Friday, July 19, 2019

How Nickelodeon's SpongeBob Masterpiece Memes Toys Were Birthed by the Internet

How Nickelodeon’s SpongeBob meme toys were birthed by the internet

Photo: Dami Lee / The Verge

Nickelodeon’s Creative Director of Toy Design, Freddy Tutiven, explains to The Verge!

To celebrate SpongeBob SquarePants turning 20 this year, Nickelodeon partnered with Alpha Group to release a “Masterpiece Memes” vinyl figurine collection featuring the most beloved memes birthed from the iconic show, including “Imaaagination SpongeBob” and “Handsome Squidward.” The 8-inch figurines, retailing for around $20 each, immediately sold out when they were first released, speaking to the enduring popularity of the show and how closely it mirrors the internet’s language.

“The SpongeBob memes are a top seller. It’s just that pop culture, that older audience,” says Freddy Tutiven, Nickelodeon’s creative director of toy design. Now Nickelodeon is working on the second wave of SpongeBob meme toys. Like the first wave, which memes are chosen will be determined by fan demand.

There aren’t a lot of other shows that have a natural connection to memes to the degree that SpongeBob has, but the success of the line has given Nickelodeon some ideas for other meme collections. “I think the next one, I might be talking too soon, but it might be Rugrats,” Tutiven says.

Photo: Dami Lee / The Verge

Throughout his 10 years at Nickelodeon, Tutiven has supervised the designs and development of thousands of toys, ones created both internally and through licensees. He also teaches toy design at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), a two-year BFA program that covers everything from traditional model making to technical engineering and product safety. Tutiven showed The Verge's Dami Lee around Nickelodeon’s Consumer Products division where she got to see concept art, one-of-a-kind prototypes, and rare art toy collections.

An anatomical Patrick sculpture from artist Jason Freeny’s Hidden Dissectibles line. Photo: Dami Lee / The Verge.

How does a toy become a collector’s item? “It’s all fan-based. A lot of pop culture artists, they gravitate to certain characters, and then they approach us, or we find them and say, ‘Hey, it’d be great to do a collaboration.’”

Inktober sketches from the design team. “We had a basket of words, where we just took out two words and then made new sketches out of that.” Photo: Dami Lee / The Verge.

A wall of concept art featuring other Viacom properties like 'Top Gun' (which gets licensed to other toy companies like Funko), 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles', and 'Paw Patrol', as well as YouTube star JoJo Siwa. Siwa has an exclusive licensing deal with Nickelodeon and has sold 35 million bows alone since 2016. “What’s amazing about her, is that she does a lot of her own network. Anytime we make a product, she is a promoter of her own brand,” Tutiven says. Photo: Dami Lee / The Verge.

A traditional maquette of CatDog, which was first sculpted in clay, then created into a mold and completed with resin. Maquettes are used as “rough sketches,” in a sense, to get a feel for what a toy will look like, as well as provide the manufacturing partners with a model to work off of. “Now with technology, we don’t send these anymore. We just send the rigs and the 3D files to our partners, but it’s a great starting point.” Photo: Dami Lee / The Verge.

A maquette for a TMNT Krang figurine that never made it to production, for being too large and expensive. Photo: Dami Lee / The Verge.

An entire closet full of maquettes, featuring characters from shows like 'The Fairly OddParents', 'Dora the Explorer', 'Rugrats', 'All Grown Up!', 'Jimmy Neutron' and Rocket Power'. Photo: Dami Lee / The Verge.

Stuffed plush toys are considerably harder to make than hard figurines, because they first have to be stitched by hand. “This helps us with the consistency of our brand characters,” Tutiven says. On the left is the one-of-a-kind, handmade rough of a Raphael 'Rise of the TMNT' toy, which serves as the model to replicate for the mass-production version sold in stores. All students in the FIT toy design program have to take a sewing course.

'SpongeBob'-themed kitchen accessories: slow cookers, measuring cups, and a Krusty Krab ceramic butter dish, where the sign also doubles as a butter knife.

Photography by Dami Lee / The Verge

More Nick: Nickelodeon Marks 20 Years of "SpongeBob SquarePants" with the "Best Year Ever"!
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Viacom Poland Partners with BrandBuddies to Launch Follovers Initiative

Poland - Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) Polska has partnered with BrandBuddies, a community of creators (influencers) and brands (companies) which aims to establish and maintain longer relationships between parties, to launch Follovers, a brand-new initiative which aims to recruit fresh talent from social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to create content that will feature on Follovers's newly launched digital channels on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, as well as on the linear and digital platforms of VIMN Polska channels, such as MTV.

Viacom is currently recruiting participants to join the project, with the initiative being supported by a promotional campaign airing on MTV, MTV Music, Comedy Central and Nickelodeon, as well as on the social media channels of Viacom channels.


Startuje Follovers - wspólny projekt Viacom i BrandBuddies. „Stawiamy na młodych twórców z TikToka i Instagrama”

Viacom International Media Networks wspólnie z BrandBuddies uruchomił projekt Follovers, do którego angażowani są młodzi twórcy ze środowiska TikToka i Instagrama. - Dzięki tej współpracy możemy poszerzyć spektrum naszych działań i zaoferować twórcom i naszym partnerom komercyjnym zupełnie nową wartość - mówi portalowi Monika Wysocka, wiceprezes ds. licencji, projektów niestandardowych i mediów cyfrowych w VIMN Polska.

Follovers to format stworzony wspólnie przez Viacom i BrandBuddies. Adresowany jest do młodych twórców internetowych związanych ze środowiskiem TikToka i Instagrama. Uczestnicy tego projektu stworzą różnego rodzaju treści, które będą na bieżąco udostępniane w krótkich materiałach na nowo powstałych kanałach Follovers, a także na platformach z portfolio Viacom - zarówno w kanałach linearnych, jak i w social mediach tego nadawcy.

