Trends UK has announced the launch of a new range of fully licensed Paw Patrol pet accessories, in collaboration with manufacturers Bunty Pet Products.
Featuring branding based on Nickelodeon's beloved CG-animated preschool series on Nick Jr., the pet accessories range is designed to appeal to the 3.3 million pet owning families in the UK.
The new range features high-sided beds (from £29.99srp to £39.99srp), pillows (£24.99srp), adjustable mesh harness (From £10.99srp to £12.99srp), and dog bowls (from £10.99srp to £12.99srp) featuring the much-loved and recognisable PAW Patrol branding that kids love, with more additions for the range planned.
Designed by Trends UK and manufactured by Bunty Pet Products, the new PAW Patrol Accessories range incorporates key features to help make the products resistant to the daily rigours of normal pet usage, using experience drawn from many years in the pet and toy accessory industry.
The PAW Patrol Accessories launch will be promoted with marketing, PR and social media campaigns, engaging with media, families and influencers showcasing how practical and fun this new range is for pet lovers.
Trends UK’s Graham Spark, said: “We are delighted to launch the new PAW Patrol Pet Accessories range. Our extensive experience working with family audiences and being pet owners ourselves, told us that kid approval rates high when making purchase decisions.
“Our launch range of quality pet supplies featuring the number one PAW Patrol brand, is fun and useful
PAW Patrol follows the adventures of a tech-savvy boy named Ryder and his team of pups who are ready to save the day. Whenever there's trouble, pups Chase, Marshall, Rubble, Zuma, Rocky and Skye are ready for action, no matter what comes their way. With a mission to work together to keep Adventure Bay safe, no job is too big, and no pup is too small. PAW Patrol is the number one preschool property in the in the UK.
Airing in over 160 countries, in 30 languages, PAW Patrol is consistently ranked as one of, if not the, top-rated preschool series. Currently entering its seventh season on Nickelodeon, PAW Patrol's universal messaging resonates with children around the world and since its launch in 2013, the franchise has won countless awards. The series has been renewed for an eighth season, and had a feature film in production, scheduled for released in August 2021. The series is produced by Spin Master Entertainment.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Valentine's on Nick Jr. UK, Nickelodeon Preschool and PAW Patrol News and Highlights!
--- This November (ноябре), Nickelodeon Russia (Россия) and Nickelodeon HD will be airing:
Cмотри в ноябре | Nickelodeon Россия
--- Nickelodeon:
-- The brand new Danger Force (Опасный отряд) episode "Chapa's Crush" on Friday 6th November 2020 at 16:05 MCK!
-- Brand new episodes of It's Pony (Это Пони) Saturdays and Sundays at 14:30 MCK from Saturday 14th November 2020! New episodes include the Halloween special, "Scarecrow".
-- Noobees (Нубы) season two, weekdays at 16:05 MCK from Monday 16th November 2020! There will be a small break in the new episodes, which Nickelodeon will announce nearer the time.
-- Nickelodeon's Birthday! Nickelodeon celebrates its 22nd birthday on Sunday 15th November 2020, and to mark 22 years of broadcasting the best kids programming, Nickelodeon will premiere a brand new episode of Ollie's Pack (Рюкзак Олли) at 09:40 MCK, air a spongeriffic SpongeBob SquarePants (Губка Боб Квадратные Штаны) marathon from 12:30 MCK, and premiere a brand new episode of It's Pony at 14:30 MCK! Viewers will also have another chance to see the epic finale of Henry Danger (Опасный Генри) at 15:20 MCK and catch all the episodes of Danger Force (so far) from 16:05 MCK!
-- Avatar: The Legend of Aang (Аватара: Легенду об Аанге) weekdays at 09:40 MCK all month long!
-- In 5..4..3..2.. iCarly (АйКарли) is back, weekdays at 22:55 MCK all month long!
-- Viewers choice with "рулиэ фиром", weekdays at 20:10 MCK! Week 1 is It's Pony!
--- Nickelodeon HD:
-- Band new episodes of The Casagrandes (Касагранде), including the all new episode "Cursed!", weekdays at 19:40 MCK between Monday 2nd - Thursday 19th November 2020!
-- Brand new episodes of Just Add Magic (Просто добавь магии) season three, weekdays at 21:00 MCK, with the series finale airing Tuesday 10th November 2020!
-- The season one finale of The Substitute (Nickelodeon: Учитель на замену) on Saturday 7th November 2020 at 21:20 MCK!
-- Brand new episodes of Danger Force Sundays at 21:00 MCK!
-- Brand new episodes of It's Pony weekdays at 20:05 MCK from Monday 9th November 2020!
-- Brand new episodes of LEGO City Adventures (Лего Сити: приключения) season two weekdays at 19:10 MCK from Monday 9th November 2020!
-- The brand new show Just Add Magic: Mystery City (Просто добавь магии: Таинственный город) weekdays at 21:00 from Monday 23rd November 2020!
All the new episodes have previously aired on the main Nickelodeon Россия channel.
Новые серии, новые сезоны, олдскул и день рождения Nickelodeon! Месяц будет суперинтересным :)
Читай до конца и напиши в комментах, какая новость тебе понравилась больше всего!
Начнём с новых серий и сезонов, а продолжим просто классными новостями.
«Опасный Отряд»
В ноябре нас ждёт ещё одна новая серия, а потом небольшой перерыв. В этом эпизоде мы (возможно) узнаем в кого влюблена Чапа, а ещё в нём же (скорее всего) появится Генри! Заинтриговали? Тогда не пропускай, в эту пятницу, 6 ноября в 16:05 МСК.
«Это Пони»
Начинаем смотреть новые серии в 14:30 по выходным с 14 ноября и продолжаем веееесь месяц. Будут серии про дружбу, про семью и даже одна хэллоуинская. Не пропускай!
