Monday, May 06, 2019

Join the Fellowship in 'Rugrats: The Last Token' from BOOM! Studios [Updated w/ Sneak Peek]

Official BOOM! Studios Press Release via


April 18, 2019

Discover One Token To Rule All the Babies in Their Very First Graphic Novel Adventure

One token to rule all babies!
Image: Chrystin Garland (Boom Studios)

BOOM! Studios today announced the first-ever Rugrats original graphic novel RUGRATS: THE LAST TOKEN, about the babies’ journey to save the arcade from certain doom with the treasured last token, from writer Pranas T. Naujokaitis (Adventure Time) and artist Maurizia Rubino (Steven Universe) in stores November 2019. Join the Rugrats as they set off on a magical quest to battle monsters, hordes, and the pernicious influence of greed in the most epic adventure of all time!

Stu and Drew have taken the babies to the local arcade for a relaxing day of pizza and games but one does not simply walk into the Wizard Rat Pizza Parlor Fun Time. When the arcade’s token stock goes down to one, a frenzy breaks loose and darkness descends upon the arcade floor. Every child seeks the precious golden coin for their own game with no thought to the needs of all the children of Fun Time. It is up to Tommy, son of Stu, and his noble fellowship of Rugrats to guard the one token across the treacherous game room floor to the fabled volcano arcade machine, told to yield a stream of tokens if you win, in order to save the day.

Naujokaitis is an Ignatz Award-nominated writer who has worked for Boom! Studios on Adventure Time: Ice King and Uncle Grandpa in Uncle Grandpaland.

“One thing I always loved about Rugrats is how spot on they get it when showing how kids pretend when playing. I wanted to do a story that honored those playtimes but through the eyes of Tommy and the gang,” said Naujokaitis. “I am honored to get to put my own small personal stamp and work with characters that I loved when I was young enough (and small enough) to still be allowed inside those plastic tubes of my youth.”

Rubino is an illustrator of children’s books and comic books based in Milan. She was an artist for Steven Universe: Fusion Frenzy #1 from BOOM! Studios.

“I’m very excited to work on RUGRATS: THE LAST TOKEN. The story is super fun and full of references to classic fantasy stories, so it’s been a really interesting book to illustrate,” said Rubino. “I’m very happy to be the artist who has accompanied the babies on this amazing adventure!”

RUGRATS: THE LAST TOKEN, featuring a cover by Chrystin Garland (Steven Universe), is the latest release from BOOM! Studios’ award-winning KaBOOM! imprint, home to comics for middle grade and younger readers, including licensed series such as Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Regular Show, Ben 10, and Over The Garden Wall, along with original series like Just Beyond: The Scare School by R.L. Stine and Kelly & Nichole Matthews, Hex Vet by Sam Davies, RuinWorld by Derek Laufman, and Pandora’s Legacy by Kara Leopard, Kelly & Nichole Matthews.

“This uproarious Rugrats adventure is a tip of the hat to one of my favorite genres, fantasy,” said Matthew Levine, Editor, BOOM! Studios. “Pranas and Maurizia have crafted a tale that weaves humor and action as the babies dream up some big fantasy and challenge themselves in a quest to rid the arcade of unhealthy competition. This is an epic Rugrats story unlike any we’ve done before!”

Print copies of RUGRATS: THE LAST TOKEN will be available in November 2019 at local comic book shops (use to find the one nearest you), or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers like comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and the BOOM! Studios app.


Making of | Papaya Bull | Nickelodeon Brasil

Making of | Papaya Bull | Nickelodeon Brasil

Não perca Papaya Bull, toda segunda às 11h, na Nickelodeon Brasil!

Mais informações:

Update (6/5) - From NSC Total:

Série de animação criada em Florianópolis já está em diversas plataformas digitais

Espalhar desenhos pelos quatro cantos do planeta, é nisto que acreditam Ricardo Peres e Rodrigo Eller, sócios do 52 Animation Studio e criadores de Papaya Bull, em exibição na Nickelodeon. Inspirada no Boi de Mamão, a série de animação começa a ganhar o mundo e a levar nossa cultura, para diversos países da América Latina.

Floripa já é um polo de referência em animação e nos orgulhamos em participar disto. O novo projeto do estúdio é a série pré-escolar Leo e Lully, que conta as aventuras de dois irmãozinhos que vivem em uma estrela anã coladinha na Terra, o quintal de sua casa.

Toda a série está sendo criada em Floripa e já está no Amazon Prime Video, Looke e Youtube, além de estar presente no Spotify e Apple Music para todo o Brasil. Animação de Floripa, para todo o mundo.

