49) - 134,200
11. PEPPA PIG (THU 09:14) - 126,300
12. PEPPA PIG (FRI 09:14) - 123,100
13. PEPPA PIG (THU 08:59) - 123,100
14. PEPPA PIG (FRI 10:20) - 122,600
15. PEPPA PIG (FRI 10:00) - 119,000

Nick Jr. Too:

1. PAW PATROL (MON 16:15) - 157,200
2. PAW PATROL (MON 16:00) - 156,100
3. PAW PATROL (TUE 10:45) - 153,100
4. PAW PATROL (TUE 10:30) - 153,100
5. PAW PATROL (TUE 10:15) - 145,900
6. PAW PATROL (TUE 10:00) - 139,900
7. PAW PATROL (MON 19:00) - 123,700
8. PAW PATROL (TUE 09:45) - 121,000
9. PAW PATROL (TUE 11:00) - 118,000
10. PAW PATROL (MON 15:45) - 115,800
11. PAW PATROL (MON 18:45) - 113,700
12. PAW PATROL (THU 10:45) - 107,300
13. PAW PATROL (THU 11:15) - 104,200
14. PAW PATROL (THU 11:00) - 100,900
15. PAW PATROL (THU 14:00) - 99,400

Notes: Nick Jr. Too is listed as Nick Jr 2 on BARB; Nick Jr. Too is Nick Jr. PAW Patrol during April 2021.

Nickelodeon Network:

1. PEPPA PIG (THU 09:04) - Nick Jr Total - 227,900
2. PEPPA PIG (SUN 16:15) - Nick Jr Total - 191,600
3. PEPPA PIG (SUN 16:04) - Nick Jr Total - 172,100
4. PEPPA PIG (SUN 16:20) - Nick Jr Total - 170,100
5. PAW PATROL (MON 16:15) - Nick Jr 2 - 157,200
6. PAW PATROL (MON 16:00) - Nick Jr 2 - 156,100
7. PEPPA PIG (FRI 09:45) - Nick Jr Total - 154,300
8. PAW PATROL (TUE 10:30) - Nick Jr 2 - 153,100
9. PAW PATROL (TUE 10:45) - Nick Jr 2 - 153,100
10. PEPPA PIG (FRI 09:50) - Nick Jr Total - 152,800
11. PEPPA PIG (THU 09:34) - Nick Jr Total - 151,600
12. PEPPA PIG (THU 09:44) - Nick Jr Total - 148,100
13. PEPPA PIG (THU 09:59) - Nick Jr Total - 147,700
14. PAW PATROL (TUE 10:15) - Nick Jr 2 - 145,900
15. PAW PATROL (TUE 10:00) - Nick Jr 2 - 139,900

Ratings data provided by BARB.

Programmes of less than 5 minutes duration are excluded from these reports.

Linear TV viewing only; Data for viewing programming on PC/laptops, Tablets and Smartphones is currently unavailable.

Originally published: Monday, April 26, 2021
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Twin My Heart Season 3 Official Music Video w/ the Cast! (Dua Lipa - Blow Your Mind (Mwah)) | AwesomenessTV

Twin My Heart Season 3 Official Music Video w/ the Cast! (Dua Lipa - Blow Your Mind (Mwah)) | AwesomenessTV

We're officially 1 week away from the Twin My Heart Season 3 finale!!!! And to kickoff the countdown, we're dancing along to this re-created music video with the cast! THOSE DANCE MOVES THO. You guys ready for the finale this Sunday?!?! I'm not ready!!! 😵😖😱 

Dua Lipa - Blow Your Mind (MWAH) 

🚨Twin My Heart Merch Alert!!!🚨:

→ WATCH the NEW Twin My Heart Season 3 Podcast! ←

Twin My Heart Season 3 PODCAST: How Well Do We Know TikTok?! *TRIVIA CHALLENGE w/ Merrell Twins:

→ WATCH more Twin My Heart!←

Twin My Heart Season 3 w/ The Merrell Twins

→ About Twin My Heart! ← 
Veronica and Vanessa Merrell are setting up Hype House’s Nate Wyatt, who is on the search for love. Through a series of challenges and one-on-one dates, Nate will find his perfect match among 10 contestants, deciding who will stay and who will go.

