Friday, November 20, 2020

Fans Can Meet Their Favourite Nickelodeon Characters at the Smart Outlets Shopping Centre in Brazil During the Festive Season

Brazil - Fans can meet and greet their favourite Nickelodeon characters from SpongeBob SquarePants, PAW Patrol, Sunny Day, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Nella the Princess Knight and Top Wing at the Smart Outlets shopping centre, located in Guarulhos, 25 minutes from central São Paulo between Friday 20th November 2020 - Tuesday 5th January 2021!

Em Guarulhos: Tem encontro com personagens da Nickelodeon no Natal do Smart Outlets

Tem fã da Nickelodeon aí? Então, prepare-se! O Mundo Nick  será o tema principal da decoração de Natal do complexo de compras Smart Outlets, localizado em Guarulhos, a 25 minutos da região central da capital paulista. É uma oportunidade única de ver personagens como Bob Esponja, Patrulha Canina, Sunny Day, As Tartarugas Ninjas, Top Wing e Nella e a Princesa Guerreira. O cenário reúne quatro estações temáticas com 20 personagens. E as crianças ainda participam de uma sessão de Meet & Greet com os protagonistas dos desenhos mais famosos da Nick. O Natal Nickelodeon no Smart Outlets será inaugurado hoje, sexta-feira, dia 20 de novembro e ficará aberto ao público até o dia 5 de janeiro. Todas as atrações são gratuitas. 


Na estação do Boulevard 1, tem Bob Esponja e seus amigos Gari, Patrick Estrela e Lula Molusco, que vão encantar os pequenos na famosa Fenda do Biquíni. É lá que as crianças vão tentar descobrir o ingrediente secreto da receita do hambúrguer de siri. Já a Patrulha Canina, que faz o maior sucesso entre os menorzinhos, estará no Boulevard 3 esperando as crianças para uma missão. Os filhotes da Baía da Aventura –  Rocky, Marshall, Rubble e Chase marcarão presença. 

No Boulevard 4, Nella, a princesa guerreira das telinhas convida a todos para uma aventura com Trinket, o unicórnio fashionista. As meninas do Sunny Day  – Sunny, Rox e Blair,  que fazem parte da série “Sunny and The Sun Rays”, também estarão presentes com muito glamour. Já a Praça de Alimentação recebe Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo e Michelangelo, de As Tartarugas Ninjas. Dá para comer e aproveitar ao mesmo tempo. A estação também conta com a turminha do Top Wings em volta de uma árvore de Natal com 4,5 metros de altura. 

As estações contam com os personagens dos desenhos da Nick em 3D e todos os espaços são instagramáveis para deixar a experiência ainda melhor. O horário de funcionamento é de segunda a domingo, das 9h às 21h.

Meet & Greet

Os encontros especiais com os personagens acontecem a partir do dia 20 de novembro, na data de inauguração do cenário natalino. A programação será divulgada em breve pelo site e redes sociais.

Passeio: Natal Nickelodeon
Recomendado: Todas as idades
Quando: de 20/11 a 05/01
Horários: segunda a domingo, das das 9h às 21h
Preços: Gratuito
Onde: Smart Outlets – Presidente Dutra Highway, KM 214, Cumbica - Guarulhos
[como chegar]
Informações: (11) 4788-9588


Originally published: Friday, November 20, 2020.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Christmas on Nickelodeon Brazil News and Highlights!

ViacomCBS Networks Italy Announces Nickelodeon, Nick Jr. and Super!'s Children's Day 2020 Highlights

ViacomCBS Networks Italia has announced Nickelodeon, Nick Jr. and Super!'s highlights to celebrate Children's Day 2020!:

Giornata dei diritti infanzia, ViacomCBS celebra il diritto al gioco

Roma, 18 nov. (askanews) - In Italia, grazie alla forza dei suoi brand - Super!, Nickelodeon e NickJr - ViacomCBS Networks si schiera ogni anno in prima linea per sostenere la Giornata Internazionale dei diritti dell'infanzia promossa dall'Onu del prossimo 20 novembre.

ViacomCBS non dimentica la sua primaria vocazione, creare contenuti di qualità che sappiano divertire e insegnare ai più piccoli i valori inalienabili e, anche quest'anno, non verrà a meno al suo impegno proponendo una giornata con tante attività che possono essere realizzate nelle proprie case coinvolgendo tutta la famiglia.

L'obiettivo è, infatti, quello di trovare il tempo di stare insieme ai propri figli, guardando le loro serie animate preferite, giocando insieme e traendo spunto anche dalle serie proposte dai canali kids & family di ViacomCBS Italia.

Per questo importante weekend a loro dedicato, Super!, Nickelodeon e NickJr, propongono una programmazione speciale adatta a tutta la famiglia. Su Super!, canale 47 del dtt, di tivusat e su Sky 625, i bambini potranno far sentire la loro voce scegliendo tra uno dei diritti inalienabili, non garantiti ai bambini di tutto il mondo: il diritto di essere ascoltati, di essere amati, di divertirsi e di andare a scuola.

I bambini dovranno sceglierne uno di questi quattro e scriverlo su un cartello e registrare un video messaggio da "urlare" al mondo adulto. I video dovranno essere inviati al sito

I contenuti più interessanti andranno in onda su Super! il 20 novembre. Anche alcuni dei creator di House of Talent, protagonisti del nuovo programma "Talent Reverse", si sono attivati in prima persona per sostenere questa importante iniziativa. Il messaggio di Super!, non si fermerà all'Italia, grazie alla collaborazione con House of Talent, saranno coinvolti dei loro creator provenienti dalla Romania. Questo per sostenere questa importante campagna anche a livello internazionale, perché come sempre il lavoro di squadra inclusivo moltiplica il successo.

Su Nickelodeon, brand numero uno di ViacomCBS nella produzione di contenuti d'intrattenimento per bambini, in onda su Sky canale 605, da sempre impegnato nella difesa dei diritti dei ragazzi, dando loro voce, e sostenendoli contro ogni discriminazione il 20 novembre dalle ore 18.40, trasmetterà una maratona di circa due ore dedicata al tema "antibullismo", un mix di episodi tratti da due delle serie più amate del mondo Nick: "A casa dei Loud" e "Henry Danger".

Il weekend del 20, 21 e 22 novembre, alle 20 in occasione della Giornata Internazionale dei diritti dell'infanzia NickJr, il canale prescolare di ViacomCBS Italia in onda sul canale 603 di Sky, trasmetterà una super maratona dedicata a PAW Patrol a tema Mighty Pups. Un intero weekend dedicato al gioco in compagnia della squadra dei super cuccioli. E nello spirito di questa importante giornata, NickJr offrirà la possibilità di vincere dei super giocattoli di Paw Patrol firmati Spin Master, per giocare divertendosi a salvare gli amici e scegliendo nuovi super poteri. Per partecipare bisognerà rispondere ad una domanda sul sito dedicato


From ANSA:

Infanzia: Ricerca, per 1 bambino su 2 tv è antistress

Studio Gci ViacomCbs, 59% genitori pensa di fare buon lavoro

(di Francesca Pierleoni) (ANSA) - ROMA, 19 NOV - Per un bambino sui due la tv è un efficace antistress e allo stesso tempo alimenta passioni che vivono sempre di più al di fuori degli schermi. Sono fra i dati che emergono dallo studio Gci ViacomCBS, 'Are we there yet', basato sulle interviste a 8.045 genitori di bambini tra i 0 e I 12 anni, in 16 Paesi, inclusa l'Italia.