Auxílio transporte

Em relação a nota do fim de semana sobre projeto de lei instituindo auxílio-transporte na Câmara de Vereadores de Tijucas, assessoria de imprensa da Casa diz que trata-se de Projeto de Lei nº 24/2019, que garante reposição inflacionária no auxílio-transporte dos servidores efetivos. "Nesse sentido, a proposta deixa claro que o auxílio se destina exclusivamente aos servidores efetivos (concursados), e que o valor só é devido em relação aos dias efetivamente trabalhados".

Quem está a mais de 20 km da Câmara, vai receber. Sendo assim, os vereadores estão privilegiando uma "casta" em detrimento da população de Tijucas. "Pode ser legal, mas fere o princípio da moralidade", diz o Procurador Federal Georgino Mello e Silva.


Amigo de Floripa acha, ouvindo as últimas falas do presidente Jair Bolsonaro, especialmente em Balneário Camboriú, quinta-feira passada (02), que o presidente está precisando de um fonoaudiólogo urgente, pois é notório que ele está comendo todas as palavras pela metade". Muitas vezes não consegue completar um nome.

Humor manezinho

O manezinho Juliano Gaspar, que cresceu no bairro de Capoeiras e hoje vive em São Paulo por causa da carreira. está concorrendo como humorista revelação do ano. A premiação acontecerá no próximo dia 26 de junho no Allianz Park, estádio do Palmeiras. Ano passado ele foi o campeão do campeonato Itubaína de Humor, organizado pelo Risadaria. Entrou para o elenco oficial do evento e a convite da organização participou do show da virada na Avenida Paulista, onde se apresentou para mais de 1,8 milhão de pessoas. Juliano também assinou contrato recentemente com o canal Comedy Central, da TV fechada, para fazer parte da nova temporada de Stand Up Comedy no canal.

Não quer

"Estou focado em fazer de Santa Catarina o Estado mais seguro do Brasil. Não está no meu radar nenhuma candidatura".

Do comandante geral da PM Araújo Gomes, para Cacau, no fim de se semana, deixando claro que não vai aceitar o convite do governador Carlos Moises para disputar a prefeitura de Floripa ano que vem, notícia que muito deve alegrar os concorrentes.

Eles e nós

Não é qualquer time que se dá ao luxo de deixar na reserva jogadores como D'Alessandro e Rafael Sobis. O Internacional de Porto Alegre tem um time bom, é verdade, mas ainda não é um time para ser campeão. Precisa de mais dois ou três para, ai sim, ganhar o que quiser. Para o Inter, um time de dinheiro, isso não é nada.

Já o Avaí também precisa de pelo menos mais dois reforços para continuar na série A ano que vem. E se demorar para melhorar poderá ser tarde.

Lá e cá

Em meio à gritaria dos magníficos reitores, a tolerância do governo federal com as universidades públicas chegou a um ponto crucial. Já se sabe, por exemplo, que além de não comprovar de que forma foram utilizados 30% dos recursos recebidos nos últimos anos, as universidades federais estavam disputando mercado há muito tempo com as agências de viagem, tamanha a quantidade de professores indo e vindo dentro e fora do Brasil, lá e cá.


Mais Nick: Nickelodeon Latin America and Nickelodeon Brazil to Premiere 'Club 57' on Monday 6th May 2019!

Originally published: Sunday, October 15, 2017.

Additional source: Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Brazil and Papaya Bull News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Iberia to Premiere New Episodes of 'Game Shakers' from Monday 6th May 2019

Nickelodeon Iberia will start to premiere more brand-new episodes of Game Shakers weekdays at 20:35 on Nickelodeon Portugal and at 21:35 on Nickelodeon Spain (España) from Monday 6th May 2019!:

Below is a list of Game Shakers episodes slated to debut on Nickelodeon Iberia in May 2019 (episode titles and synopsis' en Español):

Monday 6th May 2019 - Hot Bananas:

Plátanos calientes: Trip se deprime después de perder una batalla de videojuegos con un iño de 7 años.

Tuesday 7th May 2019 - Flavor City:

Ciudad Sabor: Dub tiene entradas para una representacón VIP del musical más apasionante de todos los tiempos: "Ciudad Sabor".

Wednesday 8th May 2019 - Snoop Therapy:

Terapia con Snoop: Los Game Shakers no se han estado llevando bien. Dub recomienda que vean a su terapeuta de la oficina: Snoop Dogg.