- W naszych działaniach stawiamy na maksymalnie efektywne dotarcie do naszej młodej grupy odbiorców, zarówno w obszarze telewizji linearnej, jak i w świecie cyfrowym. Nasze dotychczasowe doświadczenia we współpracy z twórcami internetowymi w zakresie marketingowym przy promocji naszych marek lub przy projektach komercyjnych dla naszych klientów były bardzo pozytywne i umożliwiały nam dotarcie do naszych widzów na wielu platformach. Dzięki współpracy między Viacom, BrandBuddies i TikTokiem, możemy poszerzyć spektrum naszych działań i zaoferować młodym twórcom i naszym partnerom komercyjnym zupełnie nową wartość - komentuje portalowi Monika Wysocka, wiceprezes ds. licencji, projektów niestandardowych i mediów cyfrowych w polskim oddziale Viacom International Media Networks. - W ten sposób łączymy wiedzę i doświadczenie Brand Buddies oraz TikToka z pełnią możliwości Viacom - siłą naszych marek, czy dostępem do lokalnych i międzynarodowych eventów - dodaje.

Projekt stawia na twórców, którzy realizują różnego rodzaju pasje. - Łączymy ich w jedną ekipę wspólnie podejmującą się różnorodnych zadań. Społeczność będzie mogła śledzić ich działania w internecie, a wybrane fragmenty pojawią się na antenie MTV. Obecnie w ekipie jest już 10 twórców, kolejnych 15 zostanie wybranych w ogólnopolskim castingu, który ruszył w czerwcu - informuje nas Wysocka.

Nabór uczestników do projektu nadal trwa - jest on wspierany kampanią promocyjną w telewizji (MTV, MTV Music, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon) oraz w kanałach social media Viacomu. - Projekt ten jest ważny nie tylko z punktu widzenia wizerunku, czy ciekawych działań marketingowych, lecz ma wszelkie predyspozycje, by w długofalowej perspektywie stanowić nową linię biznesową. Poza działaniami związanymi z budowaniem świadomości marki, czy jej pozytywnego wizerunku, jest to świetne narzędzie dla naszych partnerów komercyjnych poszerzające możliwości dotarcia do młodych odbiorców - zdradza w rozmowie z nami wiceprezes ds. licencji, projektów niestandardowych i mediów cyfrowych w VIMN Polska.

Follovers z założenia jest projektem długofalowym, a z czasem skład ekipy może się zmieniać, ponieważ będą dochodzić nowe osoby. Jak zapewnia nas Monika Wysocka, jeśli pojawi się w projekcie rywalizacja, będzie ona jedynie pozytywna. - Nikogo nie będziemy wykluczać, a jedynie nagradzać zwycięzców danych wyzwań. Głównym założeniem formatu jest współpraca uczestników, aby wspólnie budować społeczność wokół marki Follovers. Na bieżąco wraz z twórcami będziemy podejmować, jakie treści produkować i udostępniać naszym odbiorcom - komunikuje nam.

Projekt zapewni także management młodym twórcom oraz kompleksową obsługę kampanii reklamowych z ich udziałem. Za sprzedaż oferty odpowiedzialny jest zespół BrandBuddies oraz zespół Brand Solutions, który w strukturze Viacom odpowiada za niestandardowe kampanie reklamowe.

- W Follovers proponujemy markom wpisanie ich produktów w pozytywny świat pasji, przyjaźni oraz wyzwań. Marki będą mogły proponować ekipie ciekawe wyzwania, których realizacji podejmą się nie tylko uczestnicy Follovers, ale i cała zaangażowana społeczność. To zupełnie nowe podejście - komentuje nam z kolei Kamil Sokołowski, CEO BrandBuddies.

- Od początku roku obserwujemy wzmożone zainteresowanie marek kampaniami w aplikacji TikTok. Dla wielu marketerów dotychczasowym problemem był brak wiarygodnych statystyk. Dodanie przez aplikację narzędzi analitycznych znacząco ułatwi pozyskanie reklamodawców. Dzięki współpracy z TikTokiem możemy zaoferować naszym partnerom dostęp do oficjalnych danych, które nierzadko różnią się od tych zebranych na podstawie deklaratywnych ankiet - informuje portal Sokołowski.

Według danych z drugiego kwartału 2019 roku, TikTok ma w Polsce ponad 2 mln użytkowników, z podziałem 73 proc. kobiet do 27 proc. mężczyzn. Średnio użytkownicy spędzają w aplikacji 45 min w 9 sesjach. Aplikacja w ostatnim czasie wprowadziła szereg rozwiązań biznesowych. Dostępna jest już analityka kont twórców. - Wszyscy twórcy Follovers posiadają konta Pro (biznesowe). Kampanie z twórcami można wspierać dodatkowo oficjalnymi formatami reklamowymi, które zadebiutowały także w Polsce - informuje nas Kamil Sokołowski.

[Zdjęcie: Monika Wysocka i Kamil Sokołowski podczas konferencji projektu Follovers; fot. Michał Kurdupski]




Follovers – influencerzy będą mieli własny reality-show

Nadawca stacji telewizyjnych MTV i Comedy Central rozpoczyna nowy projekt - Follovers. Wystąpią w nim młodzi twórcy znani z TikToka i Instagrama.

Projekt Follovers powstał we współpracy Viacom z platformą marketingową BrandBuddies. Program nie będzie mieć sztywnych ram a większość materiałów będzie trafiać na popularne portale społecznościowe.

W Follovers weźmie udział 25 internetowych twórców, którzy będą musieli wykonywać zadania i wyzwania. Projekt będzie można śledzić przede wszystkim w social mediach, ale częściowo też w telewizji. Stacje chcą w ten sposób zmniejszyć tendencję spadkową oglądalności telewizji, zwłaszcza przez młode osoby.

Follovers – zapisy przez TikToka
Do udziału w programie wybrano 10 twórców. Pozostała 15-tka zostanie wyłoniona w castingu. Aby się zgłosić należy wypełnić internetowy formularz i nagrać TikToka.

TikTok, mimo afery z nielegalnym zbieraniem danych osób niepełnoletnich, wciąż jest prawdziwym hitem wśród młodzieży. Aplikacja daje możliwość wyrażania siebie za pomocą tworzenia własnych treści wideo. Możemy się więc spodziewać dużego zainteresowania castingiem.