Uno studio rilanciato in occasione della Giornata Internazionale dei diritti dell'infanzia promossa dall'ONU, che il 20 novembre i canali kids & family di ViacomCBS Italia Super!, Nickelodeon e NickJr, celebreranno con programmazioni speciali.

Fra gli elementi di 'Are we there yet', quelli su papà e mamme che giudicano la qualità del loro impegno per i figli: il 59% pensa di fare un buon lavoro e il 26% afferma di fare un ottimo lavoro. Per oltre il 90% dei genitori italiani intervistati (dato in linea con la media globale): "I bambini sono fondamentali e sono al centro loro della vita", "I loro figli sono la cosa più importante che hanno", "Essere un genitore è molto gratificante ma non semplice", "È una delle cose più difficili che ti possa capitare". I papà e le mamme di oggi, sono molto coinvolti nella vita dei figli e continuamente alla ricerca degli strumenti giusti per farli crescere in un mondo complesso. Vogliono accompagnarli durante le attività quotidiane come educazione, hobby, sport e attività all'aria aperta, guardare la tv in famiglia e passare del tempo insieme alla ricerca della felicità.

In generale i genitori cercano di insegnare ai loro figli dei valori e i primi cinque che emergono a livello globale sono: rispetto, fiducia in sé stessi, gentilezza, intelligenza, indipendenza, intravedendo nella nuova generazione già i tratti di individui più resilienti, più creativi, più 'tech-savy', più attenti all'ambiente, più proiettati verso una società più inclusiva. I bambini influenzano decisioni e comportamenti delle famiglie che, secondo la ricerca, non sono mai state così unite e vicine, amano giocare, passare del tempo insieme e apprendere attraverso il divertimento: Il 76% degli italiani è d'accordo che i propri figli imparino meglio attraverso il gioco. (ANSA).


From Revenews:

Giornata Internazionale dei diritti dell’infanzia: il diritto più importante per i creator

Il 20 novembre si celebra la Giornata Internazionale dei diritti dell'infanzia. ViacomCBS con i suoi canali risponde alla chiamata.

Venerdì 20 novembre si celebra la Giornata Internazionale dei diritti dell’infanzia promossa dall’ONU. E ViacomCBS – con i suoi canali Super!, Nickelodeon e NickJr – risponde alla chiamata proponendo una giornata con tante attività che possono essere realizzate nelle proprie case coinvolgendo tutta la famiglia. I bambini, del resto, hanno un rapporto molto positivo con la tv. La televisione rimane, infatti, a livello globale l’antistress per eccellenza per 1 bambino su 2 e allo stesso tempo alimenta passioni che vivono sempre di più al di fuori degli schermi. 

Giornata dei diritti dell’Infanzia e Super!, il contest sostenuto dai creator

Su Super!, canale 47 del dtt, di tivusat e su Sky 625, i bambini potranno far sentire la loro voce scegliendo tra uno dei diritti inalienabili, non garantiti ai bambini di tutto il mondo. Il diritto di essere ascoltati, di essere amati, di divertirsi e di andare a scuola. I bambini dovranno sceglierne uno di questi quattro e scriverlo su un cartello e registrare un video messaggio da “urlare” al mondo adulto. I video dovranno essere inviati al sito I contenuti più interessanti andranno in onda su Super! il 20 novembre. Anche alcuni dei creator di House of Talent, protagonisti del nuovo programma Talent Reverse, si sono attivati in prima persona per sostenere questa importante iniziativa.

Il messaggio di Super! non si fermerà all’Italia. Grazie alla collaborazione con House of Talent, saranno coinvolti dei loro creator provenienti dalla Romania. Questo per sostenere questa importante campagna anche a livello internazionale, perché come sempre il lavoro di squadra inclusivo moltiplica il successo. 

Nickelodeon e la maratona antibullismo

Da sempre Nickelodeon, brand numero uno di ViacomCBS nella produzione di contenuti d’intrattenimento per bambini, in onda su Sky canale 605, è impegnato nella difesa dei diritti dei ragazzi, dando loro voce, e sostenendoli contro ogni discriminazione. Ancora oggi molti bambini e adolescenti sono vittime di violenze o abusi, subiscono discriminazioni, sono emarginati vivono in condizioni di grave trascuratezza o sono oggetto di atti di bullismo. Nickelodeon da sempre parla il linguaggio dei ragazzi ed è dalla loro parte creando contenuti che possono essere per loro chiari e di facile comprensione, realizzando puntate delle loro serie preferite dedicate alle diverse tematiche che i ragazzi vivono ogni giorno.

Per questo, venerdì 20 novembre dalle ore 18.40, Nickelodeon trasmetterà una maratona di circa due ore dedicata al tema antibullismo, un mix di episodi tratti da due delle serie più amate del mondo Nick: A casa dei Loud e Henry Danger.

NickJr e Paw Patrol

Il weekend del 20, 21 e 22 novembre, alle 20.00, in occasione della Giornata Internazionale dei diritti dell’infanzia promossa dall’ONU, NickJr, il canale prescolare di ViacomCBS Italia in onda sul canale 603 di Sky, trasmetterà una super maratona dedicata a PAW Patrol a tema Mighty Pups.

Si prospetta, dunque, un intero weekend dedicato al gioco in compagnia della fantastica squadra dei super cuccioli! E nello spirito di questa importante giornata, NickJr offrirà la possibilità di vincere dei super giocattoli di PAW Patrol firmati Spin Master, per giocare divertendosi a salvare gli amici e scegliendo nuovi super poteri. Per partecipare bisognerà rispondere ad una domanda sul sito dedicato


From Il Giorno:

Giornata mondiale dell'infanzia, i creator 'gridano' il loro diritto più importante [...]

Alcuni ragazzi di 'House of Talent' hanno preso parte all'iniziativa di Super!, canale di ViacomCbs

Milano, 20 novembre 2020 - Si celebra oggi la Giornata Internazionale dei diritti dell’infanzia promossa dall’Onu. E ViacomCbs – con i suoi canali Super!, Nickelodeon e NickJr – non è venuta meno anche quest’anno al suo impegno proponendo una giornata con tante attività che possono essere realizzate nelle proprie case coinvolgendo tutta la famiglia. 

Su Super!, canale 47 del dtt, di tivusat e su Sky 625, i bambini hanno deciso di far sentire la loro voce "urlando" uno dei diritti inalienabili, non garantiti ai bambini di tutto il mondo. Il diritto di essere ascoltati, di essere amati, di divertirsi e di andare a scuola. I giovanissimi hanno scelto uno di questi quattro, lo hanno scritto su un cartello e hanno regsitrato un video messaggio per il mondo adulto. I contenuti più interessanti andranno in onda su Super! per tutta la giornata. Anche alcuni dei creator di House of Talent, protagonisti del nuovo programma 'Talent Reverse' come Antony Nano e Michelle Cavallaro, si sono attivati in prima persona per sostenere questa importante iniziativa. Il messaggio di Super! non si fermerà all’Italia. Grazie alla collaborazione con House of Talent, saranno coinvolti dei loro creator provenienti dalla Romania. Questo per sostenere questa importante campagna anche a livello internazionale, perché come sempre il lavoro di squadra inclusivo moltiplica il successo. 

