To celebrate Nickelodeon USA premiering and showing the brand-new episode of the networks newest hit original animated series (NickToon) "Harvey Beaks" titled "The Finger"/"The Negatives of Being Positively Charged" on Sunday 5th April 2015 at 7:00pm ET/PT, as part of Nick USA's all-new Sunday night line-up, Nick USA has unveiled a fantastic sneak peek preview of "The Negatives of Being Positively Charged" on their official YouTube channel, which you can watch in the online streaming video clip below!:
Looks like Harvey's idea of getting tucked in is a LITTLE different from Fee and Foo! Rest up and get ready for a new episode of "Harvey Beaks" Sunday at 7pm/6c on Nickelodeon USA!
Additionally, Nickelodeon has unveiled a brand-new video which gives fans an inside look at the world of Carl Greenblatt, the creator of "Harvey Beaks", and how he and the team make Nick’s newest animated show! Fun Fact: Carl is Nickelodeon's first ever puppet cartoonist!*:
*Fact may or may not be accurate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Harvey Beaks News and Highlights!
Welcome to NickALive!, bringing you the latest Nickelodeon news for Nickelodeon channels around the world.
Saturday, April 04, 2015
Sneak Peek Of New "Harvey Beaks" Episode "The Negatives of Being Positively Charged", Premiering 4/5 On Nickelodeon USA
Nickelodeon Renews "Paw Patrol" For Season Three; "Bubble Guppies" For Season Four
Nickelodeon, the number-one entertainment brand for kids and families, has commissioned a third season of the networks popular CG-animated preschool series "Paw Patrol"! The Pup-tastic news was announced by Nickelodeon voice actor Alex Thorne, who provides the voice of Zuma on the US version of "Paw Patrol", in a Tweet on his official Twitter profile page, @AlexThorne2001. To celebrate, Alex shared a photo of himself recording dialogue for "Paw Patrol" season three in March 2015 on his Twitter feed.
Additionally, Nickelodeon also recently ordered a fourth season of "Bubble Guppies"! The exciting news was announced by Nickelodeon voice actor Grace Kaufman, who provides the voice of Deema in Nick's popular CG-animated preschool series, in a Tweet on her official Twitter profile page, @ImGraceKaufman. The voice cast recorded their lines for season four in September 2014.

Pictured: (Top row:) Goby (Dark Blue hair), Oona (Purple hair), (Bottom Row) Molly (Pink hair), Nonny (Orange hair), Deema (Yellow hair), Gil (Blue hair) and Mr Grouper, in BUBBLE GUPPIES on Nickelodeon. Photo: Nickelodeon. ©2010 Viacom, International, Inc. All Rights Reserved
"Paw Patrol" stars a pack of seven heroic rescue pups – Chase, Marshall, Rocky, Rubble, Zuma, Skye and Everest - who are led by a tech-savvy boy named Ryder. Together they work hard to show the people of Adventure Bay that "no job is too big, no pup is too small!"
"Bubble Guppies" set in a vibrant underwater environment follows a group of diverse preschoolers with colorful fish tails who go on adventures discovering their world. "Bubble Guppies" is set to a soundtrack of catchy, educational pop songs and features a curriculum that infuses the core elements of kindergarten readiness including: math, literacy, the arts, science and socio-emotional development.
Source: ToonZone forums member Toons Fan.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Paw Patrol and Bubble Guppies News and Highlights!
Additionally, Nickelodeon also recently ordered a fourth season of "Bubble Guppies"! The exciting news was announced by Nickelodeon voice actor Grace Kaufman, who provides the voice of Deema in Nick's popular CG-animated preschool series, in a Tweet on her official Twitter profile page, @ImGraceKaufman. The voice cast recorded their lines for season four in September 2014.

Pictured: (Top row:) Goby (Dark Blue hair), Oona (Purple hair), (Bottom Row) Molly (Pink hair), Nonny (Orange hair), Deema (Yellow hair), Gil (Blue hair) and Mr Grouper, in BUBBLE GUPPIES on Nickelodeon. Photo: Nickelodeon. ©2010 Viacom, International, Inc. All Rights Reserved
"Paw Patrol" stars a pack of seven heroic rescue pups – Chase, Marshall, Rocky, Rubble, Zuma, Skye and Everest - who are led by a tech-savvy boy named Ryder. Together they work hard to show the people of Adventure Bay that "no job is too big, no pup is too small!"