→ Cast Credits ← 

Merrell Twins - @merrelltwins
Nate Wyatt - @itsnatewyatt

Erin - @erinnjohnson_
Brianna - @heartbriee
Monica - @monicacoop
Gabbie - @gabbieadner
Daniella - @daniellaalunaa
Olivia - @oliviaanelson
Rebecca - @duchessbecca
Blanca - @blancittaaa
Sofia - @sofia_masson_ 

The entire Twin My Heart series was filmed adhering to then-current Local, State, and/or Country mandated COVID-19 safety guidelines and restrictions.

→ Crew Credits ←
Director & Supervising Producer: Katherine Lauren @KatherineLauren
Executive Producer: Vanessa Merrell @VanessaMerrell 
Executive Producer: Veronica Merrell @VeronicaMerrell 
Executive Producer: Paul Merrell @ThePaulMerrell 
Producers: Taylor Henriquez and Tara Cole 
Post-Production Supervisor: Dima Kovalchuk
Director of Photography: Trevor Roach 
1st AD: Aaron Ellis
Camera Operators: Connor Vickers and Charlie Reetz
Sound Mixers: Rommel Sungia and Will Mill 
1st AC and DIT: Robert P. Chuck
Line Producer: Lauren C Brooks 
Production Coordinator: Tina Poston 
COVID Safety Officer: Paul Rivet 
Set Medic: Barry Murrey

→ about AwesomenessTV! ←

Welcome to AwesomenessTV, the destination for Gen Z reality TV shows with your favorite TikTok and digital influencers. Featuring Brent and Lexi Rivera, Nate Wyatt, The Merrell Twins, Noah Beck, Larray, Alex Warren and more, see them in ways you’ve never seen them before! Like in Twin My Heart, a dating show where the Merrell Twins help their closest friends find love. And AwesomenessTV’s Next Influencer, a reality competition show where up-and-coming TikTokers compete at the chance of becoming the next big ATV star. Also, our My Dream Quinceañera channel gives you a real look at planning the Quince of your dreams with rising LatinX influencers! Here you can feel free to express yourself, have fun and get real with us. And we’ll gossip with you daily on The Daily Report 😉. New shows everyday to have an awesome day!


→ follow AwesomenessTV! ←

#NateWyatt​ #DuaLipa​ #TwinMyHeart​ #MerrellTwins

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Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for April 25, 2021 | Nickelodeon

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for April 25, 2021 | Nickelodeon

Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.

Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.

Read more Rugrats comic strips!:

More Nick: First Look: Nickelodeon's All-New Animated 'Rugrats' Reunites Members of the Original Voice Cast to Reprise Roles!

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon, NickRewind and Rugrats News and Highlights!

Steven Spielberg Gets Slimed at Nickelodeon Studios

Remember when Steven Spielberg got epically slimed by Marc Summers at Nickelodeon Studios on May 25, 1990? Nickellennium Farms remembers!

More Nick: First Look: Nickelodeon's All-New Animated 'Rugrats' Reunites Members of the Original Voice Cast to Reprise Roles!

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon Studios and NickRewind News and Highlights!

What Is Ramadan? | Culture Club | Nickelodeon Germany

What is Ramadan? Nickelodeon Germany's (Deutschland) Culture Club takes a look!

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'Little Questions' Garner Big Answers in Nickelodeon Germany and Mit Vergnügen's New Podcast Season

Sometimes unabashedly honest, sometimes deeply amusing - some children's questions leave grown-ups speechless from time to time. This is also the case for the prominent guests in the podcast series Little Questions (Kleine Fragen), in which they attempt to answer a catalogue of questions from young interviewers. The new season of the podcast has a few new features and is being produced for the first time in cooperation between the children's and youth channel Nickelodeon Germany (Deutschland) and the podcast experts from Mit Vergnügen. New episodes of Kleine Fragen will be released on all major podcast services every week starting Friday 19th March 2021. Initially, nine episodes are planned.

In the 10- to 15-minute interviews, two to three of the little hosts will get to know a "big" person and ask them about life. With questions ranging from "Have you ever been in love?" to "Are you a smart-ass?", the kids tease out many a secret and funny story from the celebrities. Of course, Nickelodeon-typical questions such as "Who would you like to give a slime shower?" are not to be missed. Actors, musicians, athletes, social media stars and even scientists will be among the guests who will answer the funny, creative and sometimes cheeky questions. Among others, sports star Kristina Vogel and the musician Wincent Weiss, the musician LEA, the rapper Jan Delay and the musician Rolf Zuckowski will be taking part.

For the start of the new season and the cooperation with Nickelodeon, the podcast will appear in a new look. Listeners can also look forward to new game elements, such as the eleven fast-paced either-or questions at the beginning of each episode.