Da sempre Nickelodeon, brand numero uno di ViacomCBS nella produzione di contenuti d’intrattenimento per bambini, in onda su Sky canale 605, è impegnato nella difesa dei diritti dei ragazzi, dando loro voce, e sostenendoli contro ogni discriminazione. Ancora oggi molti bambini e adolescenti sono vittime di violenze o abusi, subiscono discriminazioni, sono emarginati vivono in condizioni di grave trascuratezza o sono oggetto di atti di bullismo. Nickelodeon da sempre parla il linguaggio dei ragazzi ed è dalla loro parte creando contenuti che possono essere per loro chiari e di facile comprensione, realizzando puntate delle loro serie preferite dedicate alle diverse tematiche che i ragazzi vivono ogni giorno. Per questo, oggi, dalle 18.40, Nickelodeon trasmetterà una maratona di circa due ore dedicata al tema antibullismo, un mix di episodi tratti da due delle serie più amate del mondo Nick: A casa dei Loud e Henry Danger.

Ma non finisce qui: il weekend del 20, 21 e 22 novembre, alle 20, NickJr, il canale prescolare di ViacomCBS Italia in onda sul canale 603 di Sky, trasmetterà una super maratona dedicata a PAW Patrol a tema Mighty Pups. Si prospetta, dunque, un intero weekend dedicato al gioco in compagnia della fantastica squadra dei super cuccioli.


Di Più Nick: Noggin Rolls Out in the Netherlands, Spain and Italy on Amazon Prime Video!

Originally published: Wednesday, November 18, 2020.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon Italy News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Balloons and Floats to Take Center Stage at 94th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

The show must go on! Macy's has announced that the SpongeBob SquarePants & Gary and Chase from PAW Patrol balloons as well as the Blue's Clues & You! and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles floats will be part of the 94th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Due to the on-going COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, the annual Macy’s Parade, for the first time in its more than 90-year history, will be modified to safely bring the magic to more than 50 million viewers nationwide on Thanksgiving Day, while maintaining all of the spectacle and wonder of this cherished holiday tradition.

This year the celebration will shift to a television only special presentation, showcasing the Macy’s Parade’s signature mix of giant character helium balloons, fantastic floats, street performers, clowns and heralding the arrival of the holiday season with the one-and-only Santa Claus.

For nearly 100 years, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade has been synonymous with the official start of the holiday season in the United States. Growing from a two block-long collection of Macy’s colleagues dressed in whimsical clown outfits, playing instruments and adorning floats in 1924, to the world-famous spectacle we know today, at the core of the Macy’s Parade has been the warm memories that fill the hearts and minds of generations of American families.

To safely produce this icon of American culture during this unprecedented time, Macy’s partnered with the City of New York to create a safe plan that would keep the tradition alive. Following the success of this summer’s reimagined Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks® show, the Macy’s team meticulously reviewed every area of the Thanksgiving Day playbook to put in place enhanced health and safety practices that align with CDC guidelines, as well as local and state government protocols.

The safety of participants and spectators is Macy’s number one priority and this year’s 94th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade celebration will be produced solely as a television event allowing millions of New Yorkers and the nation to safely experience it from the comforts of home.

As part of Macy’s comprehensive health and wellness plan a number of changes will be implemented in order to execute this event safely. These changes include, but are not limited to the following:

- Reducing the overall number of participants by approximately 75%, and splitting the remaining participants over two days

- All participants will be appropriately socially distanced during performances and be required to wear face coverings and additional personal protective equipment depending on their role

- Shifting to a television-broadcast-only production with staging for Parade elements focused solely in/ around the Herald Square area of Midtown Manhattan

- The traditional 2.5-mile Parade route will not be utilized this year

- No participant in the Parade will be under 18 years of age

- Previously selected regional High School and College Marching Bands performances will be deferred to the 2021 Macy’s Parade, with locally based professional marching and musical ensembles taking musical duties in the lineup

- Macy’s traditional Giant Balloon Inflation public event on Wednesday will not take place

- Macy’s signature giant character balloons will be flown without the traditional 80-100 handlers and instead employ an innovative, specially rigged anchor vehicle framework of five specialty vehicles tested and approved by the NYCDOT and NYPD

The 94th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will air nationwide on NBC-TV, Thursday, November 26, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon, in all time zones. For more information visit To follow and participate in the excitement, check out @macys on various social platforms and follow #MacysParade.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a couple of fixtures missing from this years Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade: Nickelodeon's Shimmer & Shine float and the Red Power Ranger balloon.

About Nickelodeon's Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons and floats:

SpongeBob SquarePants & Gary Balloon

SpongeBob SquarePants will make his 16th appearance in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. In 2004, SpongeBob made history as the Parade’s first-ever square balloon and this year, In 2019, SpongeBob returned from his parade hiatus to take to the sky with his pet snail Gary in tow. The brand-new SpongeBob balloon, which stands at 44-feet high, 36-feet wide and 46-feet long takes on his unique shape with the help of more than 800 internal tie-lines that pull the single chamber sphere balloon into a square.

Chase from PAW Patrol Balloon:

Hailing all the way from Adventure Bay, this fearless rescue pup from the number-one preschool series, PAW Patrol, is ready to come to the ruff-ruff-rescue and show the citizens of New York that “no job is too big, no pup is too small.” The German Shepherd will journey from Adventure Bay to Manhattan’s skyline as a giant character helium balloon. Making its maiden flight in 2017, the balloon features Chase donning his signature navy blue police uniform and measuring 43.3 feet high, 36.2 feet wide and 59.8 feet long,

Blue's Clues & You! Float

Nickelodeon’s playful pup Blue, will be making a return to the annual holiday spectacle on her brand-new float that will showcase a 22-foot tall Blue, inspired by the look and feel of the new series Blue’s Clues & You!, a remake of the groundbreaking interactive series, Blue’s Clues. Covered in 13 pounds of glitter, Blue will shine down the Parade route as she greets fans of all ages. Blue's new float was introduced in 2019. Did you know: Blue has been marking clues in the Parade since 1999; she’s been both a balloon and a float!

Performer: Ally Brooke

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Float

Rising from the city sewers to save the day, the wildly popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles—Raph, Leo, Donnie and Mikey—are equipped with an irreverent sense of humor and action-packed moves to fend off the bad guys. COWABUNGA! Introduced in 2018, the Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles float gives the crowd a glimpse into the Turtles’ secret lair hidden beneath the New York City streets.

Performer: CNCO.

Update (11/11) - Pop star Ally Brooke (The Casagrandes) teased on Twitter: "So excited to announce that I’m going to be a part of this year’s #MacysParade! Doing something special with 
@Nickelodeon 💙 Can’t wait🤗🍁😍🦃 #Macys"

More Nick: Nickelodeon Updates Icons, Sets New Characters for 2021 | Next-Gen Nick!

Originally published: Wednesday, October 28, 2020.