"Bubble Guppies" set in a vibrant underwater environment follows a group of diverse preschoolers with colorful fish tails who go on adventures discovering their world. "Bubble Guppies" is set to a soundtrack of catchy, educational pop songs and features a curriculum that infuses the core elements of kindergarten readiness including: math, literacy, the arts, science and socio-emotional development.
Source: ToonZone forums member Toons Fan.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Paw Patrol and Bubble Guppies News and Highlights!
Nickelodeon's Northern European Channels To Premiere "Bella and the Bulldogs" On Sunday 26th April 2015
Nickelodeon channels across Northern Europe have announced the exciting Nickelodeon International news on their official websites that they will start to premiere and show Nickelodeon's brand-new hit original comedy series "Bella and the Bulldogs" on Sunday 26th April 2015!
Below are links to each local Nickelodeon channels' official "Bella and the Bulldogs" webpages, which features exclusive videos and photo galleries!:
Nickelodeon Benelux:
Nickelodeon Netherlands (Nederland) - Locally titled "Bella en de Bulldogs";
Nickelodeon Belgium (België; Flanders) - Locally titled "Bella en de Bulldogs";
Nickelodeon Scandinavia:
Nickelodeon Denmark (Danmark);
Nickelodeon Sweden (Sverige);
Nickelodeon North:
Nickelodeon Germany (Deutschland) - Premieres Sunday 26th April 2015 at 6:20pm Uhr, as part of „Alles neu, Alles Nick“; locally titled "Bella & The Bulldogs";
Nickelodeon Austria (Österreich) - Premieres Sunday 26th April 2015 at 6:20pm Uhr, as part of „Alles neu, Alles Nick“; locally titled "Bella & The Bulldogs";
Nickelodeon Switzerland (Schweiz)
Nickelodeon Poland (Polska) - Locally titled "Bella i Buldogi";
Nickelodeon Norway.
Additionally, below is Nickelodeon Germany's official press release announcing the exciting news, from Nickelodeon Deutschland's "Nick Pressecenter":
Tausche Pom Poms gegen Football – Nickelodeon startet neue Live-Action Serie 'Bella & The Bulldogs'
Neue Live-Action Serie 'Bella & The Bulldogs' im Programmblock 'Alles Neu, alles Nick' // Ab dem 26. April sonntags um 18:20 Uhr bei Nickelodeon
Berlin, 25. März 2015 – Nickelodeon erweitert den sonntäglichen Programmblock 'Alles neu, alles Nick' um eine neue Live-Action Serie. Die Serie 'Bella & The Bulldogs' (eine Nickelodeon Original-Serie) reiht sich damit in das Line-Up neuer Shows und Episoden am frühen Sonntagabend ein.
In 'Bella & The Bulldogs' dreht sich alles um die 13-jährige Bella Dawson. Wenn die Bulldogs, das Football-Team der Schule, auf dem Platz kämpfen, steht Bella als Cheerleader am Spielfeldrand und feuert sie an. Doch eigentlich würde sie viel lieber auf dem Platz stehen, statt nur daneben. Es ist ihr Traum, selber Teil des Teams zu werden. Allein durch einen Zufall, wird der Team-Coach auf ihr Talent aufmerksam, lädt sie zum Probetraining ein – und ernennt sie kurzerhand zum neuen Quarterback der Bulldogs. Ab sofort muss Bella zwei Teams zufriedenstellen: die Bulldogs und ihre Cheerleader-Truppe.
In den USA entwickelte sich 'Bella & The Bulldogs' schnell zum Hit und erreicht seit der Premiere im Januar rund 2 Millionen Zuschauer pro neuer Episode. Eine zweite Staffel ist bereits bestätigt.
In Deutschland zeigt Nickelodeon 'Bella & The Bulldogs' ab dem 26. April immer sonntags um 18:20 Uhr im „Alles neu, alles Nick“-Block.