Thursday 9th May 2019 - Wet Willy's Wild Water Park:

El parque acuático de Willy el mojado: Los Game Shakers acuden al parque acuático Wild Willy's Wild en su último día para intentar romper el récord de velocidad en el tobogán de agua extremadamente peligroso, el Big Ripper.

Friday 10th May 2019 - Lumples:

Lumples: Una empresa de juguetes contrata a los Game Shakers para crear un videojuego basado en un juguete que no les permiten ver.

Monday 13th May 2019 - Demolition Dollhouse:

Demolición de casas de muñecas: Babe y Kenzie intentan localizar a un chico lindo que saludó a Kenzie en el metro, mientras que Hudson y Trip se obsesionan con una casa de muñecas modelo.

Tuesday 14th May 2019 - Hungry Hungry Hypno:

Hambre hambre hipnósis: Kenzie está hipnotizada para estar muy, muy hambrienta después de que los Game Shakers la lleven a ver a un hipnotizador por su cumpleaños.

Wednesday 15th May 2019 - Breaking Bad News:

Los Game Shakers tienen que descubrir cómo darle la noticia a Dub de que rompieron su nueva y costosa televisión.

Thursday 16th May 2019 - Bug Tussle:

Dub se va a Las Vegas pero no se lleva a Trip. Los Game Shakers ocupan el increíble apartamento de Trip para acompañarle.

Friday 17th May 2019 - Subway Girl

La chica del metro: Un vídeo de Babe bailando el último vídeo musical de Dub se hace viral y Dub la reta a una batalla de baile para probar que él baila mejor.

Monday 20th May 2019 - [Episode 18]:

Tuesday 21st May 2019 - [Episode 16]:

Dub recomienda que Kenzie vea a un excéntrico cirujano plástico de mascotas para arreglar los ruidosos orificios nasales de su gato. Mientras tanto, Trip intenta que Hudson forme parte de una banda de chicos.

Wednesday 22nd May 2019 - [Episode 17]:

Babe tiene que tomar una decisión cuando varios tipos de su pasado quieren salir con ella. Mientras tanto, Trip y Hudson tienen que comprar un reloj famoso para Dub.

Thursday 23rd May 2019 - Snackpot!:

¡Piscolabis!: Hudson y Trip ponen una Piscolabis -una máquina expendedora que despacha comida y bebida al azar- en el metro. Y Dub no tarda en obsesionarse con la máquina.

Friday 24th May 2019 - Babe & The Boys:

Babe y los chicos: Kenzie hace una aplicación para encontrar citas y le causa muchos problemas a Babe.

Monday 27th May 2019 - Super Ugly Head:

Cabeza feísima: Kenzie está dividida y no sabe si delatar a Dub después de haberlo visto romper su propia estatua.

Tuesday 28th May 2019 - Escape From Utah!:

Huida de Utah: Las chicas van a Utah a rescatar a Trip después de que Dub lo envíe a Captive Meadows - un centro para chicos con mal comportamiento.

In additional news, Nickelodeon Iberia has launched Orange Fridays, a brand-new stunt featuring back-to-back episodes of fan-favourite Nickelodeon show, airing Fridays from 16:50 PT; 17:50h ES! From neeo:

Todos los viernes, especial Orange Fridays en Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon sabe que los niños adoran los viernes y, por eso, el canal ha preparado un especial cargado de diversión con los Orange Fridays. Todos los viernes a partir de las 17:50h Nickelodeon ofrece un maratón compuesto por algunas de sus series favoritas como Los Thunderman, Una casa de locos, Henry Danger, Bob Esponja y Primos de por vida. ¡Para empezar el fin de semana a tope!

Viernes 3 de mayo a partir de las 17:50h: Los Thunderman
El especial Orange Fridays arranca el primer viernes de mayo con Los Thunderman, donde la vida de esta familia de superhéroes corre peligro tras descubrirse su secreto. Así, los hermanos Phoebe y Max tienen que arriesgar todo para salvar la ciudad de Hiddenville. Además, en otro episodio, Max obliga a unos novatos a ser sus “esclavos”, pero se encuentra con que ellos se la devolverán con una broma pesada. Por otro lado, Hank prepara una gran recompensa para la noche de juegos en familia donde todos harán lo imposible por ganar.