H/T: Deadline; Additional sources: HOLA!,

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Thanksgiving on Nickelodeon News and Highlights!

Win This Year's Top Holiday Wishlist Items with the 12 Days of Nick Jr. Holiday Sweepstakes

Nickelodeon's biggest holiday sweepstakes is back - it's the 12 Days of Nick Jr. Holiday Sweepstakes!

For 12 days only, the 12 Days of Nick Jr. Holiday Sweepstakes will be giving fans the chance to instantly win some of this year’s top holiday wishlist items! There'll be new prizes each day. Check out the prize calendar below!

  • Day 1 (Nov. 27) - Nick Jr. Ultimate Prize Packs
  • Day 2 (Nov. 28) - Blue's Clues & You Prize Packs
  • Day 3 (Nov. 29) - Nickelodeon Animation Prize Packs (featuring SpongeBob, The Loud House, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles graphic novels, books, DVDs, games and even a skateboard - COWABUNGA!)
  • Day 4 (Nov. 30) - Ocean Exploration Submarine Sets
  • Day 5 (Dec. 1) - JoJo Siwa Prize Packs
  • Day 6 (Dec. 2) - Baby Shark Prize Packs
  • Day 7 (Dec. 3) - PAW Patrol Prize Packs
  • Day 8 (Dec. 4) - Peppa Pig Prize Packs
  • Day 9 (Dec. 5) - Blaze and the Monster Machines Prize Packs
  • Day 10 (Dec. 6) - Blue's Clues & You Prize Packs
  • Day 11 (Dec. 7) - SpongeBob Shop Gift Cards
  • Day 12 (Dec. 8) - PAW Patrol Dino Rescue Prize Pack

That's not all! Each daily entry will earn a chance win the Grand Prize: one lucky winner will win a MEGA prize pack filled with toys from Nickelodeon's holiday wish list!

Mark your calendars: the 2020 edition of the 12 Days of Nick Jr. Holiday Sweepstakes starts Friday, November 27! Sign for more SMS alerts now at

Terms & Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. MANY WILL ENTER, FEW WILL WIN. Official Rules and how to enter can be viewed at Certain Restrictions Apply. Sweepstakes open to legal residents of the 50 contiguous US and DC, at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which you reside (nineteen [19] years old in Alabama and Nebraska, twenty-one [21] years old in Mississippi) at the time of entry. The Sweepstakes begins at 12:00:01 a.m. ET on 11/27/20 and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. ET on 12/8/20. Void in Puerto Rico, outside the US and where prohibited or restricted by law. Odds of winning “instant win” prizes depend on the date and time of Participant’s entry into the Sweepstakes and the number of un-awarded prizes at time and day of entry; odds of winning the Grand Prize depends on the number of eligible entries received during the Entry Period. Up to 147 “instant win” prize packs and 1 Grand Prize available, total ARV: $20,042.21. Sponsor: Viacom International Inc., 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036.

Originally published: Friday, November 20, 2020 at 21:27 GMT.

Competition, Contest.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon News and Highlights!

SpongeBob Makes Small Cameo in New 'Animaniacs' Series

SpongeBob CameoPants! SpongeBob has been popping up in a few unexpected places this year! First off, he made a slight cameo in The King of Staten Island, and just recently, the new horror movie Come Play. Now the beloved sponge has made another small cameo: in Hulu's brand new reboot of the iconic animated series, Animaniacs! HEELLLLLOOO SPONGE!

In the scene, SpongeBob can be seen in one of the content panels that floats around Yakko's head.

More Nick: Nickelodeon Reveals First Look of Characters in Original 'Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years' Animated Series!

Originally published: Friday, October 30, 2020.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Halloween on Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!

From Drake & Josh and Unfabulous to Hotel for Dogs and Holidate: Emma Roberts’ Career So Far | Netflix UK & Ireland

From Wild Child to Holidate: Emma Roberts’ Career So Far | Netflix UK & Ireland

You may remember Emma Roberts as the cheeky star of the silver screen, Addie Singer, in Nickelodeon’s Unfabulous, or the loudest scream queen from American Horror Story, The Hunt and yes, Scream Queens itself.

Since appearing in her first film role at only 9 years old, Emma Roberts’ career has gone from strength to strength: she’s starred in dozens of blockbuster, indie and cult fan-favourite films and TV shows. She’s now a bonafide Netflix movie pro, leading this year’s Christmassy rom-com, Holidate.

Learn more about her career and discover some of her most notable credits in this video:

0:00 - 0:26 - Introduction to Emma Roberts
0:27 - 0:46 - Blow (2001)
0:47 - 0:58 - America’s Sweetheart (2001)
0:59 - 1:12 - Drake & Josh (2004-2007)
1:13 - 1:32 - Unfabulous (2004-2007)
1:33 - 1:45 - Aquamarine (2006)
1:46 - 1:56 - Nancy Drew (2007)
1:57 - 2:18 - Wild Child (2008)
2:19 - 2:31 - Hotel for Dogs (2009)
2:32 - 2:49 - Valentine’s Day (2010)
2:50 - 3:05 - It’s Kind of a Funny Story (2010)
3:06 - 3:20 - The Art of Getting By (2011)
3:21 - 3:43 - Scream 4 (2011)
3:44 - 4:00 - Celeste and Jesse Forever (2012)
4:01 - 4:27 - We’re The Millers (2013)
4:28 - 4:47 - Palo Alto (2013)
4:48 - 5:17 - American Horror Story (2013 -)
5:18 - 5:39 - The Blackcoat’s Daughter/February (2015)
5:40 - 5:57 - Scream Queens (2015-2016)
5:58 - 6:25 - Nerve (2016)
6:26 - 6:42 - Paradise Hills (2019)
6:43 - 6:50 - The Hunt (2020)
6:51 - 8:04 - Holidate (2020)

More Nick: Emma Roberts Shares Her 'Unfabulous' Audition Tape!
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November 2020 on Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe: It's Pony | Danger Force | Casagrandes | Just Add Magic: Mystery City + More

Below is a round-up of Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe's (CEE) programming highlights for November 2020!

More Highlights:

October 2020 on: Nickelodeon CEE | Nicktoons CEE | Nick Jr. CEE

November 2020 on: Nicktoons CEE | Nick Jr. CEE

All times CET; Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian (Magyar).

--- This November, Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe will be airing:

-- Brand new episodes of The Casagrandes!:

- 2020-11-02 17:35 1x13a Grandparent Trap
- 2020-11-03 17:35 1x13b Miss Step
- 2020-11-04 17:35 1x14b The Big Chill
- 2020-11-05 17:35 1x14a Sink or Swim
- 2020-11-06 17:35 1x15a Karma Chameleon
- 2020-11-09 17:35 1x15b Team Effort
- 2020-11-10 17:35 1x16a Guess Who's Shopping for Dinner?
- 2020-11-11 17:35 1x16b New Roomie
- 2020-11-12 17:35 1x17b Uptown Funk
- 2020-11-13 17:35 1x17a Mexican Makeover
- 2020-11-16 17:35 1x18b Blunder Party
- 2020-11-17 17:35 1x18a Bo Bo Business
- 2020-11-18 17:35 1x20b What's Love Gato Do With It?
- 2020-11-19 17:35 1x20b Dial 'M' for Mustard - season 1 finale

"The Casagrandes" is locally titled "A Casagrande család" in Hungary, "Casagrande" in Romania and "Casagrandes" in Croatia.