Below is Nickelodeon Deutschland's official press release announcing the exciting news!:

“Kleine Fragen”, große Antworten: Nickelodeon und Mit Vergnügen veröffentlichen neue Podcast-Staffel


Mal ungeschönt ehrlich, mal zutiefst belustigend – bei so manchen Kinderfragen bleibt den Großen ab und zu mal die Spucke weg. So auch den prominenten Gäst*innen im Podcast “Kleine Fragen”, bei dem sie sich dem Fragenkatalog der jungen Interviewer*innen stellen. Die neue Staffel des Podcasts erhält ein paar Neuerungen und wird erstmals in Zusammenarbeit des Kinder- und Jugendsenders Nickelodeon mit den Podcast-Expert*innen von Mit Vergnügen produziert. Ab dem 19. März erscheint “Kleine Fragen” jede Woche neu überall, wo es Podcasts gibt. Geplant sind zunächst neun Episoden.

In den jeweils 10- bis 15-minütigen Interviews lernen zwei bis drei der kleinen Hosts einen “großen” Menschen kennen und fragen diesen über das Leben aus. Mit Fragen wie “Warst du schon einmal verliebt?” bis hin zu “Bist du ein Klugscheißer?” kitzeln die Kids den Prominenten so manches Geheimnis und lustige Geschichte heraus. Natürlich dürfen dabei auch Nickelodeon-typische Fragen wie “Wem würdest du gerne mal eine Slime-Dusche verpassen?” nicht fehlen. Zu den Gäst*innen, die sich den lustigen, kreativen und auch mal frechen Fragen stellen, gehören Schauspieler*innen, Musiker*innen, Sportler*innen, Social-Media-Stars, aber auch Wissenschaftler*innen. Mit dabei sein werden unter anderem die Sportlerin Kristina Vogel und der Musiker Wincent Weiss, die Musikerin LEA, der Rapper Jan Delay und der Musiker Rolf Zuckowski. 

Zum Start der neuen Staffel und der Zusammenarbeit mit Nickelodeon erscheint der Podcast in einem neuen Look. Zudem können sich Hörer*innen über neue Spielelemente, wie etwa die elf turboschnellen Entweder-Oder-Fragen am Anfang jeder Folge, freuen.


From W&V:

In diesem Podcast befragen Kinder ihre Stars

Das Medienhaus Mit Vergnügen startet gemeinsam mit dem Kindersender Nickelodeon einen Podcast von Kindern für Kinder: Die jungen Podcaster befragen im Format "Kleine Fragen" ihre Stars.

Das Medienhaus Mit Vergnügen, das unter anderem für seine Stadtmagazine bekannt ist, längst aber auch in die Podcast-Produktion eingestiegen ist und unter anderem das erfolgreiche Format "Hotel Matze" macht, wendet sich ab sofort einer neuen Zielgruppe zu: Kinder stehen im neuen Format "Kleine Frage" nicht nur hinter den Mikrofonen und agieren als Hosts des Podcasts. Sie sind auch die Zielgruppe des Formats.

Im Mittelpunkt einer jeden Folge steht immer ein:e Prominente/r, die/der sich von den Kindern befragen lässt. In der ersten Folge steht Popstar Wincent Weiss Rede und Antwort, im Anschluss daran ist Rennradfahrerin Kristina Vogel zu Gast im Studio.

Das Format produziert Mit Vergnügen gemeinsam mit dem Kinder- und Jugendsender Nickelodeon.


Originally published: Friday, March 19, 2021.

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My Hair Is Fresh | Little Lens #2 | Nickelodeon

Black hair is beautiful 🧡 Check out Nickelodeon's new digital series, Little Lens, where black kids tell their stories! 🎥 Episode #2: My Hair Is Fresh:

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Hello My Name Is | Little Lens #1 | Nickelodeon

Where does your name come from? Check out Nickelodeon's new digital series, Little Lens, where black kids tell their stories! 🎥 Episode #1: Hello My Name Is:

Visit for more!

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Hunter Street | Kitchen | Behind-The-Scenes Tour #3 | Nickelodeon UK

Kyra Smith (Anika) and Eliyha Altena (Oliver) take us behind-the-scenes of the the famous Hunter Street kitchen 😍 Watch Hunter Street season 4, weeknights at 6:30pm, only on Nickelodeon UK & Ireland!

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon UK and Hunter Street News and Highlights!