Да, наконец-то! Нам и самим уже не верится, но с 16 ноября по будням мы начнём показывать второй сезон! Ты ведь помнишь на чём мы остановились? Главные герои расслабились, ведь Геймовер повержен… Но! Кажется не всё так просто и новая угроза уже где-то рядом. Или даже старая?
В общем, в новом сезоне всё стало ещё круче, ещё сложнее, а героев ещё больше! Смотрим в то же время, 16:05 МСК.
P.S. Перерыв будет, но не так уж скоро :)
15 ноября мы отмечаем день рождения! По этому случаю в эфире новая серия «Рюкзака Олли» в 9:40 МСК, марафон клёвых серий «Губки Боба» в 12:30 МСК и новая серия «Это Пони» в 14:30 МСК.
А ещё: повтор финала «Опасного Генри» в 15:20 и повтор всех вышедших серий «Опасного отряда» в 16:05 МСК. Отмечаем вместе!
А дальше ничего нового… Но всё же лучше дочитать до конца :)
Снова в эфире: «Аватар: Легенда об Аанге»
Мы же говорили, что внимательно читаем сообщения и комментарии :) Аанг снова в эфире, по будням в 9:40 МСК, весь месяц! Что тут ещё скажешь))
Снова в эфире: «АйКарли»
Наконец-то наши любимчики в удобное время! Вернули минимум на месяц, смотри по будням в 22:55 МСК!
Возвращаем новости HD версии, постараемся коротко :) Кстати, эти серии ты уже мог видеть в эфире Nickelodeon, но если вдруг ты что-то пропустил, это отличный шанс их всё-таки заценить!
Смотрим новые серии со 2 по 19 ноября по будням в 19:40 МСК .
«Просто добавь магии»
Продолжаем просмотр третьего сезона по будням в 21:00 МСК. Впереди ещё 7 серий, смотрим до 10 ноября.
«Nickelodeon: Учитель на замену»
Остался один новый эпизод! Посмотрим в субботу, в 21:20 МСК.
«Опасный отряд»
А вот тут ещё две новых серии! Не пропускай, по воскресеньям в 21:00 МСК.
«Это Пони»
Пони вернулся к зрителям Nick HD на целых три недели! Причём тут будет парочка совсем новых серий, которых ещё никто не видел. Начинаем 9 ноября, смотрим по будням в 20:05 МСК.
«LEGO City Приключения»
Между прочим, зрителям канала очень повезло, ведь здесь мы смотрим уже второй сезон! На этот раз начинаем в понедельник 9 ноября с 7 серии второго сезона в 19:10 МСК. И смотрим по будням.
«Просто добавь магии: Таинственный город»
Решили не делать большой перерыв и показать спин-офф сразу. Начнём 23 ноября, показываем по будням в 21:00 МСК.
Ну вот и всё! Готовимся к зиме, праздникам и каникулам вместе :)
Яркие премьеры: что посмотреть на Nickelodeon, Nick Jr и Nickelodeon HD в ноябре
В ближайшие дни и недели юные зрители телеканалов Nickelodeon, Nick Jr и Nickelodeon HD смогут увидеть новые серии любимых мультсериалов, а также посмотреть праздничную подборку в честь дня рождения Nickelodeon Россия.
Шоу: «Нубы»
Канал: Nickelodeon Россия
Когда смотреть: с 16 ноября по будням в 16:05 и 22:05
Шоу рассказывает о жизни подростков, для которых киберспорт – больше чем просто хобби. Главная героиня сериала Сильвия – превосходная баскетболистка. В отличие от младшего брата Эрика, мечтающего стать профессиональным геймером, ее никогда не интересовали видеоигры, но она готова пойти на все, чтобы осуществить давнюю мечту своего отца. Будучи ребенком, отец Сильвии Гектор пообещал посвятить свою жизнь киберспорту. Он стал одним из лучших в профессиональной лиге видеоигр, но после пропажи своего друга Матео покинул ее, позволив сопернику выиграть турнир.
Совершенно не разбираясь в видеоиграх, Сильвия решает принять участие в киберспортивном соревновании вместе с братом и одержать победу. Для этого у ребят есть дополнительный стимул: главных соперников, «Рокеров», тренирует противник Гектора Роберто, экс-победитель лиги. Сильвия становится единственным неопытным игроком в команде, и в честь нее ребята решают назвать себя «Нубами», новичками в компьютерных играх. По мере погружения в новый мир Сильвия сталкивается c непривычными для нее ситуациями – например, влюбляется в капитана команды «Рокеры» Давида, дружелюбного и целеустремленного подростка.
Зрители узнают о том, как быть лидером и командным игроком одновременно, как бороться до победного, но не забывать о человеческих качествах. «Нубы» – это история о подростковых отношениях, взрослении, настоящей дружбе и любви. В новом сезоне команде предстоит найти нового участника и продолжить соревнование, а Сильвии придется не только решать проблемы с соперниками по игре, но и принять важные решения в отношениях с Давидом.
Шоу: «Мой шумный дом»
Канал: Nickelodeon Россия
Когда смотреть: с 20 ноября по пятницам в 17:45
Каково это – расти в большой семье? Линкольн Лауд на своем примере демонстрирует стратегию выживания в хаосе огромного семейства, будучи к тому же единственным мальчиком среди десяти сестер! В новом сезоне Линкольну предстоит освоиться в средней школе, а также столкнуться с переменами дома – у Лаудов появляются новые подозрительные соседи, а Лени становится самой старшей сестрой в семье.