-- Brand new episodes of The Substitute:

- 2020-11-01 19:35 1x10 Johnny Orlando
- 2020-11-07 19:35 1x3 The Substitute Top 10 Wildest Pranks - season 1 finale

"The Substitute" is locally titled "A helyettesítő tanár" in Hungary and "Profesorul suplinitor" in Romania.

-- Butterbean's Café season 2 (channel premiere):

- 2020-11-02 05:00 2x01 Sziporkázó Sztella / A csinos bál (Stella Sprinkles! / Fairy Fancy) - season 2 premiere
- 2020-11-03 05:00 2x02 A segítő robot / A folt (EZ-PZ / The Splat Spot!)
- 2020-11-04 05:00 2x03 A barátság receptje / Bűbáj kapitány csapata (A Recipe For Friendship / Team Captain Cricket!)
- 2020-11-05 05:00 2x04 A varázshabverő rejtélye / Az iszapos pite (Rebel Without A Whisk! / Key Slime Bars)
- 2020-11-06 05:00 2x05 Cukimuki és a pizzaszelet (Cutie Pie's Pizza Pies!)
- 2020-11-07 05:00 2x06 A cseresznyés pite / Moziest (Cherry Delicious! / Movie Night!)
- 2020-11-08 05:00 2x07 A tökéletesen tökéletes palacsinta / A kézbesítő játék (Perfectly Perfect Pancakes! / The Delivery Game!)
- 2020-11-09 05:00 2x08 A szökevény kakas / Sütimester (Runaway Rooster! / Cookie Master)
- 2020-11-10 05:00 2x09 Szeretem a rock tekercset / Baba Rebarbaránál (I Love Rockin' Rolls! / A Baby at Marmalady's)
- 2020-11-11 05:00 2x10 Az árnyékbab legendája (The Legend of the Shadow Bean)

"Butterbean's Café" is locally titled "Babi kávézója" in Hungary and "Cafeneaua Bobiței" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of Just Add Magic season 3:

- 2020-11-02 19:25 3x06 Határtalan holnap (Just Add Tomorrow)
- 2020-11-03 19:25 3x07 A látszat csal (Just Add Perspective)
- 2020-11-04 19:25 3x08 Karmageddon (Just Add Karma)
- 2020-11-05 19:25 3x09 Meglepő szülinap (Just Add Surprise)
- 2020-11-06 19:25 3x10 Kelly kutyaszorítóban (Just Add Kelly)
- 2020-11-09 19:25 3x11 Baljós búcsú (Just Add Goodbye)
- 2020-11-10 19:25 3x12 New Protectors - series finale

"Just Add Magic" is locally titled "Egy csipetnyi bűvölet" in Hungary and "Adaugă un strop de magie" in Romania.

-- The brand new Just Add Magic spin-off, Just Add Magic: Mystery City! [more info]:

- 2020-11-23 19:25 1x01 Just Add Opposites - series premiere
- 2020-11-24 19:25 1x02 Just Add Numbers
- 2020-11-25 19:25 1x03 Just Add Dad
- 2020-11-26 19:25 1x04 Just Add Coin
- 2020-11-27 19:25 1x05 Just Add Volume
- 2020-11-30 19:25 1x06 Just Add Grown-Ups

-- Brand new episodes of It's Pony!:

- 2020-11-09 18:25 1x14-15 10 Minute Ticket / Clara Time
- 2020-11-10 18:25 1x20 Scarecrow / Poneapples
- 2020-11-11 18:25 1x16-17 Loud Horse / Sick Annie
- 2020-11-12 18:25 1x19 Dad's Speech
- 2020-11-13 18:25 1x18 School Dance
- 2020-11-16 18:25 1x? Annie-versary
- 2020-11-17 18:25 1x? Teacher's Pet
- 2020-11-18 18:25 1x? Save the Took Took 1x? Cop Mom
- 2020-11-19 18:25 1x? Trash Dash 1x? Fan Pony
- 2020-11-20 18:25 1x? Locked Out 1x? Sleepover
- 2020-11-23 18:25 1x? The Wallet 1x? Always Yes Annie
- 2020-11-24 18:25 1x? Sleepover 1x? Save the Took Took
- 2020-11-25 18:25 1x? Always Yes Annie 1x? Trash Dash
- 2020-11-26 18:25 1x? Cop Mom 1x? Locked Out
- 2020-11-27 18:25 1x? Fan Pony 1x? The Wallet

"It's Pony" is locally titled "Itt van Póni" in Hungary and "El este Ponei" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of Lego City Adventures season two (postponed from September 2020)!:

- 2020-11-16 10:55 2x07 Brickmuda Heptagon / For Wheeler
- 2020-11-17 10:55 2x08a The Treasure of Nosepatch
- 2020-11-18 10:55 2x08b The Quacken
- 2020-11-19 10:55 2x10a Tread or Alive
- 2020-11-20 10:55 2x10b Midden Fleasure - season 2 finale

-- The Lego City Adventures Christmas holiday special "Arrest ye Merry Gentleman" will air in December.

"Lego City Adventures" is locally titled "Lego City kalandok" in Hungary, "City Aventuri" in Romania and "Gradska posla" in Croatia.

-- A brand new episode of Top Wing season two!:

- 2020-11-30 05:35 2x08 A Fürge család ász pilótája / Timmy kalózkalandja (Swift's Family Flying Ace / Timmy's Pirate Adventure)

"Top Wing" is locally titled "Szuper szárny" in Hungary.

-- Brand new episodes of Danger Force!:

- 2020-11-01 19:10 1x04 Gonoszok éjszakája (Villains' Night)
- 2020-11-08 19:10 1x05 A párizsi játszma (Mime Games)
- 2020-11-15 19:10 1x07 Chapa's Crush

"Danger Force" is locally titled "Veszélyes Osztag" in Hungary.

A Casagrande család: új részek (2020. november) | Nickelodeon

Itt van Póni: új részek (2020. november, 2. ajánló) | Nickelodeon

More Nick: ViacomCBS Launches NickToons in Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia

Novemberi; évadzáró; évadnyitó; sorozatzáró; magyar cím hamarosan; új sorozat;

Originally published: Sunday, October 4, 2020.

Original source: Mentrum.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon's 'The Astronauts' Takes Flight as Series Premiere Wins Day and L+3 with Kids 6-11 Across All TV


Share it: @Nickelodeon @TheAstronauts (TikTok) #TheAstronauts

HOLLYWOOD, Calif.--Nov. 19, 2020—The launch of Nickelodeon’s newest live-action series The Astronauts, the network’s first co-production with Imagine Kids+Family, blasts off as the series premiere [Friday, Nov. 13, at 7 p.m. (ET/PT)] wins the day with Kids 6-11 across all TV for L+SD and L+3. The premiere posted a +31% increase with Kids 6-11, up from 1.3 (L+SD) to 1.7 (L+3).  It also saw a double digit increase in L+3 ratings (+55%) year over year.