W projekcie „Follovers” naszym celem jest stworzenie ekipy utalentowanych twórców, którzy w swojej komunikacji z fanami, użytkownikami TikToka i pozostałych kanałów social media, pokazują swoje pasje – często zresztą bardzo różne. – mówi Monika Wysocka, wiceprezes VIMN w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej

Follovers – na czym będzie polegał program?
Uczestnicy projektu będą wspólnie podejmować się różnych wyzwań i wykonywać niestandardowe zadania.

Teraz nagrywane są warsztaty ze sztuki improwizacji, uczestnicy pod okiem trenera uczą się w jaki sposób występować na scenie. Widzowie będą mogli ocenić, kto poradził sobie na tych warsztatach najlepiej. Uczestnicy będą też projektować własną kolekcją modową z pomocą projektanta. W każdym miesiącu na ekipę czekają wyzwania, o których współdecydować będzie publiczność – Kamil Sokołowski, CEO BrandBuddies

Pierwsze relacje wideo z udziałem uczestników Follovers pojawią się na początku sierpnia. Będzie się można śledzić na TikToku, Instagramie i YouTube. Fragmenty trafią także do stacji telewizyjnych Viacomu (MTV, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon).


From Business Insider:

Oto "telewizja" XXI wieku. Influencerzy będą mieć własny reality-show, emisja na TikToku

Nadawca stacji MTV i Comedy Central rozpoczyna projekt "Follovers". Ma to być format typu reality, w którym wystąpią polscy młodzi twórcy znani z TikToka czy Instagrama. Program nie będzie jednak mieć sztywnych ram jak produkcje telewizyjne, a większość materiałów trafi do popularnych aplikacji społecznościowych. Projekt powstaje we współpracy z platformą influencer marketingową BrandBuddies.

"Follovers" to nowy projekt związany z influencer marketingiem stworzony przez Viacom i BrandBuddies
Weźmie w nim udział 25 twórców internetowych, którzy mierzyć się będą z zadaniami i wyzwaniami
Projekt śledzić będzie można głównie w social mediach, a częściowo też w telewizji
Oglądalność telewizji z roku na rok maleje, a dzisiejsi nastolatkowie oglądają jej znacznie mniej niż ich starsi koledzy jeszcze kilka lat temu. Stąd firmy telewizyjne coraz mocniej szykują innych źródeł przychodów - nie tylko inwestują w serwisy VoD, ale chcą wykorzystywać również potencjał drzemiący w social media.

- Obecnie widzowie konsumują treści wideo nie tylko w tradycyjnej telewizji. Niestandardowe połączenie mediów telewizyjnych i cyfrowych z kanałami influencerów daje nam możliwość poszerzania zasięgu naszych działań reklamowych i budowania zaangażowania wśród widzów i użytkowników, którzy mają kontakt z komunikacją marki - mówi Business Insider Polska Monika Wysocka, wiceprezes VIMN w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, odpowiedzialna za dział Brand Solutions.

Dział ten zajmuje niestandardowymi rozwiązaniami reklamowymi, niezwiązanymi ze sprzedażą tradycyjnych spotów reklamowych, które znamy z kanałów telewizyjnych. Przychody z tej działalności rosną z roku na rok dwucyfrowo, ale szczegółów firma nie ujawnia.

Mocno niestandardowy charakter ma mieć format "Follovers", stworzony wspólnie przez Viacom i BrandBuddies. Adresowany jest do młodych twórców internetowych o dużym potencjale związanych ze środowiskiem TikToka oraz Instagrama. Do udziału w programie zaproszono 10 twórców znanych z sieci, kolejną piętnastkę mają wyłonić castingi, które właśnie ruszyły.

Do "Follovers" zgłosić się można tylko przez TikToka
- Wyłącznym partnerem na etapie rekrutacji jest aplikacja TikTok. By zgłosić się do „Follovers” trzeba wypełnić internetowy formularz i nagrać tzw. TikToka - mówi Business Insider Polska Kamil Sokołowski, CEO BrandBuddies.

Dlaczego do rekrutacji wykorzystywana jest ta aplikacja? Od pewnego czasu to już nie Snapchat czy Instagram, ale TikTok jest prawdziwym hitem wśród młodzieży. To nie tylko platforma rozrywkowa, która pozwala oglądać krótkie filmiki. Można za jej pomocą też tworzyć własne treści wideo. To miejsce, gdzie mogą młodzi ludzi wyrazić siebie, tworząc wideo z artystycznym zacięciem.

- Przewaga TikToka wynika z zaangażowanej społeczności, która już teraz liczy ponad pół miliarda osób, oraz idealnego dostosowania treści do potrzeb i zainteresowań grupy docelowej - mówił kilka miesięcy temu Tobiasz Wybraniec, prezes agencji GetHero, która przygotowała badanie dotyczące popularności aplikacji w Polsce. Wynika z niego, że z TikToka w Polsce korzystają głównie osoby w wieku od 13 do 15 lat.

- W projekcie "Follovers" naszym celem jest stworzenie ekipy utalentowanych twórców, którzy w swojej komunikacji z fanami, użytkownikami TikToka i pozostałych kanałów social media, pokazują swoje pasje - często zresztą bardzo różne - opisuje Monika Wysocka.

Na ekipę "Follovers" czekają wyzwania i zadania
Uczestnicy rozpisanego na wiele miesięcy projektu wspólnie podejmą się różnych wyzwań czy wykonania niestandardowych zadań.

- Teraz nagrywane są warsztaty ze sztuki improwizacji, uczestnicy pod okiem trenera uczą się w jaki sposób występować na scenie. Widzowie będą mogli ocenić, kto poradził sobie na tych warsztatach najlepiej. Uczestnicy będą też projektować własną kolekcją modową z pomocą projektanta. W każdym miesiącu na ekipę czekają wyzwania, o których współdecydować będzie publiczność - mówi Sokołowski.

Pierwsze relacje wideo z udziałem ekipy "Follovers" pojawić się mają na początku sierpnia. Będzie je można na bieżąco śledzić w krótkich materiałach na TikToku, Instagramie, YouTube, a fragmenty trafią też do stacji telewizyjnych Viacomu, który ma takie kanały jak MTV, Comedy Central czy Nickelodeon. Nie będzie jednak odcinków nadawanych zwykle co tydzień jak to miejsce w przypadku klasycznych reality-shows jak np. „Warsaw Shore”.