Viernes 10 de mayo a partir de las 17:50h: Una casa de locos
El efecto naranja no para y, la semana que sigue, Nickelodeon se llena de aventuras con los episodios de Una casa de locos con la familia Loud formando una banda para presentarse al programa de talentos al que les ha inscrito Lincoln. En otro episodio, la familia decide disfrutar de las merecidas vacaciones para las que tanto habían ahorrado. Sin embargo, cuando se embarcan en este viaje todo va de mal en peor…

Viernes 17 de mayo a partir de las 17:50h: Henry Danger
El viernes 17 de mayo el superhéroe Henry Danger celebra su cumpleaños, pero tiene que interrumpir constantemente esta celebración debido a los diferentes crímenes que empiezan a suceder. Además, Henry decide enviar al androide metamórfico de Schwoz a que ocupe su lugar en una cena familiar para poder quedarse con Charlotte y Ray a ver el combate del año pero, ¿conseguirá que su familia no lo descubra?

Viernes 24 de mayo a partir de las 17:50h: Bob Esponja
La siguiente semana, el especial se sumerge en Fondo de Bikini con Bob Esponja y, esta vez, un promotor de conciertos quiere que Bob y Calamardo realicen una gira, pero el avaricioso Señor Cangrejo decide convertirse en su representante en esta gira mundial. Además, es el aniversario del Crustáceo Crujiente y el Señor Cangrejo reúne a todos los trabajadores para celebrar esta ocasión especial. Sin embargo, todo el equipo se queda atrapado en el congelador del restaurante, ¿podrán salir sanos y salvos?

Viernes 31 de mayo a partir de las 17:50h: Primos de por vida
Para cerrar los Orange Fridays, el viernes 31 llegan las aventuras de los primos más molones de Nickelodeon, Primos de por vida, donde Leaf escribe un libro protagonizado por una superheroina inspirada en su hermana Ivy. Sin embargo, el editor insiste en cambiar el personaje principal por un niño. Así, los primos se ponen manos a la obra para convencer al editor de que… ¡las niñas también pueden ser superhéroes!

Este mes, los viernes serán más divertidos que nunca con el especial Orange Fridays. Todos los viernes de mayo a partir de las 17:50h un maratón de las series favoritas de los niños como Los Thunderman, Una casa de locos, Henry Danger, Bob Esponja y Primos de por vida.


Plus, Nick Jr. Spain (España) will start to air more brand-new episodes of Butterbean’s Café weekdays at 16.10h from Monday 6th May 2019! From neeo:

Nick Jr. estrena nuevos episodios de Butterbean’s Café

La diversión más dulce llega a Nick Jr. con los nuevos episodios de Butterbean’s Café. La cafetería más mágica abre sus puertas de nuevo el lunes 6 de mayo a las 16:10h para que los más pequeños de la casa puedan disfrutar de las nuevas aventuras del hada Butterbean y sus mejores amigas. En los nuevos episodios, gracias al trabajo en equipo y la ayuda de un poco de magia, todos podrán superar los retos que se les presenten en la cafetería.

La primavera ha llegado y Butterbean quiere celebrarlo haciendo una rica tarta de flores, pero las habituales tormentas de esta estación del año amenazan con echarlo todo a perder… ¿arruinará la fiesta finalmente la lluvia? Otro día, Dazzle y Poppy se intercambian sus puestos en la cocina porque, ¡las dos creen que el trabajo de la otra es más fácil! ¿Será un cambio definitivo o estarán equivocadas?

En otra de las nuevas aventuras, Butterbean y las demás hadas tendrán que enfrentarse a un gran contratiempo cuando unas galletas en forma de monos cobren vida por arte de magia. Así, ¡deberán dejar de cocinarlas cuanto antes! Además, a la dulce y curiosa Cricket se le ocurrirá sorprender a Poppy con un gran pastel pero, ¿podrá terminarlo antes de que Poppy regrese de hacer unos recados?
Lunes 6 a las 16.10h
Lunes a viernes a las 16.10h



Nuevos episodios de "Game Shakers" en Nickelodeon.

Estreno lunes 6 de mayo a partir de las 21:35h. Emisión: de lunes a viernes a partir de las 21:35h

El lunes 6 de mayo a las 21:35h, los teens más techies estrenan episodios de Game Shakers en Nickelodeon. Babe, Kenzie, Hudson y Triple G no paran de trabajar para que su imperio tecnológico siga creciendo y, aunque no lo tienen fácil, siguen demostrando que son unos auténticos genios de las apps. En las nuevas aventuras, este grupo de amigos tiene que enfrentarse a una crisis dentro del grupo, a la hipnotización de Kenzie y… ¡hasta reciben la visita del rapero Snoop Dogg, que participa como estrella invitada en uno de los episodios!

En estas nuevas aventuras, el grupo de amigos afronta una crisis interna. ¿Cómo lo solucionarán? Todos ellos siguen el consejo de Dub y visitan al terapeuta de la oficina que es nada más y nada menos que el rapero Snoop Dogg.