Additionally, The Astronauts delivered a strong co-viewing audience with 40% of Adults 18-49 watching the series premiere with a Kid 6-11. The Astronauts follows a group of kids who embark on the adventure of a lifetime when they are mistakenly launched into space and will continue to air regularly Fridays at 7 p.m. (ET/PT).

In The Astronauts, the spacecraft Odyssey II is set to launch on a mission to retrieve a foreign object that could potentially save mankind.  The plan quickly goes awry when five untrained kids use their parents’ security clearances to sneak onto the empty ship. Soon after they board, the onboard AI system triggers the launch sequence.  Unable to stop the ship from blasting off, the kids must assume their new role as astronauts and brave harrowing tasks, as their parents rush to find a way to take control of the situation.

The group traveling together through space are: Samantha “Samy” Sawyer-Wei, played by Miya Cech (Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Always Be My Maybe); Elliott Combs, played by Bryce Gheisar (Wonder, A Dog’s Purpose); Martin Taylor, played by Keith L. Williams (Good Boys, The Last Man on Earth); Doria Taylor, played by Kayden Grace Swan (A Black Lady Sketch Show); and Will Rivers, played by Ben Daon (Child’s Play).  Matilda, the ship’s onboard AI system, is voiced by Paige Howard (The Employer, Adventureland).

The Astronauts is executive produced by Imagine Entertainment Executive Chairmen Brian Grazer and Ron Howard, and Imagine Kids+Family President Stephanie Sperber.  The series is created by Daniel Knauf (Carnivàle, The Blacklist), who also serves as writer and executive producer.  The premiere episodes of The Astronauts are directed by DGA Award nominee Dean Israelite (Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Power Rangers movie, Project Almanac), who also serves as executive producer. The series is also directed by Jonathan Frakes (Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Picard, The Orville), and Marcus Stokes (Criminal Minds, The Flash, 911). Will Davis served as creative executive for Imagine Kids+Family.

Production of The Astronauts for Nickelodeon is overseen by Shauna Phelan, Senior Vice President, Live Action Scripted Content; and Zack Olin, Senior Vice President, Live Action.  Brian Banks serves as Nickelodeon’s Executive in Charge of Production for the series.

The Astronauts is the first production to hail from Imagine Kids+Family.  Imagine has a rich history telling stories rooted in space adventure, including the multiple Academy Award-winning film Apollo 13 (celebrating its 25th anniversary this year), the hybrid docuseries Mars for NatGeo, and the Emmy Award-winning series From The Earth To The Moon for HBO.

About Imagine Kids+Family

Imagine Kids+Family was formed in 2019 by Imagine Entertainment Chairmen Brian Grazer and Ron Howard with a focus on developing and producing premium kids and family entertainment with capabilities in consumer products and franchise building. Imagine Kids+Family is run by President Stephanie Sperber, a veteran kids entertainment executive with a successful career in building kids and family businesses, IP, and franchises. IKF recently acquired an equity stake in popular The Tiny Chef Show to develop the original short-form stop-motion animation Tiny Chef character across all platforms including short-form, tv series, and digital, and is part of a strategic global franchise plan. Currently, IKF is producing its first live-action series The Astronauts for Nickelodeon; Kalamata’s Kitchen; Breyer Hollow; The Trail; and Going Vintage to name a few. IKF is also producing Max Einstein under its partnership with James Patterson’s’ kid imprint Jimmy Books, and has a first-look partnership with Academy Award-winning animation company Lion Forge (Hair Love) around its existing IP of both licensed and original ideas, starting with Chippy Hood, Bug Tron, Puerto Rico Strong, and Unt. Black Comic Anthology.

About Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon, now in its 41st year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The brand includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, location-based experiences, publishing and feature films. For more information or artwork, visit Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of ViacomCBS Inc. (Nasdaq: VIACA, VIAC).

# # #

Originally published: Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 17:57 GMT.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and The Astronauts News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Renews 'Friends' for Nick at Nite as Part of Multi-Series ViacomCBS Syndication Deal


Net Presents “Super-Stuffed Friends-Giving” beginning Monday, Nov. 23,
with Classic Episodes and Thanksgiving-Themed Marathon

Share it: @nickatnitetv

HOLLYWOOD, Calif.–Nov. 19, 2020–Nickelodeon today announced the renewal of the Emmy® Award-winning series Friends, from Warner Bros. Television, for its nighttime programming block Nick at Nite. The agreement, negotiated for ViacomCBS by Barbara Zaneri, Executive Vice President of Global Content Acquisitions, was part of a multi-year, multi-series deal that included several renewals of top-rated syndicated series from Warner Bros. Television that air across ViacomCBS' portfolio of cable networks. Also included in the deal were the off-network cable premiere rights to TV’s number-one comedy series, Young Sheldon, scheduled to begin on Nick at Nite on Monday, Nov. 30.

Year to date, Nick at Nite ranks as cable’s top network with Women 18-49 and is also currently delivering its highest share of Adults 18-49 since 2017. The highly successful NAN programming block of family comedies where Friends and Young Sheldon will air, also includes popular Warner Bros Television series such as Mom and Full House.

Beginning Monday, Nov. 23, at 9 p.m. (ET/PT), fans can celebrate Thanksgiving with their favorite friends as Nick at Nite presents “Super-Stuffed Friends-Giving,” featuring a lineup of classic Friends episodes with beloved funny moments from the series airing throughout the week, and a marathon of Thanksgiving-themed episodes on Thursday.

Friends, which debuted in 1994, follows the lives and loves of a close-knit group of friends while they navigate their way through their twenties living in New York City: siblings Ross (David Schwimmer) and Monica Geller (Courteney Cox), along with friends Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry), Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow), Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc) and Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston). 

Friends was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, who executive produced the series with Kevin Bright through Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television.

Nickelodeon, now in its 41st year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The brand includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, location based experiences, publishing and feature films. For more information or artwork, visit Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of ViacomCBS Inc. (Nasdaq: VIACA, VIAC).

# # #

More Nick:
Nickelodeon Updates Icons, Sets New Characters for 2021 | Next-Gen Nick!

Originally published: Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 18:20 GMT.

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Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for Thursday, November 19, 2020 | Nickelodeon

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for Thursday, November 19, 2020 | Nickelodeon
Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.

Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.

Read more Rugrats comic strips!:

More Nick: Nickelodeon Unveils First Look at CG-Animated 'Rugrats' and 'Big Nate'!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon, NickRewind and Rugrats News and Highlights!

On This Day in 2004 | The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Was Released

On this day 16 years ago, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie was released in theaters!

Dive into a comedy adventure that's bigger, better and more absorbing than the rest - the movie debut of that undersea sensation, SpongeBob SquarePants!  There's trouble bubbling up in Bikini Bottom, King Neptune's crown is missing, and Mr. Krabs has been accused of stealing it! Together with his best pal Patrick, SpongeBob sets out to treacherous Shell City to reclaim Neptune's crown and save Mr. Krabs, in a spectacular adventure filled with "over-the-top, under-the-sea action and non-stop laughs!"  Featuring the voice talents of Tom Kenny (SpongeBob), Alec Baldwin, Jeffrey Tambor, Scarlett Johansson and a special appearance by David Hasselhoff, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie is an uproariously funny comedy.