- Wiemy, że konsumpcja telewizji i mediów cyfrowych różni się od siebie - po inne treści widzowie kierują się do telewizji linearnej, a innego kontentu oczekują od social mediów. Chodzi tu o nie tylko długość formatów, częstotliwość produkowania czy tworzenia, ale i treść samą w sobie. Każde medium ma swoją specyfikę i wierne audytorium - mówi Wysocka.

Obie firmy liczą na pozyskanie przede wszystkim odbiorców w wieku od 16 do 24 lat. Projekt ma zarabiać na na reklamodawcach, którzy np. będą sponsorować wyzwania rzucone uczestnikom "Follovers". - Mamy już pierwsze duże marki zainteresowane projektem, ale nie możemy ich jeszcze ujawnić. Jesteśmy otwarci nie tylko na brandy typowo produktowe, ale też na parki rozrywki, parki wodne, miasta czy galerie handlowe - mówi Kamil Sokołowski.

TikTok otwiera się na reklamodawców
CEO Brand Buddies podkreśla, że dotąd na działanie komercyjne TikToku decydowały się głównie duże globalne marki, które lubią eksperymentować. - Jednak dla większości reklamodawców problemem był brak wiarygodnych statystyk. Marketerzy mieli obawy, że influencerzy mają na TikToku odbiorców głównie z zagranicy. Dodanie przez aplikację narzędzi analitycznych znacząco ułatwi pozyskanie reklamodawców - mówi Sokołowski.

"Follovers" to nie tylko produkcja internetowa. Projekt zapewni także management młodym twórcom oraz kompleksową obsługę kampanii reklamowych z ich udziałem. Jego celem jest bowiem też wyłonienie nowych gwiazd wśród twórców i pomaganie im w budowaniu karier.


More Nick: Viacom Launches Nickelodeon Play App in Poland and Bulgaria!

Additional sources: Google Translate, DeepL Translator.
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TMNT Celebrates 35 Pizza-Filled Years at SDCC 2019 | NickSDCC

It's COWABUNGA time! The TMNT-universe celebrated its 35th anniversary with fans at San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday, July 18. There wasn't pizza, but there were a lot of details about how the Turtle's have changed over the years, and what keeps fans coming back for more.

The panel united co-executive producers Andy Suriano and Ant Ward (Nickelodeon's Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), executive producer Ciro Nieli (Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), and legendary TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman to talk about how they've kept the franchise going so strongly all these years.

Moderator Mike Cecchini asked each panelist how they first discovered the TMNT universe. For some, like Nieli, it was with the very first comic. Andy Suriano said his first brush with the turtles was with the 1989 arcade NES video game by Konami, which inspired him to go back and read all the comics. Ant Ward remembered being in a toy store and seeing the mustard-green color of Donatello. Ward remembered throwing a massive tantrum over not being allowed to buy the toy.

Eastman paid homage to the folks sharing the stage with him for helping to revitalize and bring the turtles back to life. Nieli recalls Nickelodeon's acquisition of the franchise, and the challenges he faced in creating a universe that was ubiquitous and easy enough to follow. This enabled other creators, like Ward, to come in and take the TMNT universe in a weird and new direction.

For Nickelodeon's Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Suriano and Ward spoke about their desire to create something new and different for fans. "We wanted to explore the brothers in a completely new environment and see how that sibling bond can travel," Ward said.

Nieli noted that since the show takes place after the death of Master Splinter, it gave them the chance to take the turtles out of the sewers and into the streets of New York City. Scientist April O'Neil is also portrayed in a different light, now serving as the emotional surrogate for the turtles. O'Neil has always been a vital character to the series, especially for Eastman who said strong female characters were important to him and co-creator Peter Laird.

This concept of family is really the core of TMNT, so much so that Nieli says he used to write "The family that mutates together, stays together" on his early artwork. An exciting (and very recent) addition to the turtle-verse is the new female ninja-turtle who first appeared in issue #95. The future of TMNT is further evolving the family dynamic and putting the turtles into new environments..

Everyone has their favorite turtle, it is law. What makes their personalities work? Eastman recalled being inspired by the dynamic of the characters from the X-Men series: "They may have different personalities, different likes, but they've still got to come together to overcome a foe."

"We wanted to make another reason to love Leo besides being the leader," said Ward while talking about the leadership shift in Rise of the TMNT. "Now, he’s letting Raph be the leader because he’s just not ready for that role yet."

One of 2019's most exciting announcements was news of the Batman and TMNT animated movie crossover. First revealed back in February, the animated film is based on the Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics miniseries by James Tynion IV and Freddie Williams II. It's as clear an indication as any that fans of the TMNT universe want to see the turtles in new adventures with new characters. The panelists promised as such and told everyone to keep an eye out for the Rise of the TMNT Netflix film, which will feature characters everyone knows and loves, as well as some new ones (no word on what new characters they were referring to).

In 2017, TMNT celebrated its 75th issue with an epic release from IDW Publishing. Series writer Tom Waltz and Eastman have been working together since the IDW run began back in 2011.

Ultimately the TMNT universe has always been about having fun, exploring family relationships, and those bonds that bring us together to overcome the impossible. This fellowship is the magic that keeps fans coming back year after year. Okay, the gratuitous inclusion of pizza doesn't hurt either.

More Nick: 'SpongeBob' Cast Remembers Late Series Creator at 20th Birthday Panel at SDCC 2019 | NickSDCC!

Original source: SYFY Wire.
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Hasbro Unveils Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin White Ranger Premium Collector Helmet

In just one day, you’ve seen the new Fighting Spirit Green Ranger, the Mighty Morphin Putty 2-Pack, Wave 2, Lightning Collection 6” Figures AND the Beast Morphers Beast-X Ultrazord Ultimate Collection Pack…That’s a mouthful! BUT, there’s one more item you don’t want to miss out on - the Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin White Ranger Premium Collector Helmet! Become an honorary Ranger with this one-of-a-kind item! See below for more details!