En otra ocasión, los "Game Shakers" acuden al parque acuático Wild Willy's Wild con la intención de conseguir el récord de velocidad en el tobogán Big Ripper pero, ¿serán capaces de enfrentarse a un tobogán tan peligroso? Además, en una de sus habituales batallas de videojuegos, Trip pierde contra un niño de siete años y, como no se lo esperaba, ¡se pone realmente triste!

En otro episodio, el grupo tiene que enfrentarse a la dura misión de contarle a Dub que han roto su televisión pero, ¿conseguirán que no se enfade? Por otro lado, cada vez se enfrentan a retos más complejos como el día en el que un fan se acerca a ellos para exigirles que realicen cambios en uno de sus juegos. A pesar de todo, ¡Babe, Kenzie, Hudson y Triple G vuelven a Nickelodeon dispuestos a revolucionar el mercado digital!

Nuevas apps, aventuras y mucha diversión, a partir del lunes 6 de mayo a las 21:35h en #Nickelodeon con los nuevos episodios de #GameShakers


More Nick: Spanish and Portuguese Favourites Win Big in Nickelodeon's Kids’ Choice Awards 2019!

Originally published: Sunday, May 05, 2019.

Schedule source: Movistar+; Additional sources: Google Translate, IMDb.
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Nickelodeon Asia Premieres 'Abby Hatcher'


Share it: @NickAsia #AbbyHatcher

Nickelodeon’s brand-new animated preschool series, Abby Hatcher (created and produced by Spin Master Entertainment), tells the story of a little girl with a big heart who helps her friends, the amazing and quirky Fuzzly creatures, fix their mishaps, learn from their mistakes and negotiate their emotions. Abby Hatcher launched today, Monday 6th May 2019, on Nickelodeon Southeast Asia, airing at 10:00am on Nickelodeon Malaysia (MY), 10:30am on Nickelodeon Philippines (PHP), 8:20am on Nickelodeon Singapore (SG), and at 9:00am on Nickelodeon Indonesia (WIB).

Abby Hatcher (26 episodes) features a social-emotional curriculum highlighting empathy, compassion and problem-solving skills.

Following today's launch, new episodes of Abby Hatcher will continue to air regularly weekdays at 10:00am on Nick Malaysia (MY), 10:30am on Nick Philippines (PHP), 8:20am on Nick Singapore (SG), and at 9:00am on Nick Indonesia (WIB).

In Abby Hatcher, Abby is an eternally optimistic, kind-hearted seven-year-old girl who loves to lend a helping hand to others and accepts everyone--no matter how different they are. In Abby’s world, humans coexist with Fuzzlies, incredible creatures that each have their own unique abilities that make them special, and Abby’s parents’ hotel is home to many. Together with her best Fuzzly friend Bozzly, Abby goes on wild adventures to fix Fuzzly mishaps and help them in any way she can. Whenever a problem arises Abby and Bozzly always say, “Fuzzly trouble can’t delay, to the rescue, save the day!”

In the series premiere of Abby Hatcher, “When Abby Met Bozzly/Hair Flair Everywhere,” Abby meets the best friend of her dreams, a fuzzly named Bozzly, for the first time. Then, when the hotel’s salon owner Mrs. Melvin closes the salon for the day, Abby tries to help Harriet, a hair-obsessed Fuzzly, find a new hobby, when all she really wants is to style. In additional new episodes, Mo and Bo are mistaken for a snow monster, and, after taking a tumble, Otis suffers a fear of heights and becomes scared to use his elevator.

Abby Hatcher made its world debut on Nickelodeon in the U.S. on Tuesday, January 1, 2019, and will be rolling out on Nickelodeon’s international channels and branded blocks throughout 2019. The series also airs on TVO and Knowledge in Canada.

Abby Hatcher is the ninth series from Spin Master Entertainment and follows on the success of PAW Patrol. The new series is overseen by executive producers Ronnen Harary and Laura Clunie.

Parents and children can visit to find videos, games and activities featuring their favourite Nick Jr. characters. Parents can like the official Nickelodeon Asia and Nick Jr. Asia Facebook pages and Nickelodeon Asia Instagram page for the latest Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. news, highlights, video clips and more.