Watch The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run, available now on Netflix internationally (Canada soon!) and f

Check out Nickelodeon's On This Day and Remember When Facebook pages to find out awesome Nick moments from every era throughout Nickelodeon history!

Where to Watch The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run:


SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run will debut digitally in the U.S via premium video on demand in early 2021 and then move exclusively to CBS All Access, ViacomCBS’ subscription video on demand (SVOD) and live-streaming service, following the premium video-on-demand window.


Have you seen The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run? Rate and review the here!:

Watch SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!

Listen to The SpongeBob Musical here!:

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated is now available on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch!

CALLING ALL GOOFY GOOBERS! (ROCK!) Are ya ready for a deep dive into the world of SpongeBob SquarePants? The SpongeBob YouTube channel is THE PLACE for all fan-favorite SpongeBob moments! We’re serving up everything from legendary scenes to remixes of classic songs to deep dives into Bikini Bottom lore. Be sure to check back every week for Music Mondays, Wumbo Wednesdays, and Flashback Fridays! Subscribe now at!

Shop SpongeBob!: - SpongeBob face masks now available, with ALL proceeds going to charity!

More Nick: Nickelodeon Reveals First Look of Characters in Original 'Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years' Animated Series!

H/T: Special thanks to @NSNeeder300.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!

'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Director Hints Aang & Katara Weren’t Meant To Be Together

Avatar: The Last Airbender director Giancarlo Volpe seemingly hints Aang and Katara weren't actually meant to be together with a popular meme.

Avatar: The Last Airbender director Giancarlo Volpe has seemingly hinted Aang and Katara weren't actually meant to be together. Premiering in 2005 on Nickelodeon, Avatar tells the story of young airbender Aang. He's also the Avatar, a mythical figure who has the ability to control all four elements. As the Avatar, Aang is the one meant to maintain balance between four nations, but an accident leaves Aang trapped in an iceberg for a hundred years. In that time, war rages as the power-hungry Fire Nation invades the others, and Aang is the only one who can put a stop to it.

Avatar is widely regarded as one of the best children's shows of all time, largely because of its inventive world-building and well-developed characters. Still, it isn't without its fair share of fan debates, such as the one pertaining to Avatar's couples. The end of Avatar sees Aang and Katara become a romantic couple, with the two even going on to form a family that can be seen in sequel series The Legend of Korra. However, there are several fans who don't think the two should've ended up together and believe that Katara was better suited for antagonist-turned-hero Zuko. It's a debate that's been revived thanks to Avatar being added to Netflix this past summer.

Volpe, who directed nineteen episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, decided to take part in the ongoing "This claim is disputed" meme, in which people tweet out a statement that is then seemingly "disputed" by Twitter. In doing so, Volpe might've stirred up some fandom discourse with his contribution. First, Volpe wrote, "Aang and Katara were obviously meant for each other." He then followed it up with a rather surprising disclaimer: "Official sources say this claim is disputable."

It's been speculated for years that the original plan was for Katara and Zuko to end up together, and Volpe's tweet almost seems to support that. Of course, this isn't the same as an outright confirmation, and it's difficult to say for sure if a Katara and Zuko romance was ever in the cards. One could even say Volpe's joke was simply to show that Katara and Aang's relationship isn't as perfect as Avatar tried to make it seem. Despite them being very cute together, there are plenty of valid reasons for why they might've been better off as friends.

Volpe's true meaning may never be known, though it's still a funny joke. Those who love Katara and Aang (Kataang) together might take issue with it, but that's to be expected. Everyone has their own opinions about their relationship, and that's okay. These days, shipping matters are very serious among the fanbases of various shows and films, and Avatar is no exception.  Whether this will translate to Netflix's in-development live-action series remains to be seen. Odds are, though, it definitely will.

Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra on CBS All Access and Netflix!

Subscribe to the NEW official Avatar: The Last Airbender YouTube channel!:

More Nick: Nickelodeon to Release 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Cookbook in August 2021!

Original source: ScreenRant.

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Nickelodeon Sets Swim-Sational Cast for 'Baby Shark's Big Show!'


Brand-New Animated Preschool Series to Debut with Original Holiday Special
Friday, Dec. 11, at 12:30 p.m. (ET/PT)

Share it: @NickJr #BabySharksBigShow

BURBANK, Calif.–Nov. 17, 2020–Nickelodeon has set the cast for its highly anticipated new preschool series Baby Shark’s Big Show!, which will premiere with an original holiday special on Friday, Dec. 11, at 12:30 p.m. (ET/PT). Based on the world-famous pop culture phenomenon, the 2D-animated series will feature a swim-sational lineup of actors: Kimiko Glenn (Orange is the New Black); Luke Youngblood (Glitch TechsHarry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone); Natasha Rothwell (Insecure); Eric Edelstein (Hotel for Dogs, Pig Goat Banana CricketWe Bare Bears); Debra Wilson (MADtv); and Patrick Warburton (Tak & the Power of Juju, The X's, Seinfeld, Family Guy).

Co-produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio and SmartStudy, the global entertainment company behind the beloved children’s brand Pinkfong, Baby Shark’s Big Show! (26 half-hour episodes), will follow Baby Shark and his best friend William as they journey on fun-filled comedic adventures in their community of Carnivore Cove, make new friends and sing original catchy tunes along the way.

Meet the inhabitants of Carnivore Cove:

  • Baby (Glenn) – A sweet, bubbly, and abso-toothly fearless little shark who has a habit of biting off more than he can chew.
  • William (Youngblood) – A quick-witted pilot fish with a flair for the funny, William is always down for jaw-some adventures with his best bud Baby.
  • Mommy (Rothwell) – Fun-loving with a fierce streak, Mommy Shark works for the Mayor of Carnivore Cove.
  • Daddy (Edelstein) – A worrier who can’t help his loud and goofy nature, Daddy Shark is a dentist who flosses when he’s nervous.
  • Grandma (Wilson) – A new-agey prankster who’s all about good vibes and bubbleberry pies.
  • Grandpa (Warburton) – A charismatic shark who loves to tell stories about the glory days.

In “Baby Shark’s Big Fishmas Special,” the season’s hottest toy—Burpin’ Bubbz—is at the top of Baby and William’s Fishmas wish lists, and when Santa Jaws goes missing, it’s up to them to save the holiday. Following the premiere, the special will be available on Nick Jr. On Demand and Download-To-Own services, as well as and the Nick Jr. App, which will also feature short-form content.

“Baby Shark’s Big Fishmas Special” is part of Nickelodeon’s “Nickmas” holiday-themed lineup which features joyous premieres and specials from the network’s live-action, animation and preschool series, including the season two premiere of original festive competition series, Top Elf; the brand-new star-studded special The All-Star Nickmas Spectacular; and all-new episodes of hit series Blue’s Clues & You!, The Casagrandes, Danger Force, All That and more, plus classic fan-favorite holiday episodes of Rugrats, PAW Patrol, SpongeBob SquarePants and The Loud House.

New episodes of Baby Shark’s Big Show! will roll out across Nickelodeon’s preschool platforms in the U.S. beginning spring 2021, followed by Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. channels internationally. In addition to Nickelodeon and SmartStudy’s partnership to produce Baby Shark’s Big Show!, ViacomCBS Consumer Products (VCP) is managing consumer products licensing worldwide, excluding China, Korea and Southeast Asia, for the Baby Shark property.