(Adult/Approx. Retail Price: $79.99/Available: Late Fall 2019)

Go Go POWER RANGERS! Bring part of the POWER RANGERS legacy home with LIGHTNING COLLECTION figures, collectibles and roleplay items. This LIGHTNING COLLECTION MIGHTY MORPHIN WHITE RANGER PREMIUM COLLECTOR Helmet is inspired by Tommy Oliver’s iconic White Ranger Helmet from the original MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS series. The full-scale helmet features a show-inspired detailed design, paint and finish for morphinominal display in a POWER RANGERS collection. The helmet is a wonderful addition to any fan’s collection! It features adjustable straps so it will fit most, making it great to wear for POWER RANGERS cosplay, roleplay or costume. Available for pre-order on and major online toy retailers including GameStop, Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers, the current season of the long-running series, returns with brand-new episodes, including an epic team up with legacy rangers, later this year on Nickelodeon! Check out the trailer here!:

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More Nick: The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Team Up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in New Comic Series from BOOM! Studios!
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Hasbro Unveils MORPHINOMENAL Additions to the Power Rangers Toy Line During Panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2019

Hasbro has revealed some new MORPHINOMENAL additions to the Power Rangers toy line during their panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2019:





o 6” BEAST MORPHERS RED RANGER Figure (already revealed)


See below for more details!

(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/Available: Fall 2019)

It’s Morphin Time! Introducing a new era of POWER RANGERS collectibles with Hasbro’s POWER RANGERS LIGHTNING COLLECTION 6” Figures! The LIGHTNING COLLECTION features over two decades of iconic characters from this storied franchise, and Hasbro is excited to bring its own take to this premium line. The LIGHTNING COLLECTION’s highly-articulated, 6-inch figures will have best-in-class detailing and design, and will feature Photo Real technology for realistic actor likenesses. The BEAST MORPHERS GOLD RANGER Figure features over 20 points of articulation for high poseability and includes two different heads that can be swapped, one of the Ranger in his mask, and another unmasked as Nate Silva, as seen in the POWER RANGERS BEAST MORPHERS Series; figures also include extra hands and 3 accessories. Nate Silva is a genius inventor at Grid Battleforce who joins the BEAST MORPHERS as the beetle-powered Gold Ranger. Look for other collectible figures in this series, including BEAST MORPHERS RED RANGER, MIGHTY MORPHIN PINK RANGER and LOST GALAXY MAGNA DEFENDER. Each sold separately. Available for pre-order on Hasbro Pulse and all major retailers.

(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/Available: Fall 2019)

It’s Morphin Time! Introducing a new era of POWER RANGERS collectibles with Hasbro’s POWER RANGERS LIGHTNING COLLECTION 6” Figures! The LIGHTNING COLLECTION features over two decades of iconic characters from this storied franchise, and Hasbro is excited to bring its own take to this premium line. The LIGHTNING COLLECTION’s highly-articulated, 6-inch figures will have best-in-class detailing and design, and will feature Photo Real technology for realistic actor likenesses. The MIGHTY MORPHIN PINK RANGER Figure features over 20 points of articulation for high poseability and includes two different heads that can be swapped, one of the Ranger in her mask, and another unmasked as Kimberly Hart, as seen in the original MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS Series; figures also include extra hands and 4 accessories. Kimberly Hart calls on the power of the pterodactyl to morph into the original MIGHTY MORPHIN PINK RANGER. Look for other collectible figures in this series, including BEAST MORPHERS RED RANGER, BEAST MORPHERS GOLD RANGER and LOST GALAXY MAGNA DEFENDER. Each sold separately. Available for pre-order on Hasbro Pulse and all major retailers.

(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/Available: Fall 2019)

It’s Morphin Time! Introducing a new era of POWER RANGERS collectibles with Hasbro’s POWER RANGERS LIGHTNING COLLECTION 6” Figures! The LIGHTNING COLLECTION features over two decades of iconic characters from this storied franchise, and Hasbro is excited to bring its own take to this premium line. The LOST GALAXY MAGNA DEFENDER Figure is inspired by the POWER RANGERS LOST GALAXY series and features over 20 points of articulation for high poseability; figures also include extra hands and 3 accessories, including the Magna Defender's Magna Blaster. The MAGNA DEFENDER is the lone warrior seeking vengeance for his family and planet and won't let anyone get in his way, not even the POWER RANGERS. Look for other collectible figures in this series, including BEAST MORPHERS RED RANGER, BEAST MORPHERS GOLD RANGER and MIGHTY MORPHIN PINK RANGER. Each sold separately. Available for pre-order on Hasbro Pulse and all major retailers.

(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $19.99/Available: Fall 2019)

It’s Morphin Time! Introducing a new era of POWER RANGERS collectibles with Hasbro’s all-new POWER RANGERS LIGHTNING COLLECTION 6” Figures! The LIGHTNING COLLECTION features over two decades of iconic characters from this storied franchise, and Hasbro is excited to bring its own take to this premium line. The LIGHTNING COLLECTION’s highly-articulated, 6-inch figures will have best-in-class detailing and design, and will feature Photo Real technology for realistic actor likenesses. In the BEAST MORPHERS TV series, the laid-back Devon Daniels prefers a life of video games and no responsibility, but steps up as leader of the BEAST MORPHERS as the Cheetah-powered Red Ranger. The BEAST MORPHERS RED RANGER Figure includes two different heads that can be swapped—one of the Ranger in his helmet, and another without as Devon Daniels from BEAST MORPHERS. Look for other collectible figures in this series, soon to be announced. Each sold separately. Available for pre-order on Hasbro Pulse and all major retailers.