Das „Alles neu, Alles Nick“ Programmn ab dem 26. April im Überblick:
17:00 Uhr – Henry Danger
17:25 Uhr – Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn
17:55 Uhr – Die Thundermans
18:20 Uhr – Bella & The Bulldogs
Über Nickelodeon:
Nickelodeon ist ein weltweit ausstrahlender Kindersender und die Heimat einiger der beliebtesten Kinderserien derzeit, darunter 'SpongeBob Schwammkopf', 'iCarly', 'Die Pinguine aus Madagascar', 'Victorious', 'Kung Fu Panda', 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' und 'Dora'. Besonderes Programm-Highlight sind die jährlich stattfindenden 'Nickelodeon Kids‘ Choice Awards', eine starbesetzte Show, in der Kinder weltweit über die Preisträger abstimmen. Nickelodeon gehört zu der Viacom International Media Networks GmbH. Zum Nickelodeon Unternehmen gehören neben dem abwechslungsreichen Fernsehangebot für Kinder außerdem der Bereich Consumer Products, Online- und Freizeitangebote sowie Publishing Produkte. Nickelodeon Northern Europe, mit Hauptsitz in Berlin, strahlt die Nickelodeon Inhalte in 14 Länder Nordeuropas auf seinen Kanälen Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nick Jr., Nick Hits, Teen Nick und Kindernet aus. Die Eigenproduktionen 'Het Huis Anubis' / 'Das Haus Anubis', 'Hotel 13', 'Nickelodeon Alaaarm' und 'Nick Battle' runden das Angebot von Nickelodeon in Nordeuropa ab.
Viacom International Media Networks Northern Europe
Kontakt: Sarah Prill
Fon: 49 30 700 100-426, Fax: 49 30 700 100-9426
E-Mail: [...], Info: //
Folgen Sie uns auf Facebook und Twitter: /
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Northern Europe and Bella and the Bulldogs News and Highlights!
Below are links to each local Nickelodeon channels' official "Bella and the Bulldogs" webpages, which features exclusive videos and photo galleries!:
Nickelodeon Benelux:
Nickelodeon Netherlands (Nederland) - Locally titled "Bella en de Bulldogs";
Nickelodeon Belgium (België; Flanders) - Locally titled "Bella en de Bulldogs";
Nickelodeon Scandinavia:
Nickelodeon Denmark (Danmark);
Nickelodeon Sweden (Sverige);
Nickelodeon North:
Nickelodeon Germany (Deutschland) - Premieres Sunday 26th April 2015 at 6:20pm Uhr, as part of „Alles neu, Alles Nick“; locally titled "Bella & The Bulldogs";
Nickelodeon Austria (Österreich) - Premieres Sunday 26th April 2015 at 6:20pm Uhr, as part of „Alles neu, Alles Nick“; locally titled "Bella & The Bulldogs";
Nickelodeon Switzerland (Schweiz)
Nickelodeon Poland (Polska) - Locally titled "Bella i Buldogi";
Nickelodeon Norway.
Additionally, below is Nickelodeon Germany's official press release announcing the exciting news, from Nickelodeon Deutschland's "Nick Pressecenter":
Tausche Pom Poms gegen Football – Nickelodeon startet neue Live-Action Serie 'Bella & The Bulldogs'
Neue Live-Action Serie 'Bella & The Bulldogs' im Programmblock 'Alles Neu, alles Nick' // Ab dem 26. April sonntags um 18:20 Uhr bei Nickelodeon
Berlin, 25. März 2015 – Nickelodeon erweitert den sonntäglichen Programmblock 'Alles neu, alles Nick' um eine neue Live-Action Serie. Die Serie 'Bella & The Bulldogs' (eine Nickelodeon Original-Serie) reiht sich damit in das Line-Up neuer Shows und Episoden am frühen Sonntagabend ein.