Baby Shark launched on YouTube in November 2015 and took the world by storm, amassing 7.1 billion views and becoming the most-watched video in the platform’s history. With music, characters, story and dance all combined together, the song recorded a 20-week-streak on the Billboard Hot 100 and spawned a viral phenomenon #BabySharkChallenge, generating over one million cover videos around the globe.

Baby Shark’s Big Show! is executive produced by Gary “Doodles” DiRaffaele (Breadwinners) and Tommy Sica (Breadwinners), with Whitney Ralls (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) serving as co-executive producer. The series is produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio in Burbank, Calif., with production overseen by Eryk Casemiro, Senior Vice President, Nickelodeon Preschool.

Debra Wilson

Eric Edelstein

Kimiko Glenn

Luke Youngblood

Natasha Rothwell

Patrick Warburton

About SmartStudy

Founded in June 2010, SmartStudy is a global entertainment company moving beyond the limits of platforms to create original content across children’s education, games and animation. Through SmartStudy’s beloved children’s brand, Pinkfong, the company produces modern-day songs and stories to provide stimulating, fun, learning experiences to children.

About Pinkfong

Pinkfong is a global entertainment brand that creates award-winning kids’ content for families around the world. Pinkfong has over 5,000 songs and stories within its vast library of children’s content, which can be accessed on the App Store and Google Play, as well as on YouTube and Amazon Video. Pinkfong’s accolades include the Amazon Video Direct Star, YouTube’s Diamond Play Button and Google Play’s Best Family App of 2014-2017.

For more information, please visit the Pinkfong website, subscribe to its YouTube channel, or follow the company on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

About Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon, now in its 41st year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The brand includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, location based experiences, publishing and feature films. For more information or artwork, visit Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of ViacomCBS Inc. (Nasdaq: VIACA, VIAC).

# # #

Update (12/9) - Baby Shark's Big Show! is expected to air on KBS1 in Korea.

Daddy Shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo! Gonzaga alumnus Eric Edelstein lands TV roles in ‘Baby Shark,’ ‘Creepshow’

Eric Edelstein has finally come out of the closet … to do an interview. The character/voice actor turned his coat closet into a recording studio after the coronavirus left the Gonzaga alumnus sequestered in Hollywood.

“I was turning lemons into lemonade,” Edelstein said while calling from his Los Angeles home. “It was a necessity. I put in sound proofing and bought some gear, and I was off and running. There’s no lemonade in there, just a pot of hot coffee.”

Edelstein, 43, is a quintessential character actor. The former Gonzaga basketball TV play-by-play announcer enjoys playing a wide variety of roles. Edelstein recently scored the role of Daddy Shark in Disney’s “Baby Shark’s Big Show,” which debuts Dec. 11 on Nickelodeon.

“I’m so happy,” Edelstein said. “It’s a fun gig. Who doesn’t love ‘Baby Shark’? It’s cute family entertainment.”

Edelstein also is part of the horror anthology series “Creepshow.” Season 2, which is slated for 2021, airs on Shudder.

“I play a plumber hired by a landlord,” Edelstein said. “There’s something interesting in those pipes. I get upstaged by Marilyn Manson, but I’m used to it. I used to live two houses down from him. I remember he had goth girls working in his yard.”

Los Angeles is quite a different world from Spokane, but Edelstein insists that he never would have reached the former without living in the latter.

“The people around me in Spokane and Gonzaga gave me wings,” Edelstein said. “They gave me confidence.”

Edelstein, who impressed as the wacky Grizz in the recent animated family film “We Bare Bears,” became friends with a couple of coaches at Gonzaga who had quite an impact on his life.

“Coach (Mark) Few isn’t just a great basketball coach at Gonzaga,” Edelstein said. “He’s such a smart man. He said to add value to whatever you’re a part of – I took that to heart. Everybody wants to be the star, but a team needs someone who can play defense and rebound. I have no problem being that guy in Los Angeles.”

Gonzaga baseball coach Steve Hertz inspired Edelstein’s coach Croach on the animated HBO Max series “The Fungies!”

“When I thought about the coach character, I couldn’t help but think of Steve Hertz. ‘Are you kidding me?’ ” Edelstein said while doing his version of Hertz. “I’m not accredited for anything but physical education. This is of the mind, but we’ll have to improvise.”

Edelstein couldn’t help but laugh.

“That’s right out of Steve, who is such a great guy,” Edelstein said. “What I tell young voice actors to do is to catalog every impression of your friends.

“I can’t keep up with the accents guys like John DiMaggio (Bender on “Futurama” and Jake the Dog on “Adventure Time”) and Tom Kenney (SpongeBob, “SpongeBob, SquarePants”) do, but I take from people I know, and it helps me so much.”

If it’s not a manner of speaking, Edelstein appropriates an attitude and often a work ethic from his driven pals.

“I look at a guy like my good friend Richie Frahm, who would crash on my couch,” Edelstein said. “He was such a great player with Gonzaga, but he couldn’t make a Korean team after playing with Gonzaga. And then he makes the Seattle SuperSonics and scores 31 points in a game as a rookie. Dreams can come true. But I knew that from being around Gonzaga.

“I remember when we heard a Gonzaga hat was being sold at the NorthTown Mall. We went to the mall and stared at the one hat there. Now there’s probably seven different styles of Gonzaga hats at the NorthTown Mall since Gonzaga is so popular. One of these days Gonzaga is going to win the (NCAA) championship.”

Edelstein thought the Zags would win the final round of March Madness eight months ago, but the pandemic derailed the NCAA college basketball season.

“I believe Gonzaga could have gone all the way last season, but we’ll never know what would have happened,” Edelstein said. “It would have been so much fun for Spokane to have celebrated a championship.”

The NBA fan, who likens himself to a cartoon character, still has great affection for Spokane.

“That city is my favorite place in the world,” Edelstein said. “What other city has a river running through it and a place like the Davenport. I love staying at the Davenport. It’s my favorite hotel in the world.

“You know there is no place that I would rather be. I love Spokane.”

When Edelstein returns to Spokane, look for him at his favorite watering hole.

“There is no place like Jack and Dan’s (Bar & Grill),” Edelstein said. “Jack and Dan’s is sacred ground. I love going there and talking politics. The great thing about Jack and Dan’s is that you can talk about your point of view and then listen to someone else’s point of view, and you’ll have some understanding and empathy, and then you’ll get another pitcher of beer.

“Politics online has divided us. It’s time to get back to Jack and Dan’s.”

Edelstein would love to return to Spokane, but it’s time to return to the closet for more voice-overs.

“I love doing this,” Edelstein said. “In some ways, doing this is more difficult than acting, and it’s beneficial. Voice-overs have helped me find my voice as an actor. What else would a giant, goofy guy like me do for a living?”

The amiable entertainer is 6-foot-4, which hasn’t helped Edelstein’s career since so many actors are diminutive.

“They’ve literally dug trenches for me in order to deal with my size,” Edelstein said. “Whenever someone asks me after an audition how tall I am, I know I didn’t get the part, but I can’t complain. I’ve done so well out here.”


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Originally published: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 17:01 GMT.

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