About Spin Master

Spin Master (TSX:TOY; is a leading global children's entertainment company that creates, designs, manufactures, licenses and markets a diversified portfolio of innovative toys, games, products and entertainment properties. Spin Master is best known for award-winning brands including Zoomer®, Bakugan®, Erector® by Meccano®, Hatchimals®, Air Hogs® and PAW Patrol®. Since 2000, Spin Master has received 103 TIA Toy of The Year (TOTY) nominations with 28 wins across a variety of product categories, including 13 TOTY nominations for Innovative Toy of the Year, more than any of its competitors. To date, Spin Master has produced nine television series, including 2007 success Bakugan Battle Brawlers and current hit PAW Patrol, which is broadcast in over 160 countries and territories globally. Spin Master has 28 offices and employs over 1,700 people globally in Canada, United States, Mexico, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Russia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Vietnam and Australia.

About Nickelodeon:

Nickelodeon, now in its 39th year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The company includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, recreation, books and feature films. Nickelodeon is one of the most globally recognized and widely distributed multimedia entertainment brands for kids and family, with 1.2 billion cumulative subscriptions in more than 500 million households across 170+ countries and territories, via more than 100+ locally programmed channels and branded blocks. Outside of the United States, Nickelodeon is part of Viacom International Media Networks, a division of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), one of the world’s leading creators of programming and content across all media platforms. For more information or artwork, visit Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB).

More Nick: Viacom International Media Networks Ramps Up Original Content in Southeast Asia!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nick Jr. Asia, Nickelodeon Preschool and Abby Hatcher News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Asia Celebrates SpongeBob SquarePants' 20th Anniversary with 'Seronoknya Raya' Retail Activations in Malaysia

It's SpongeBob SquarePants' 20th anniversary, and to celebrate, Nickelodeon Southeast Asia will be hosting special SpongeBob SquarePants retail activations at three shopping centres in Malaysia in May and June 2019!

Titled Seronoknya Raya, fans are invited to celebrate SpongeBob SquarePants' landmark 20th anniversary with Nickelodeon at Paradigm Mall Johor Bahru in Johor, KL Gateway Mall in Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, and Paradigm Mall, Petaling Jaya in Selangor by joining in all the SpongeBob – Raya themed Games and Activities at special SpongeBob SquarePants-themed areas!

Seronoknya Raya is now open at Paradigm Mall Johor Bahru, where fans can visit the SpongeBob SquarePants area daily from 10am until Monday 10th June 2019. To celebrate, the mall will be giving away free Playground Entry Passes from Wednesday 1st May - Wednesday 8th May 2019.

The SpongeBob Seronoknya Raya event will also open at KL Gateway Mall and Paradigm Mall Petaling Jaya on Friday 10th May 2019, where fans can visit the attractions and join in with the celebrations daily from 10:00am until Paradigm PJ and until Sunday 23rd June 2019 at KL Gateway Mall.

Nickelodeon Southeast Asia's SpongeBob SquarePants Seronoknya Raya celebration forms part of the "Best Year Ever", Nickelodeon's year-long global celebration commemorating 20 years of SpongeBob SquarePants, one of the most iconic TV series and characters ever created. The “Best Year Ever” includes with the premiere of “SpongeBob’s Big Birthday Blowout,” an original mixed live-action and animated special, and leads up to the Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies theatrical, The SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge, coming summer 2020.

It’s SpongeBob’s birthday in “SpongeBob’s Big Birthday Blowout,” which features for the first time the celebrated voice talent behind SpongeBob, Patrick, Mr. Krabs, Sandy, Squidward and Plankton playing live-action doppelgänger versions of the animated characters they voice. In the one-hour special, Patrick and SpongeBob journey to the surface world, where they come across a few familiar characters during lunchtime rush at The Trusty Slab restaurant. Meanwhile, the Bikini Bottom residents set up a surprise party for SpongeBob.

More Nick: Nickelodeon Marks 20 Years of "SpongeBob SquarePants" with the "Best Year Ever"!

Additional source:
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Nick Crushes REVEALED! 😍 | #3ThingsYouMissed | Nickelodeon

Nick Crushes REVEALED! 😍 | #3ThingsYouMissed

Crushes, crushes, and more crushes! Watch as your favorite Nick characters fall HARD for their crushes! Catch more magical crush moments on Henry Danger, The Loud House, and Victorious, only on Nickelodeon!

More Nick: Nickelodeon USA's May 2019 Premiere Highlights!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon News and Highlights!

Rise of the TMNT Action Figures 🐢 NYC Scavenger Hunt 🔎 | Nickelodeon

Rise of the TMNT Action Figures 🐢 NYC Scavenger Hunt 🔎 | Nick

The search is on! The Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are being put to the test in the ultimate ninja training mission – a New York City scavenger hunt! You won’t believe the clues they’ll have to solve, the enemies they’ll have to thwart, and the number of hot dogs they’ll have to eat! Which challenge was your favorite? Comment below and catch more Rise of the TMNT on Nickelodeon!