Шоу: «Шиммер и Шайн»
Канал: NICK JR
Когда смотреть: с 30 ноября по будням в 10:05
Кто не мечтал хоть однажды о волшебном джинне из лампы! А вот у девочки Лии таких сразу два. Шиммер и Шайн – две сестренки с огромным потенциалом волшебства. Вот только желания своей юной повелительницы они понимают с большим трудом, поэтому Лия все время попадает в неловкие ситуации. А все потому, что близняшки слишком много лет просидели в своей лампе и совершенно не понимают современных реалий. Заточение, как известно, мудрости не прибавляет.
В новых сериях Лию и ее подружек ждет еще больше забавных приключений не без участия чародейки Зиты, вместе с которой им в том числе предстоит помешать Узме лишить Зарамэй-Фоллс магии.
Шоу: «Lego City Приключения»
Канал: Nickelodeon HD
Когда смотреть: по будням в 19:10
«Lego City Приключения» – сериал, состоящий из забавных, остроумных, динамичных зарисовок на тему городской жизни. Он посвящён надеждам, мечтам и злоключениям постоянно растущего сообщества уникальных персонажей. В новых сериях жителям не придется скучать – в городе появился настоящий ковбой, у побережья замечено таинственное морское чудовище, а предвыборная гонка за пост мэра набирает обороты.
Добавим, уже завтра, 15 ноября, телеканал Nickelodeon Россия отмечает свой день рождения. В честь этого события в течение всего дня смотрите в эфире праздничные серии любимых шоу. Герои мультсериалов «Мой шумный дом», «Касагранде», «Губка Боб Квадратные Штаны», «Волшебные покровители» будут отмечать свои дни рождения вместе с каналом.
Official ViacomCBS Networks Russia press release:
Сериал о киберспорте «Нубы» получит продолжение: Nickelodeon Россия покажет второй сезон
16 ноября телеканал Nickelodeon Россия представит премьеру второго сезона популярного сериала «Нубы», покорившего зрителей в 25 странах. Он расскажет о приключениях школьников, которые умело совмещают учебу и профессиональный киберспорт. На этот раз главным героям предстоит сразиться с Геймовером, искусственным интеллектом игры «Лабиринт», который попытается настроить их друг против друга.
События сериала разворачиваются одновременно в двух мирах: реальном и виртуальном. В новом сезоне состав киберспортивных команд сильно изменится: Лаура отправится в экспедицию в Бразилию, Таня и Пабло уедут в Японию, а Сильвия и вовсе решит уйти из «Нубов». После успешных съемок фильма в школу вернется Рут, а в классе появится новая ученица — Фернанда.
В первой серии нового сезона Давид по неизвестным причинам решит отказаться от некоторых участников команды и займется поиском новых игроков. Впоследствии окажется, что его характер перепрограммировал Геймовер, который вырвался на свободу и теперь мечтает отомстить человечеству. Он начнет переманивать аватаров на свою сторону и сеять смуту среди «Нубов».
Сериал не только расскажет о популярной среди подростков теме киберспорта, но и научит их таким важным вещам, как упорство в достижении целей, воля к победе, самоотдача и умение играть в команде.
Показ первого сезона «Нубов» прошел в 25 странах, а количество его зрителей превысило 10,5 млн. Благодаря этому сериал был включен в список самых успешных телешоу производства Viacom International Studios.
Смотрите второй сезон сериала «Нубы» на телеканале Nickelodeon Россия с 16 ноября по будням в 16:05 и 22:05 по московскому времени.
Originally published: Sunday, November 1, 2020. Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Russia News and Highlights!
Nick Jr. Italy (Italia) will be hosting “In fondo al mare con Baby Shark” ("Under the Sea with Baby Shark"), a brand new stunt mixing fan-favourite episodes of PAW Patrol and brand new Baby Shark animated shorts, which will air weekdays at 19:00 between Monday 16th - Friday 20th November 2020! Following the stunt, the Baby Shark shorts will air regularly on Nick Jr. Italia from Saturday 21st November 2020. Baby Shark will also be starring in his own Nick Jr. series, Baby Shark’s Big Show!, premiering 2021 on the Nick Jr. channel in Italy.
While waiting for Baby Shark's brand new show, fans can immerse themselves in the underwater world of Baby Shark with a series of colourful and engaging products! Over 25 partners are on board for the property in Italy, with 200 products covering all categories that will allow little ones to live in perfect Baby Shark style.
Official ViacomCBS Networks Italia press release, via PuntoZip:
Baby Shark – debuttano in Italia i primi cortometraggi. E presto una serie animata
Baby Shark - debuttano in Italia i primi cortometraggi. E presto una serie animataUna nuova famiglia di simpatici squaletti colorati è pronta a tuffarsi nel mondo frizzante di NickJr, il canale prescolare di ViacomCBS Networks Italia in onda sul canale 603 di Sky.
Mondadori Store
Boccagli e maschera saranno indispensabili per tutta la settimana dal 16 al 20 novembre perchè alle ore 19.00 andrà in onda lo stunt di programmazione “In fondo al mare con Baby Shark” composto da un mix di episodi di PAW Patrol e dei nuovissimi corti inediti di Baby Shark. Da Sabato 21 Novembre i corti di Baby Shark invaderanno tutto il canale di NickJr andando in onda in diversi orari della giornata.
Dal suo lancio su YouTube, nel novembre del 2015, Baby Shark ha letteralmente conquistato il mondo, raggiungendo proprio in questi giorni l’incredibile risultato di video più visualizzato nella storia della piattaforma con oltre 7,6 miliardi di visualizzazioni. Con l’hashtag #BabySharkChallenge, la canzone ha generato un vero fenomeno virale, diventando la colonna sonora di tantissime famiglie.