(Ages 8 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $159.99/Available: Fall 2019)

IT’S MORPHIN TIME! From the BEAST MORPHERS back to the original MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, the POWER RANGERS have brought teamwork, action, and adventure to generations of fans. The legacy continues with figures, vehicles, collectibles and roleplay toys from Hasbro, celebrating Ranger teams from MIGHTY MORPHIN to the BEAST MORPHERS. Imagine all the action of POWER RANGERS with toys from Hasbro! POWER RANGERS products each sold separately. With the POWER RANGERS BEAST MORPHERS BEAST-X ULTRAZORD ULTIMATE COLLECTION Pack, kids can imagine the ultimate team of POWER RANGERS, as they combine their Zords to take on the toughest enemies. The Pack includes all 5 Converting Zords inspired by the POWER RANGERS BEAST MORPHERS series, so kids and collectors can build any available combination, including the BEAST-X MEGAZORD. Pack includes Beast Wheeler Zord, Beast Chopper Zord, Beast Jet Zord, Beast Racer Zord and Beast Wrecker Zord, along with 5 POWER RANGERS mini figures, plus an elevator platform accessory. Each Zord can change between two or three modes so kids and collectors can display and play. Available exclusively on

Power Rangers Beast Morphers, the current season of the long-running series, returns with brand-new episodes, including an epic team up with legacy rangers, later this year on Nickelodeon! Check out the trailer here!:

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More Nick: The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Team Up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in New Comic Series from BOOM! Studios!
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Hasbro Unveils Power Rangers Lightning Collection Fighting Spirit Green Ranger and Mighty Morphin Putty 6-Inch Collectible Action Figure 2-Pack at SDCC 2019

Hasbro has just released brand new additions to the Power Rangers toy line at San Diego Comic-Con: the Power Rangers Lightning Collection Fighting Spirit Green Ranger and Mighty Morphin Putty 6-Inch Collectible Action Figure 2-Pack! The new collectables were unveiled by Hasbro during San Diego Comic-Con’s Press Breakfast. See below for more details!

(Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $39.99/Available: Fall 2019)

It’s Morphin Time! Introducing a new era of POWER RANGERS collectibles with Hasbro’s POWER RANGERS LIGHTNING COLLECTION 6” Figures! The LIGHTNING COLLECTION features over two decades of iconic characters from this storied franchise, and Hasbro is excited to bring its own take to this premium line. The LIGHTNING COLLECTION’s highly-articulated, 6-inch figures will have best-in-class detailing and design, and will feature Photo Real technology for realistic actor likenesses. Trapped inside his own mind, Dr. Tommy Oliver must prove his courage by facing his former Ranger forms in a battle for his life, including his Mighty Morphin Green Ranger form, who faced off against Putty Patrollers. In the LIGHTNING COLLECTION 6-INCH COLLECTIBLE ACTION FIGURE 2-Pack, fans can look forward to the FIGHTING SPIRIT GREEN RANGER, inspired by POWER RANGERS DINO THUNDER, and the MIGHTY MORPHIN GREEN RANGER. Each figure in this 2-pack comes with character-inspired accessories. The Green Ranger figure includes an alternate head – one with his helmet on and one in human form. Look for other collectible POWER RANGERS figures, including characters from MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, POWER RANGERS DINO CHARGE, POWER RANGERS BEAST MORPHERS, and more! Each sold separately. Available for pre-order on and major online toy retailers including GameStop, Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers, the current season of the long-running series, returns with brand-new episodes, including an epic team up with legacy rangers, later this year on Nickelodeon! Check out the trailer here!:

Power Rangers Interview with Hasbro at San Diego Comic Con 2019

San Diego Comic Con means new reveals, products, and news from Hasbro!

In 2019, that rung especially true for Power Rangers, as the toy giant embarked on its first year with the franchise under its belt.

Power Rangers NOW had the chance to catch up with the brand’s Toy Development team, and Brand/Marketing team. Check out the full interview below!

Be sure to follow Power Rangers NOW on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for all the latest Power Rangers news.

Toy Development Team

Why does the Magna Defender Lightning Collection Figure not come included with Mike’s human head?

That’s because we wanted to start with the origin story version of Magna Defender, before Mike takes over. It will allow us to have more variety if we honor Mike’s version of Magna Defender down the line.

How will you handle Lightning Collection Figures who have more than one human head, such as Kimberly and Katherine for the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Pink Ranger?

It would be great for us to have more variety, and celebrate one character a time. So right now, we want to celebrate Kimberly as a character first, especially since she’s a fan favorite.

We can celebrate Katherine later.

So would someone have to re-buy the same action figure later just to get a new human head, such as in this case with Katherine?

Not necessarily. We don’t want to upset fans, and we know they don’t want to pay $20 for the same figure. So we’re looking at other ways to achieve this, but right now we don’t have any set plans.

Some fans feel some of the Lightning Collection Figure helmets have been off so far, such as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Red Ranger. Are there any plans to fix those?

We definitely hear the fans loud and clear, and we are looking to see what we can possibly do.

Is the eventual goal of the Lightning Collection to create every Ranger ever?

That would be awesome, we would love to do it. But as you know, there are over 26 years of Rangers, so right now we’re just really focusing on the ones fans tell us are their favorites.

But we have such a long way to go. We’re just scratching the surface.

What would you say to fans who don’t want to buy Lightning Collection Figures because they’re afraid they’ll never see a complete team?

That’s a great question. We definitely keep those fans in mind, and we don’t want them to be upset. It’s just that there are a lot of fan favorite characters, and we have to focus on those right now.

We can’t satisfy every fan, but we are constantly listening to what they want to try and satisfy them all. Stay tuned.

Why has the Lightning Collection been very gender lopsided so far, with roughly 13 males to only 1 female being revealed?

We wouldn’t say it’s gender lopsided, it’s just Wave 2. But we obviously want to make sure we have a variety of characters, and it’s about more than gender. It’s about heroes, villains, types of characters, their origin stories. We want to showcase a good variety.

Plus, you look at what we did with Kimberly’s figure, and the new upper body articulation. We did her right.

Is there any fear of doing female Lightning Collection Figures because Bandai had trouble selling those?

We definitely look at those shortcomings as a reference. We just want to make sure that if we do it, we do it properly.

Any comment on potential Lightning Collection Megazords or Morphers?

No comment. We hear the fans loud and clear, stay tuned.

How are Power Rangers toys selling so far compared to the other brands?

I’d say we’re doing well so far. For the Lightning Collection and Power Rangers Beast Morphers toys.

Will Power Rangers Beast Morphers’ Scrozzle get an action figure?