More Nick: Worlds Collide in 'Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Trailer; Release Dates Announced!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles News and Highlights!

Lincoln Loud Speed Draw ✍️😱 | The Loud House 🏠 | Sunday Scribbles | Nickelodeon Animation

Lincoln Loud Speed Draw ✍️😱 | The Loud House 🏠 | Sunday Scribbles

Happy National Cartoonist's Day! Watch resident cartoonist + The Loud House storyboard artist Jordan Koch draw a very freaked out Lincoln Loud in Nickelodeon Animation's newest drawing series, Sunday Scribbles.

Let Nick Animation know if you want to see more vids like this in the comments on YouTube!

More Nick: Nickelodeon to Premiere 'The Loud House' Spin-Off Series 'The Casagrandes' in October 2019!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Animation and The Loud House News and Highlights!

GAME TIME: PAW Patrol, Top Wing & More Characters Are Hidden! Can You Find Them? | Nick Jr.

GAME TIME: PAW Patrol, Top Wing & More Characters Are Hidden! Can You Find Them? | Nick Jr.

Play a game and try to find characters and surprise objects hidden in each scene. See who will be the first to spot PAW Patrol’s Marshall hiding in Adventure Bay, or a couple of coconuts hidden in Top Wing’s Big Swirl Island. You can find full episodes of your favorite shows, weekday mornings on Nickelodeon, and everywhere you find Nick Jr.

More Nick: Nick Jr. Live! "Move To The Music" U.S. Theatrical Tour To Debut Fall 2019!

Kids can watch their favorite Nick Jr. shows weekdays on Nickelodeon and all week long on the Nick Jr. channel:

Preschoolers can watch full episodes online, play games, and discover silly surprises in the free Nick Jr. App and at Stream Nick Jr. for free in the Nick Jr. App on Roku and Apple TV or download full episodes for offline viewing on iTunes or Google Play.

You can also download premium apps featuring your child's favorite Nick Jr. shows on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon, including Nick Jr. Draw and Play and Nick Jr. Let’s Learn!

More Nick: Nickelodeon and Spin Master Announce Second 'PAW Patrol' Movie Event, 'Ready Race Rescue'!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Easter on Nick Jr., Nickelodeon Preschool, PAW Patrol and Top Wing News and Highlights!

Trendy Labs | Episodio 2 | Nickelodeon Latinoamérica

Trendy Labs | Episodio 2 | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

¡¿Un láser que puedes controlar con tu VOZ?! Nacho no quiere quedarse atrás con su lifehack y decide crear un láser súper cool que tú puedes hacer desde casa. Toma nota y prepárate para este experimento en un nuevo episodio de Trendy Labs.

Ver episodio 1:

Más Nick: Nickelodeon Latin America and Nickelodeon Brazil to Premiere 'Club 57' on Monday 6th May 2019!

Additional source: Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Latin America and Trendy Labs News and Highlights!

DC, IDW and Nickelodeon Announce 'Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III' Comic Series [Updated w/ Art]

Hot on the heels of announcing Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, an all-new animated movie based on the first volume of Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics, DC, IDW and Nickelodeon and reuniting again Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III, a stunning six-issue conclusion to the smash-hit crossover trilogy, released to mark the 80th anniversary of Batman and the 35th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in May 2019! Check out the official press release below for the full details!:


Two of Pop Culture’s Biggest, Most Iconic Brands Team Up in Landmark Anniversary Year

BURBANK, CA and SAN DIEGO, CA – (February 15, 2019) – The 80th anniversary of Batman collides with the 35th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles this May as DC Publishing and IDW Publishing today announced plans for BATMAN/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES III, a stunning six-issue conclusion to the smash-hit crossover trilogy.

“I still remember the e-mail asking me if I wanted to write the first Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover,” said series writer James Tynion IV. “My brain couldn’t even process what I was reading for a few seconds, and I started having a panic attack about fitting it into my work schedule. Then, finally, I pictured Michelangelo’s reaction to seeing the T. rex in the Batcave for the first time and started laughing out loud.”

“When I got the call asking if I would be interested in doing some covers for a Batman/TMNT crossover,” added Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman, “the ten-year-old Batman fan got up and ran around the room screaming at the top of his lungs with excitement…then the fifty-year-old life-long Batman fan did the same thing!”

Tynion IV (BATMAN, JUSTICE LEAGUE, JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK) reunites with artist Freddie E. Williams II (INJUSTICE VS. MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE, HE-MAN/THUNDERCATS) and colorist Jeremy Colwell for this final chapter starring Gotham’s Dark Knight and New York’s Heroes in a Half Shell. Eastman will illustrate variant covers for the series and, as he did in collaboration with Williams II on 2017’s KAMANDI CHALLENGE, contribute interior artwork at a pivotal point in the new run.