Ma non è tutto. In attesa della serie in onda, i piccoli fan possono immergersi nel mondo sottomarino di Baby Shark con una serie di prodotti colorati e coinvolgenti! Oltre 25 partner sono a bordo per lo sviluppo in Italia di circa 200 prodotti a copertura di tutte le categorie merceologiche che permetteranno ai più piccini di vivere in perfetto stile Baby Shark.
Ed è solo l’inizio! Il fenomeno mediatico Baby Shark darà vita a un’inedita serie animata, che nel 2021 invaderà NickJr (canale Sky 603) per divertire i bambini a ritmo di musica e avventure marine!
È Sky Media – concessionaria del Gruppo Sky Italia – a curare la raccolta pubblicitaria dei canali Nickelodeon in Italia.
Nickelodeon è il brand di intrattenimento numero uno per i bambini che ha costruito un business diversificato e globale mettendo i bambini al primo posto in tutto i progetti intrapresi. Con una vasta gamma di offerte che spaziano dai programmi televisivi, alla produzione televisiva negli Stati Uniti e nel mondo, prodotti di consumer product, prodotti digital, esperienze localizzate, editoria e lungometraggi, Nickelodeon è disponibile in oltre 500 milioni di famiglie in più di 170 paesi e territori, grazie ad oltre 100 canali programmati localmente e “branded block”. In Italia, Nickelodeon fa parte di ViacomCBS Networks Italia, che possiede i canali presenti in esclusiva su Sky con Nickelodeon (Sky 605) e NickJr (Sky 603), i siti e e tutti gli asset digital e socail. È Sky Media – concessionaria del Gruppo Sky Italia – a curare la raccolta pubblicitaria di Nickelodeon e di tutti i canali ViacomCBS in Italia.
Baby Shark: da oggi su NickJr i corti animati basati sul fenomeno mondiale
Riceviamo e pubblichiamo il comunicato stampa sull’arrivo in Italia su NickJr dei corti di Baby Shark:
LEGGI: Su Nickelodeon arriva la serie animata
Una nuova famiglia di simpatici squaletti colorati è pronta a tuffarsi nel mondo frizzante di NickJr, il canale prescolare di ViacomCBS Networks Italia in onda sul canale 603 di Sky. Boccagli e maschera saranno indispensabili per tutta la settimana dal 16 al 20 novembre perchè alle ore 19.00 andrà in onda lo stunt di programmazione “In fondo al mare con Baby Shark” composto da un mix di episodi di PAW Patrol e dei nuovissimi corti inediti di Baby Shark. Da Sabato 21 Novembre i corti di Baby Shark invaderanno tutto il canale di NickJr andando in onda in diversi orari della giornata.
Dal suo lancio su YouTube, nel novembre del 2015, Baby Shark ha letteralmente conquistato il mondo, raggiungendo proprio in questi giorni l’incredibile risultato di video più visualizzato nella storia della piattaforma con oltre 7,6 miliardi di visualizzazioni. Con l’hashtag #BabySharkChallenge, la canzone ha generato un vero fenomeno virale, diventando la colonna sonora di tantissime famiglie.
via comunicato stampa
Intanto, Nickelodeon ha ordinato la realizzazione di una serie animata per bambini basata sulla popolarissima serie di video YouTube. La serie si intitolerà sarà composta da 26 episodi per un debutto atteso nel 2021. A fine anno, tuttavia, andrà in onda un speciale natalizio che anticiperà lo show. Pinkfong, la compagnia dietro la clip oramai diventata cult, collaborerà con Nickelodeon per il progetto.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr. Italy, Nickelodeon Preschool and PAW Patrol News and Highlights!
Nickelodeon UK Network Ratings for week of Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th November 2020.
The Nickelodeon UK Network's ratings were a bit of a mixed bag again this week, according to BARB data. Ratings were up slightly for Nickelodeon compared to the previous week (Oct 26 - Nov. 1), with an encore of Find Me In Paris also making the channel's Top 15.
Nicktoons' ratings were up this week, with an episode of Rugrats making a welcome appearance in the channel's Top 15.
Over on Nick Jr., new series Santiago of the Seas got off to a strong start. Meanwhile, with Nick Jr. Too currently hosting Nick Jr. Peppa, Peppa Pig dominated the channel's ratings.