There are a lot of characters in the show, and we are limited in how many we can do. So we have to pick the best of the best. And we do a lot of research to determine this, including watching the Super Sentai. But you can’t do everybody.

Is there a reason the villain Power Rangers Beast Morphers figures have less leg mobility than the Rangers do?

For us, we feel the Power Rangers are the one’s that are in the action. They’re the ones you pose the most. So that’s why we gave them more articulation.

Will fans be able to buy all five Power Rangers Beast Morphers Zords together, as opposed to individually sold?

Only through the Amazon exclusive we announced today.

The Striker Morpher toy fans have seen so far has not been received well. Is there another version coming?

The one you’ve seen is the core item we have. So what you see is it.

Will the Power Rangers Beast Morphers Communicator be released as a toy?

We are still considering that.

At Toy Fair, there was a Grid Battleforce backpack on display. When will that release?

Later this year. Only at GameStop.

Brand/Marketing Team

What will Power Rangers Beast Morphers‘ second season in 2020 be called?

I don’t think we can confirm that just yet, but let’s just say fans should not expect the word “Super” to appear in the title.

When will new episodes of Power Rangers Beast Morphers return to the United States?

We don’t have the date just yet from Nickelodeon.

As you know, a lot of Power Rangers Beast Morphers is currently airing overseas, and new episodes are being spoiled online. Are these international spoilers something you can stop, or want to stop?

At the end of the day, there’s only so much we can do. But we appreciate the enthusiasm of the international fans. And our goal is to make sure this is an international brand, so we want to provide global content too.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers has the lowest ratings of the franchise so far. Are you happy with where the ratings currently are?

We think we’re in a good spot, especially considering how the entire television landscape is shifting.

Why is the Gold Ranger based on a mantis in the show?

He’s apparently a rhino beetle in the Super Sentai, but we have to make this show for kids. So we need to ensure that the types of animals we choose are ones that kids can say and recognize.

Why is the Power Rangers Beast Morphers cast not at Comic Con?

They’re defending the Morphin Gird from Evox, obviously!

But in all seriousness, we want to focus on toys at our conventions.

Would you say space or dinosaurs would be better for a Power Rangers season moving forward?

What a strange question! Let’s just say both are awesome. We know both are fan favorite themes from previous seasons.

There seems to be growing chatter of animated Power Rangers. Is there any truth to it?

We haven’t heard those rumors. But right now, we’re just trying to land taking over the brand from Saban Brands. But there are a lot of things we’d like to explore, with the right timing.

Is Power Rangers Hyperforce Season 2 dead?

That one we can’t comment on.

What are your thoughts on the recent news that the Power Rangers movie will be rebooted?

Obviously we can’t comment on this.

Why do you think the previous Power Rangers movie under performed?

We just want to focus on what we as Hasbro can do. We’re just focused on our next movie and what’s coming up.

Would you say the Power Rangers brand is where it needs to be from a mainstream perspective?

That’s a really good question. We want to make sure we’re bridging the connection between the new fans, and the adult fans who have watched the show for years. So we’re really focused on bridging that gap so we can be relevant to everybody.

We love the history of this brand, and we want to pay homage to that. But we don’t want to be known as just an older 90’s brand. So we’re working hard to make sure we’re more top of mind. And we have some work to do on that. But it is a focus.

How are you aiming to bring new fans into the brand?

It’s our content. Content is king. We have a great YouTube channel that we’re growing, we have a huge library of content on Netflix, we have a ton of new subscribers through Hasbro Pulse. So we’re just taking advantage of every avenue we have.

The nice thing is, Hasbro has a big reach with kids that already believe in us, so we’re continuing to put all the feelers out there.

Has Hasbro given any thought to doing anything with Kamen Rider?

We’re honestly not too sure what that is. We do have great partnerships with our Japanese partners, but right now, for Hasbro, our focus is on Power Rangers.

Have you given any thought to crossing over Power Rangers with other Hasbro brands, like Transformers?

We’ve been shocked how many times this has been asked. But right now, we’ve only had the brand for a little over a year. So we’re focused on establishing Power Rangers before crossing it over with any other properties.


From Power Rangers NOW:

BOOM! Studios Unveils New Omega Rangers

Peace Conference? It was all a lie.

There’s a new team of Power Rangers in town: the Omega Rangers. The team is comprised of three Rangers, all of whom are familiar faces: Jason Scott, the Red Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Zack Taylor, the Black Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and Trini Kwan, the Yellow Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

The Omega Rangers debuted in BOOM! Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40, revealing that the trio never left the Mighty Morphin team to go to a Peace Conference, but instead to become Omega Rangers on a covert mission.

With brand new suits (seen above), the Omega Rangers figure to be a key part of BOOM! Studios’ Power Rangers storyline moving forward. Fans will have to stay tuned to learn more about the Omega Rangers, including what powers they have and what their motives are.

Check out the Omega Rangers’ brand new helmets, seen below as revealed at BOOM! Studios’ booth at San Diego Comic Con 2019.

Some fans will notice that the team’s name resembles the Omega Ranger from Power Rangers S.P.D.. Do these new Rangers have any connection to the White-suited Ranger from the future? Fans will have to stay tuned to Power Rangers: Necessary Evil to find out.

Power Rangers: Necessary Evil is a brand new storyline written by Ryan Parrott. With artwork by Daniele Di Nicuolo, Power Rangers: Necessary Evil brings back the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team of Jason, Billy, Zack, Trini, Kimberly, and Tommy and revolvs around the fallout of Power Rangers: Shattered Grid.

It also introduces the incredibly popular White Ranger into the comic book series, as well as popular Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Rocky, Adam, and Aisha.

The Omega Rangers’ storyline will continue in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #41, due out in late July 2019.


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More Nick: The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Team Up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in New Comic Series from BOOM! Studios!
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Annie & Hayley Throw a SUMMER POOL PARTY w/ Katie Donnelly! ⛱️ Pool Party - Ep. 1 | Nickelodeon

Annie & Hayley Throw a SUMMER POOL PARTY w/ Katie Donnelly! ⛱️ Pool Party - Ep. 1 | Nick

It’s summertime and it’s the perfect weather for a pool party! But when Annie and Hayley LeBlanc are ready to have fun, they realize that their backyard is not set up at all! With Katie Donnelly joining them as their referee, the two will have to fill the pool full of floaties. Will they finish in time before their guests arrive? Find out on a special summer edition of Annie vs. Hayley!