“The story for volume three is a blast, and I am having the time of my life illustrating it,” said Williams II. “And lucky for me, I’m not alone in this grand task. I’m having a huge and exciting personal crossover of my own with one of my all-time heroes and favorite artists, Kevin Eastman! Say what? Yup, you heard that right! We’ve got something so fun and exciting planned! I’m geeking out about it every day, and I think all of you will, too!”

“I’m absolutely thrilled to have Kevin Eastman, co-creator of the TMNT, as our creative partner on the series,” continued Tynion IV. “Kevin will be working closely with Freddie, contributing art on part of the run in a really exciting way that I can’t wait for fans to see. We’re going to see Bats and Turtles collide like never before in a story so big, it’s the perfect way to conclude our Batman/TMNT trilogy.”

In the first two blockbuster volumes, our heroes battled the evil of the Foot Clan in Gotham and then went head-to-head with Bane in New York. But now, in the third and biggest chapter, Krang has gotten his hands on the most dangerous technologies in the DC Universe—and no universe is safe from his wrath!

“For the last few years, with the incredible Freddie E. Williams II, I’ve been able to shepherd the meetings of two of pop culture’s biggest, most iconic brands in huge, exciting ways,” said Tynion IV. “We’ve brought Shredder to Gotham leading a riot of mutant Arkham inmates, and we’ve seen Bane bring Venom to the streets of the Turtles’ New York City. But now, on the 80th anniversary of Batman, and the 35th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, we’ve got the biggest, craziest idea ever, one that brings all three volumes full circle to make a real statement about what these characters mean to us.”

“I am so incredibly proud of the series so far,” concluded Eastman. “Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has easily been one of my biggest personal geek-out moments ever, and from what I’ve seen of series III, my advice to fans is to buckle up, things are about to get seriously crazy! Forever grateful that James and Freddie invited me into their backyard to play for a bit.”

Fans of the comic series will see the Dark Knight continue to fight like never before with wall-to-wall ninja action in BATMAN/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES III beginning May 1, 2019.

(cover to BATMAN/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES III #1 by Freddie E. Williams II and Jeremy Colwell)
Also announced this week by Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Home Entertainment, DC Entertainment and Nickelodeon is Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, an all-new animated movie arriving on 4K, Blu-ray and Digital later this spring, based on Tynion IV and Williams II’s first volume of BATMAN/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES.

About DC
Home to iconic brands DC (Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Flash, etc.), DC Vertigo (Sandman, Fables, etc.) and MAD, DC is the creative division charged with strategically integrating across Warner Bros. and WarnerMedia. DC works in concert with many key Warner Bros. divisions to unleash its stories and characters across all media, including but not limited to film, television, consumer products, home entertainment and interactive games. Publishing thousands of comic books, graphic novels and magazines each year, DC is one of the largest English-language publishers of comics in the world.

About IDW
IDW Media Holdings, Inc. (OTCQX: IDWM) is a fully integrated media company, which includes publishing, games, entertainment, and the San Diego Comic Art Gallery. IDW Publishing’s comic book and graphic novel catalog includes some of the world’s most popular entertainment brands, including Transformers, My Little Pony, Star Trek, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, and Disney’s classic characters. At IDW’s core is its commitment to creator-owned comics including 30 Days of Night, Locke & Key, Wormwood, Ragnarök, V-Wars, and Archangel by bestselling sci-fi author William Gibson. IDW Publishing is also home to the acclaimed and award-winning imprints; Top Shelf, The Library of American Comics, Yoe! Books, and Artist Editions, showcasing the greatest original art ever published in American comic books.

IDW Games’ diverse line-up includes the international phenomenon Machi Koro, as well as hit licensed games such as X-Files, Back to the Future, The Godfather, and TMNT. IDW Entertainment serves as the worldwide distributor of Wynonna Earp airing on the Syfy Channel in the U.S. and is producing BBC America’s Dirk Gently, based on the bestseller by Douglas Adams starring Elijah Wood and Sam Barnett.

About Nickelodeon
Nickelodeon, now in its 39th year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The company includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, recreation, books and feature films. Nickelodeon’s U.S. television network is seen in more than 90 million households and has been the number-one-rated kids’ basic cable network for 22 consecutive years. For more information or artwork, visit Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB).


Update (4/13) - James Tynion IV today unveiled a bunch of Turtley Awesome art from Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III!