Nickelodeon Total:
1. THE THUNDERMANS (SAT 10:59) - 52,600
2. HENRY DANGER (SAT 09:00) - 47,600
3. THE THUNDERMANS (SAT 10:31) - 40,400
4. HORRID HENRY (TUE 06:30) - 40,300
5. HORRID HENRY (FRI 06:31) - 36,600
6. DORG VAN DANGO (SUN 16:00) - 34,300
7. DORG VAN DANGO (SUN 16:15) - 33,800
8. HORRID HENRY (TUE 16:43) - 32,500
9. HORRID HENRY (FRI 20:32) - 31,700
10. THE THUNDERMANS (FRI 07:29) - 29,800
11. THE THUNDERMANS (WED 07:28) - 28,900
12. HORRID HENRY (FRI 20:43) - 28,600
13. FIND ME IN PARIS (TUE 19:00) - 28,100
14. HORRID HENRY (MON 06:15) - 27,500
15. THE THUNDERMANS (TUE 09:00) - 27,300
NickToons Total:
1. HORRID HENRY (SUN 22:45) - 80,100
2. HORRID HENRY (SAT 22:44) - 62,600
3. HORRID HENRY (THU 08:00) - 51,600
6. THE LOUD HOUSE (SUN 07:15) - 42,300
7. HORRID HENRY (FRI 18:15) - 41,700
9. HORRID HENRY (FRI 27:30) - 39,500
10. HORRID HENRY (FRI 22:45) - 39,500
11. HORRID HENRY (TUE 17:45) - 35,900
12. THE LOUD HOUSE (THU 20:15) - 35,600
13. HORRID HENRY (FRI 18:00) - 35,600
14. FAIRLY ODD PARENTS (SAT 18:15) - 33,900
15. RUGRATS (SAT 17:00) - 33,900
Nick Jr. Total:
2. PEPPA PIG (WED 13:30) - 125,500
3. PAW PATROL (SUN 10:44) - 109,200
4. SANTIAGO OF THE SEAS (THU 18:14) - 100,900
5. PAW PATROL (SUN 10:30) - 94,800
6. PAW PATROL (SAT 10:15) - 92,200
7. PAW PATROL (SUN 14:14) - 88,200
8. SANTIAGO OF THE SEAS (THU 18:00) - 84,600
9. PAW PATROL (SAT 10:29) - 82,600
10. PAW PATROL (MON 17:44) - 82,500
12. PAW PATROL (SUN 13:45) - 79,800
13. PAW PATROL (TUE 08:00) - 79,800
14. PAW PATROL (SUN 13:59) - 74,800
15. PAW PATROL (SUN 14:29) - 73,400
Nick Jr. Too:
1. PEPPA PIG (MON 11:50) - 104,900
2. PEPPA PIG (TUE 11:50) - 94,100
3. PEPPA PIG (MON 09:50) - 92,900
4. PEPPA PIG (WED 17:15) - 91,700
5. PEPPA PIG (TUE 13:20) - 91,100
6. PEPPA PIG (TUE 13:50) - 86,600
7. PEPPA PIG (WED 19:20) - 85,600
8. PEPPA PIG (WED 10:45) - 80,600
9. PEPPA PIG (MON 24:05) - 80,000
10. PEPPA PIG (MON 29:35) - 80,000
11. PEPPA PIG (MON 10:35) - 78,600
12. PEPPA PIG (WED 25:50) - 78,200
13. PEPPA PIG (MON 15:34) - 77,800
14. PEPPA PIG (TUE 24:50)- 75,000
15. PEPPA PIG (MON 10:45) - 72,500
Notes: Nick Jr. Too is listed as Nick Jr 2 on BARB; the channel is currently named Nick Jr. Peppa.
Nickelodeon Network:
1. BLAZE AND THE MONSTER MACHINES (TUE 18:30) - Nick Jr Total - 140,800
2. PEPPA PIG (WED 13:30) - Nick Jr Total - 125,500
3. PAW PATROL (SUN 10:44) - Nick Jr Total - 109,200
4. PEPPA PIG (MON 11:50) - Nick Jr 2 - 104,900
5. SANTIAGO OF THE SEAS - (THU 18:14) - 100,900
6. PAW PATROL (SUN 10:30) - Nick Jr Total - 94,800
7. PEPPA PIG (TUE 11:50) - Nick Jr 2 - 94,100
8. PEPPA PIG (MON 09:50) - Nick Jr 2 - 92,900
9. PAW PATROL (SAT 10:15) - Nick Jr Total - 92,200
10. PEPPA PIG (WED 17:15) - Nick Jr 2 - 91,700
11. PEPPA PIG (TUE 13:20) - Nick Jr 2 - 91,100
12. PAW PATROL (SUN 14:14) - Nick Jr Total - 88,200
13. PEPPA PIG (TUE 13:50) - Nick Jr 2 - 86,600
14. PEPPA PIG (WED 19:20) - Nick Jr 2 - 85,600
15. SANTIAGO OF THE SEAS - (THU 18:00) - Nick Jr Total - 84,600
Ratings data provided by BARB.
Programmes of less than 5 minutes duration are excluded from these reports.
Linear TV viewing only; Data for viewing programming on PC/laptops, Tablets and Smartphones is currently unavailable.
Originally published: Monday, November 16, 2020.Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon UK News and Highlights!
Chibi-est Moments from the Avatar Chibi Shorts + ATLA! | Avatar: The Last Airbender
Who doesn't love the Avatar Chibi Shorts? Chibi Aang, Zuko, Katara and the rest of the Tiny Gaang might be small, but there sure is a lot to love! Here are some of Nick's favorite moments from the Chibi shorts AND hidden Chibi moments from the canon Avatar: The Last Airbender series!
Meet Hero: the BREAKDANCING Dog! 🐶 Nickelodeon's Unleashed
You've probably seen dogs do some neat tricks before, but have you ever seen one BREAKDANCE? Check out Hero the breakdancing dog as he wows the judges of Nickelodeon's newest pet competition show Unleashed! And catch new episodes Thursdays at 7/6c, followed by all new Top Elf, only on Nickeldeon!
Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for Sunday, November 15, 2020 | Nickelodeon
Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.
Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.
In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang's trusty sky bison, Appa, was designed with several animals and at least one other fictional character in mind.
In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang’s lovable and fiercely loyal sky bison, Appa, has a distinct design including six legs, a flat tail, horns, and massive size. The early concept of a large fictional creature who acted as a companion for Aang remained the same, but Appa's specific design changed many times before the showrunners settled on the version that fans know and love. One of the earliest designs for Appa was a dog-like creature that eventually became the inspiration for Naga, Korra’s polar bear dog in Avatar: The Legend of Korra. Later designs for Appa included spiral horns, but the showrunners realized that the shape would be too difficult to animate.
Appa’s appearance had several inspirations, including two real-life creatures: manatees and buffalo. Appa has the nose and horns of a buffalo plus the rounded body and oblong tail of a manatee - an animal loved by Avatar: The Last Airbender co-creator, Bryan Konietzko. Manatees are large marine mammals, also known as sea cows. These herbivores are gentle giants and the way Appa moves through the air resembles the way a manatee moves through the water. But neither of these animals’ appearance’s explains the fact that Appa has six cat-like legs.