What kind of fun would you have at YOUR summer pool party? Tell me in the comments below!

ANNIE & HAYLEY ARE BACK! What summertime activities should they try next?! ⛱️ Let Nick know in the comments on YouTube!

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA's July 2019 Premiere Highlights!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Summer on Nickelodeon News and Highlights!

Official Hasbro Booth Tour at San Diego Comic Con 2019 | Power Rangers Beast Morphers Toys

Official Hasbro Booth Tour at San Diego Comic Con 2019 | Power Rangers Beast Morphers Toys

Power Rangers Beast Morphers and Lightning Collection toys at San Diego Comic Con 2019.

Join Hasbro on a tour of their latest offerings for the Power Rangers toyline, including Power Rangers Beast Morphers, Power Rangers Lightning Collection, and Power Rangers Playskool Heroes.

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More Nick: Nickelodeon Brings SpongeBob SquarePants' Bikini Bottom to Life at Comic-Con International: San Diego 2019!
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Nickelodeon Unveils First 'The SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge' Poster at SDCC

Nickelodeon has unveiled the first poster for Paramount Pictures, Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Movies' The SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge at Comic-Con International: San Diego 2019! Check it out below!

Designed by BLT Communications, LLC, prints of the limited edition poster are currently available at SDCC 2019.

The poster features the updated aesthetic for the underwater patty flipper, which shows the character's latest foray into CGI animation on the big screen.

In SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge, the third SpongeBob SquarePants movie based on Nickelodeon's iconic animated series, reads, SpongeBob and Patrick go on a rescue mission to save Gary, who’s been kidnapped by Poseidon and taken to the Lost City of Atlantic City. The movie will reveal the first time our beloved characters (as kids) met at Camp…a magical moment that brings meaning to the power of true friendship. The movie is going to be a total trip!

The plot of SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge will be an origin tale with a bit of an homage to the Frank Capra holiday classic It's a Wonderful Life. Mireille Soria, president of Paramount Animation, revealed at the VIEW Conference in Turin, Italy in October 2018 that "for the first time ever, we're going to get to the origin of how little SpongeBob met the rest of the Bikini Bottom gang at summer camp," adding that "the film's opening will take place at Camp Coral when all of our favorite characters meet for the first time."

In addition to delving into SpongeBob's character history, the film is also set to depart from previous films as well as the television series in terms of how it's made as well. It's a Wonderful Sponge will be the first SpongeBob feature film not to be animated by the South Korean studio behind the TV show, Rough Draft Korea. Instead, Montreal-based Mikros Image will animate the film. The film will also be the first SpongeBob movie to feature entirely computer-generated animation as the first film was hand animated while the second, The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, featured a mix of hand animated and CG-animated scenes.

SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge is scheduled to be released in theaters on Friday, May 22, 2020, to coincide with the Memorial Day Weekend, and as the culmination of Nickelodeon's the “Best Year Ever” event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of SpongeBob SquarePants, which kicked off Friday, July 12 with the premiere of “SpongeBob’s Big Birthday Blowout,” an original mixed live-action and animated special that will feature for the first time the celebrated voice talent behind SpongeBob, Patrick, Mr. Krabs, Sandy, Squidward and Plankton playing live-action doppelgänger versions of the animated characters they voice. In the one-hour special, Patrick and SpongeBob journey to the surface world, where they come across a few familiar characters during lunchtime rush at The Trusty Slab restaurant. Meanwhile, the Bikini Bottom residents set up a surprise party for SpongeBob.

Sitting in the director's chair for the movie will be Tim Hill, known for his work on the TV series, who will be directing from a screenplay by Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger and Michael Kvamme. Additionally, Hill co-wrote the script for The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie in 2004. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice cinematographer Larry Fong boarded the project in December 2018. Expected to lend their voices to reprise their roles as well are voice actors Tom Kenny, Bill Fagerbakke, Rodger Bumpass, Clancy Brown, Mr. Lawrence, Jill Talley, Carolyn Lawrence, Mary Jo Catlett, and Lori Alan. Composer Hans Zimmer will also be providing the music.

Sadly, this movie marks the first SpongeBob SquarePants production to follow Stephen Hillenburg's death. The creator of SpongeBob passed away in November after a battle with ALS, ans is expected to receive an "In Memory Of" credit in the movie.

The film will be the third in the series with The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie having been released in 2004 and its sequel, The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, in 2015.

Both The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie and The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water were box office successes for the studio, bringing in a combined $465.3 million on a budget of $104 million between the two films.

Since its launch in July 1999, SpongeBob SquarePants has emerged as a pop culture phenomenon. The series has been the most-watched animated program with kids 2-11 for more than 15 consecutive years, and over the past several years, it has averaged more than 100,000,000 total viewers every quarter across all Nickelodeon networks. SpongeBob SquarePants is the most widely distributed property in Viacom International Media Networks history, seen in more than 208 countries and territories and translated in 55+ languages. The Paramount Pictures feature film The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water premiered Feb. 6, 2015, landing at #1 opening weekend. The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and sometimes nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his undersea friends in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom. Among those friends are SpongeBob's best friend, a pink starfish named Patrick Star, his neighbor and co-worker octopus Squidward Tentacles, and Sandy Cheeks, a squirrel from Texas.

SpongeBob SquarePants has been renewed through to at least the show's 13th season, will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2019, has its own critically acclaimed Broadway show, which is set to tour the U.S. from Fall 2019, and has a third upcoming movie, The SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge, set to be released in Summer 2020! Nickelodeon is also developing spin-off's inspired by the series, including the recently greenlit CG-animated Kamp Koral (working title)

More Nick: Nickelodeon Marks 20 Years of "SpongeBob SquarePants" with the "Best Year Ever"!

Originally published: Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 22:18 BST.

H/T: Special thanks to @wfairchild72 for the news!; Poster via IMP Awards; Additional source: ComicBook.
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