In the book, Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Art of the Animated Series, Konietzko reveals that Appa’s design was partially inspired by the Catbus in Hayao Miyazaki’s My Neighbor Totoro. The resemblance is so subtle that even fans of both Avatar and Totoro might not immediately draw a comparison between Catbus and Appa – the only obvious traits they share are their large size, ability to fly, and excess of appendages. The two characters are different in almost every other way.
In My Neighbor Totoro, the Catbus is summoned by Totoro to help Satsuki find her younger sister, Mei. Catbus, as the name implies, is a bus in the shape of a massive cat, including windows and a door for passengers to enter. The Catbus pounces, zooms, flies, and lurches, which is a stark contrast to Appa’s slow and gentle gliding. Catbus has a Cheshire-like grin, orange fur, a long tail – and twelve legs, which is twice as many as Appa’s six, but Appa's aesthetic pays direct homage to Hayao Miyazaki’s fourth feature film, My Neighbor Totoro.
Those who are familiar with Miyazaki’s work will likely notice other influences that the legendary filmmaker had on the Avatar series, particularly the stylized animation, nuanced characters, and epic storytelling sprinkled with vignettes of everyday life. The creators of Avatar - Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko - have both expressed their admiration for the incomparable Japanese filmmaker, Hayao Miyazaki, so it’s not surprising that they would want to honor his monumental work in Avatar: The Last Airbender through Appa. Appa and Catbus are both scene-stealing friendly giants, adored by audiences for their adorable, furry appearances and distinctive, lovable personalities.
Originally source: ScreenRant. Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, NickRewind, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra News and Highlights!
Avatar: The Last Airbender's creators had an idea of a trio of firebenders hunting Aang that didn't make the pilot but instead evolved into Azula's elite squad.
Avatar: The Last Airbender was originally going to have an elite team of female firebenders, but the idea was eventually dropped. Creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko spent years refining their original concept into the show beloved by many fans today. In their book Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Art of the Animated Series, DiMartino and Konietzko reveal that one of these changes involved cutting a team of female firebenders, a team which bears a striking resemblance to Azula's team introduced in season 2.
Season 2 adds Princess Azula, Zuko's ruthless, ambitious sister, to its cast of characters. Tasked with capturing Zuko, Azula recruits the help of two of her closest friends from the Royal Fire Academy for Girls, Mai and Ty Lee. While neither are firebenders like Azula, both characters are capable of inflicting severe damage on enemies. Mai is an excellent markswoman, incapacitating opponents with her small blades and arrows. Ty Lee is both an expert gymnast and chi blocker. Her ability to temporarily remove a bender's powers makes her a deadly foe and an incredible asset to Azula's team.
Even though this fearsome trio did not appear in the first season, DiMartino and Konietzko had a similar idea for a group of female Fire Nation antagonists early on in the show's development. In Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Art of the Animated Series, they say that for Avatar's pilot, which differed greatly from the final show, "we had an idea about an elite group of female firebenders hunting Aang, but unfortunately it never found its way into the series." Even though this first iteration of their idea did not appear in Avatar, Azula's team does seem like a natural evolution of this concept.
A trio of fierce Fire Nation women, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee are incredibly elite fighters. While neither Mai nor Ty Lee are firebenders, they are still highly skilled and can hold their own against some of the world's most powerful benders. When the group's focus shifts from solely hunting Zuko to also hunting Aang, they also come closer to the creators' original idea for the team.
This is not the only time ideas for Azula's team have shifted drastically. Azula was originally accompanied by a team of ninjas before the creators decided having individual companions with different skill sets would be more interesting. Both Mai and Ty Lee helped round out Azula's character: their friendship specifically helped set up Azula's arc in Avatar: The Last Airbender's final season, as their betrayal worsened her mental health. Even though DiMartino and Konietzko did not use their first idea for the trio of elite firebenders in the pilot, it is fascinating to chart the concept's evolution into the fascinating squad of fighters that is Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee.
Avatar: Why Azula Had Blue Fire In The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Last Airbender villain Azula was the only character in the Nickelodeon show to use blue fire - why was her firebending ability so unique?
Nickelodeon's 2005 series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, showcased a wide variety of characters with immense strength and power, but Azula's firebending prowess trumps them all with the might of her unique trademark, her blue flames. In the world of The Last Airbender, the Avatar is the strongest person in the world, having total mastery over all four elements of nature and utilizing the spiritual, yet powerful Avatar State. Regardless of that power, Azula's ability to master her birthright as a firebender and perfect the technique of emitting blue fire is immaculate, but why her specifically?
With the introduction of her arrival at the end of the first season and within the second season, Azula's demeanor as the next intimidating threat for Team Avatar to encounter had the audience understand that this is someone not to be taken lightly. As this formidable foe, Azula's power and authority were unmatched every time she was on-screen. The fact that she's powerful enough within the show to even possess the ability to wield blue fire, but control it to her whim is a key reason she stands out as the only firebender who can utilize it.
One notion many believe in is that her proficiency in the "cold-blooded fire", also known as lightning generation, caused Azula's main source of fire to turn "cold" or blue as a result. This doesn't entirely fit, though, as in the sequel series, The Legend of Korra, Mako could generate lightning from his fingertips and still use normal red or yellow fire. Throughout the series, it is suggested that the creators based her strength and control over the blue fire through the simple scientific principle of fire. A blue flame has been proven to occur at a higher temperature than yellow or red fire and become complete combustion. However, this isn't the only reason Azula may be able to wield blue fire in the show.
Throughout her life, Azula was praised as a natural-born prodigy by her family. Her power and ability in firebending caught the eye of her father especially. When she was 9-years-old, Azula demonstrated and even flaunted her firebending prowess to her grandfather, the late Firelord Azulon, even surprising him how great she is for her age. She grew to love this constant attention and become somewhat of an exhibitionist overtime as she would typically demonstrate her power and sadistic nature over her peers to garner their attention too. After her brother was banished from the capital to look for Aang, Azula spent the next three years relentlessly training her bending, strategy, and combat until she concentrated her skills down into her refined, advanced blue fire technique.
One final notion may be based on the creators' having personified Azula on color symbolism alone. While her namesake in the Avatar universe derived from her grandfather, Azulon, but her name also comes from the Spanish translation of blue, which is Azul. As she is the only one who is personified as blue amongst a nation of red, this makes her stand out even more as a character. Moving forward with that concept, the creators could have structured her as a sort of contrast to her nation, especially her brother, Zuko.
While throughout the series, Zuko had been very passionate, hotheaded, and impulsive, Azula had been depicted very even-tempered, cunning, logical, and a perfectionist. However, someone who personifies the color blue showcases confident and self-controlled, but under the surface, may be hiding vulnerabilities. Although there are many possibilities for why Azula was gifted with blue flames as her signature technique, her upbringing as someone who must always strive for perfection and attain a flawed ideology of world domination is one major reason she was able to achieve her iconic ability in Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Originally source: ScreenRant. Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, NickRewind, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra News and Highlights!
Avatar: The Last Airbender was originally only given thirteen episodes, a fan-favorite episode from season 1 might have been the series finale.
“The Blue Spirit” is one of the best episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, and co-creators Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko confirmed that it would have been the series finale if the show ended with its original thirteen episode order. In the book Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Art of the Animated Series, DiMartino and Konietzko revealed that “The Blue Spirit” was intended to work as a finale in case they didn’t get any more episodes, and also needed to work as a jumping-off point for a potential second half of the season. Luckily for DiMartino and Konietzko, “The Blue Spirit” launched the second half of season 1, and gave viewers a glimpse of the direction that Avatar: The Last Airbender was going.
In season 1, episode 13, “The Blue Spirit,” Aang is kidnapped by Commander Zhao, the leader of the Fire Nation navy and Prince Zuko’s rival. Aang is rescued by a mysterious figure in a striking blue mask, which is revealed to be Zuko in disguise at the end of the episode. Prince Zuko was set up to be the primary antagonist of Avatar: The Last Airbender and the last few moments of "The Blue Spirit" are the first indication of Zuko’s redemption arc. “The Blue Spirit” is the first time that Avatar: The Last Airbender took on a more serious tone, and an indication that DiMartino and Konietzko were planning to take the series to a darker and more mature place.
Nickelodeon initially picked up Avatar: The Last Airbender for only thirteen episodes. The first thirteen episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender do a great job of efficiently setting up the premise and stakes, but the series hadn’t fully gotten its footing. “The Blue Spirit” was a pivotal point in Avatar: The Last Airbender that raised the stakes and put Aang in legitimate danger, while also adding much-needed ambiguity to Prince Zuko's character. Not only does the episode start to cast doubt on Zuko’s loyalty to the Fire Nation after his banishment, but it's a really exciting, action-packed episode that elevates the combat of the series and introduces the mature themes Avatar: The Last Airbender began to take on.
In Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Art of the Animated Series, Bryan Konietzko describes Zuko as his favorite character, and says that Zuko's Blue Spirit disguise was, “free of the burden of his fall from grace.” The mask was designed to look creepy and supernatural, with an exaggerated, Kabuki-style face, and blue was chosen to not give away that he was associated with the Fire Nation. Since DiMartino and Konietzko didn’t know if the series would continue after “The Blue Spirit,” the episode was the perfect opportunity for them to take risks. "The Blue Spirit" complicated the relationship between Aang and Zuko, by motivating Zuko to save Aang, and Aang wondering if he and Zuko could have been friends.
Avatar: The Last Airbender became a critically acclaimed, beloved animated series because it dealt with more mature themes and nuanced characterizations than other animated shows. “The Blue Spirit” is the first time that Avatar: The Last Airbender began to find its footing, and it would have been a tragedy if it was the finale. Luckily, it was renewed past its originally thirteen episode order, and “The Blue Spirit” was just the beginning of the narrative depth that eventually characterized Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Originally source: ScreenRant. Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, NickRewind, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra News and Highlights!
Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow has been turning heads by rocking a custom Mr. Krabs suit inspired by SpongeBob's penny-pinching boss in SpongeBob SquarePants!
“I was scared of everything growing up. I still don’t like scary movies, I don’t like haunted houses or anything like that. I couldn’t watch Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings. I was strictly a SpongeBob, Disney Channel, Nickelodeon kind of guy,” the rookie NFL star recently revealed.
The suit features a pocket square adorned with Mr. Krabs, whilst the inside lining of the blazer features a bubble-print. The suit is capped off with a blow and yellow silk flower on the lapel.
Burrow’s longtime girlfriend, Olivia Holzmacher, is a big fan of the pregame outfit. She took to Instagram before Sunday’s game to post her own message.
Burrow wore the suit on the way to the Pittsburgh stadium where the Bengals' had a big game with the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday, Nov. 15.
CALLING ALL GOOFY GOOBERS! (ROCK!) Are ya ready for a deep dive into the world of SpongeBob SquarePants? The SpongeBob YouTube channel is THE PLACE for all fan-favorite SpongeBob moments! We’re serving up everything from legendary scenes to remixes of classic songs to deep dives into Bikini Bottom lore. Be sure to check back every week for Music Mondays, Wumbo Wednesdays, and Flashback Fridays! Subscribe now at!
Shop SpongeBob!: - SpongeBob face masks now available, with ALL proceeds going to charity!
Nickelodeon International will start to premiere brand new episodes of Lego City Adventures season two from Monday 16th November 2020! New episodes will air weekdays at 10:55 CEST in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Please see local listings for Africa and Turkey (Türkiye).
- 2020-11-16 2x07 Brickmuda Heptagon / For Wheeler
- 2020-11-17 2x08a The Treasure of Nosepatch
- 2020-11-18 2x08b The Quacken
- 2020-11-19 2x10a Tread or Alive
- 2020-11-20 2x10b Midden Fleasure
- 2020-12-25 2x09 Arrest ye Merry Gentleman / Ride Along Kid (will air in a different timeslot)
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Global and Lego City Adventures News and Highlights!
Nickelodeon Iberia will start to premiere brand new episodes of The Casagrandes from Monday 16th November 2020! New episodes will air weekdays at 19:20 on Nickelodeon Portugal and at 20.20h on Nickelodeon Spain (España). New episodes include: New Roomie, Miss Step, Grandparent Trap and The Big Chill.
Nickelodeon se llena de ruido y diversión con el estreno de los nuevos episodios de Los Casagrande
El lunes 16 de noviembre a las 20:20h, Ronnie Anne y su peculiar y multigeneracional familia méxico-americana llegan con nuevas aventuras: ayudarán a encontrarle un nuevo piso a Vito, aprenderán un nuevo baile folklórico de la mano de la tía Frida e incluso disfrutarán de una noche de juegos culturales organizada por la abuela. ¡Ándale, ándale!
Esta vez, Ronnie Anne atraviesa un mal momento cuando, después de ver un programa sobre relaciones amorosas, comienza a creer que el matrimonio de sus abuelos está en crisis. Por si fuera poco, en otra ocasión, su tía Frida la convence para aprender el arte del baile folklórico. Pero, ¿tendrá Ronnie Anne la paciencia necesaria para aprenderlo?
En otro episodio, a los primos se les ocurre la brillante idea de trabajar en la feria del barrio para conseguir dinero y así comprarse un aire acondicionado, pero quizás no lo tengan tan fácil como ellos creen. Otro día, los niños no dudan en ayudar a Vito a encontrar un nuevo piso después de que el suyo se inundara, ¿serán capaces de encontrarlo?
Nick Jr. Global will premiere Calvin and Kaison’s Play Power!, a brand new Australian-produced short-form series in November 2020!
Produced by Nickelodeon Australia, Calvin and Kaison’s Play Power! centres around Aussie “unboxing” brothers Calvin (7) and Kaison (4), whose YouTube channel CKN Toys, which was launched in March 2015, boasts over 14 million YouTube subscribers and over 13 billion video views. For more information about the series, click here.
Nickelodeon will be rolling out Calvin and Kaison’s Play Power! in a few stages:
-- Stage 1:
On Monday 16th November 2020 in New Zealand, the Netherlands (Nederland), Poland (Polska), the Middle East, Spain (España); and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), with new episodes airing everyday at 12:30am (NZ), 03:35 PM KSA / 04:35 PM UAE (ME), 06:50 uur (NL), 7.00h (ES), 16:30 CEST (CEE) and 16:35 (PL).
-- Stage 2:
Everyday at 00:30 on Nick Jr. Africa from Saturday 21st November 2020.
-- Stage 3:
Everyday at 01:35 Uhr on Germany (Deutschland) from Monday 23rd November 2020
Please see local listings for airtimes in Flanders (Vlaanderen), Wallonia (Wallonie), Denmark (Danmark), Sweden (Sverige), Norway (Norge), Arabia (جَزِيرَةُ الْعَرَب), Turkey (Türkiye), and the Middle East.
¡Nick Jr. da la bienvenida a dos nuevos amigos!, llega la nueva serie Calvin y Kaison Play Power
El lunes 16 de noviembre a las 7:00h el canal estrena Calvin y Kaison Play Power, una nueva serie protagonizada por las populares estrellas de YouTube, los hermanos Calvin y Kaison de CKN Toys, que seguirá de cerca sus aventuras desde la Kid Cave. En esta entrega, los más pequeños de casa, podrán ver cómo solucionan todos los problemas que se les presentan durante sus juegos, gracias al ingenio y a los Play Powers que tiene Calvin cuando se transforma en héroe. Además, con cada uno de los episodios, los niños aprenderán a divertirse con juegos que fomentan la creatividad, la imaginación, la resolución de problemas y la cooperación.
Los más peques de la casa conocerán, por sus vídeos infantiles de YouTube como CKN Toys, a Calvin y Kaison, quienes se han convertido en todo un fenómeno de la red por su forma de jugar y su sentido del humor. Ahora, Nick Jr. rescata la emocionante vida de estos hermanos con el estreno, el lunes 16 de noviembres a las 7:00h, de la serie Calvin y Kaison Play Power, que seguirá de cerca los divertidos juegos que se inventan en la Kid Cave junto a su robot Robo G. Sin embargo, todas estas aventuras siempre se ven interrumpidas por múltiples obstáculos, pero que no cunda el pánico porque… ¡Calvin se transformará en héroe para solucionarlas con su Play Power!
En los episodios de estreno, a Robo G se le ocurre la brillante idea de crear al robot Tidy Bot para convertir todo el desorden de la Kid Cave en divertidos juegos, pero un calcetín apestoso hace que todo se ponga patas arriba, ¿conseguirá Calvin usar su Play Power para arreglar todo el desastre? Otro día, la máquina de hornear tartas falla y Calvin debe entrar rápidamente en acción antes de que toda la Kid Cave acabe llena de pastel.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr. Global, Nickelodeon Preschool and Calvin and Kaison’s Play Power! News and Highlights!