In 'Bella & The Bulldogs' dreht sich alles um die 13-jährige Bella Dawson. Wenn die Bulldogs, das Football-Team der Schule, auf dem Platz kämpfen, steht Bella als Cheerleader am Spielfeldrand und feuert sie an. Doch eigentlich würde sie viel lieber auf dem Platz stehen, statt nur daneben. Es ist ihr Traum, selber Teil des Teams zu werden. Allein durch einen Zufall, wird der Team-Coach auf ihr Talent aufmerksam, lädt sie zum Probetraining ein – und ernennt sie kurzerhand zum neuen Quarterback der Bulldogs. Ab sofort muss Bella zwei Teams zufriedenstellen: die Bulldogs und ihre Cheerleader-Truppe.
In den USA entwickelte sich 'Bella & The Bulldogs' schnell zum Hit und erreicht seit der Premiere im Januar rund 2 Millionen Zuschauer pro neuer Episode. Eine zweite Staffel ist bereits bestätigt.
In Deutschland zeigt Nickelodeon 'Bella & The Bulldogs' ab dem 26. April immer sonntags um 18:20 Uhr im „Alles neu, alles Nick“-Block.
Das „Alles neu, Alles Nick“ Programmn ab dem 26. April im Überblick:
17:00 Uhr – Henry Danger
17:25 Uhr – Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn
17:55 Uhr – Die Thundermans
18:20 Uhr – Bella & The Bulldogs
Über Nickelodeon:
Nickelodeon ist ein weltweit ausstrahlender Kindersender und die Heimat einiger der beliebtesten Kinderserien derzeit, darunter 'SpongeBob Schwammkopf', 'iCarly', 'Die Pinguine aus Madagascar', 'Victorious', 'Kung Fu Panda', 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' und 'Dora'. Besonderes Programm-Highlight sind die jährlich stattfindenden 'Nickelodeon Kids‘ Choice Awards', eine starbesetzte Show, in der Kinder weltweit über die Preisträger abstimmen. Nickelodeon gehört zu der Viacom International Media Networks GmbH. Zum Nickelodeon Unternehmen gehören neben dem abwechslungsreichen Fernsehangebot für Kinder außerdem der Bereich Consumer Products, Online- und Freizeitangebote sowie Publishing Produkte. Nickelodeon Northern Europe, mit Hauptsitz in Berlin, strahlt die Nickelodeon Inhalte in 14 Länder Nordeuropas auf seinen Kanälen Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nick Jr., Nick Hits, Teen Nick und Kindernet aus. Die Eigenproduktionen 'Het Huis Anubis' / 'Das Haus Anubis', 'Hotel 13', 'Nickelodeon Alaaarm' und 'Nick Battle' runden das Angebot von Nickelodeon in Nordeuropa ab.
Viacom International Media Networks Northern Europe
Kontakt: Sarah Prill
Fon: 49 30 700 100-426, Fax: 49 30 700 100-9426
E-Mail: [...], Info: //
Folgen Sie uns auf Facebook und Twitter: /
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Northern Europe and Bella and the Bulldogs News and Highlights!
Nicktoons UK To Premiere Brand-New "SpongeBob SquarePants" Episodes During Easter 2015
Nickelodeon UK, the number one commercial kids TV network in the UK, has announced the Sponge-tastic news that, to celebrate the Easter holidays, Nicktoons UK and Ireland, Nick UK's animation and action channel, will be premiering and showing brand-new episodes of Nickelodeon's hit original animated series "SpongeBob SquarePants" every weekday at 10:00am between Monday 6th and Thursday 9th April 2015 and Monday 13th and Thursday 16th April 2015, as part of "SpongeBob's Big Squeeze"! Following each episodes debut, NickToons will encore each all-new episode the same day at 4:00pm.
Below is a list of the all-new "SpongeBob SquarePants" episodes that Nicktoons UK will premiere as part of "SpongeBob's Big Squeeze", from DigiGuide:
Monday 6th April 2015 - Extreme Spots: SpongeBob and Patrick try to join the extreme sports team The Drasticals.
Tuesday 7th April 2015 - Squirrel Record: Sandy finds a book of world's records, and tries to break them all with SpongeBob's help.
Wednesday 8th April 2015 - Jailbreak!: An imprisoned Plankton teams up with his fellow inmates to break out of jail and steal the Krabby Patty secret formula.
Thursday 9th April 2015 - Evil Spatula: SpongeBob replaces his broken spatula with one from Plankton, which may or may not have magical powers.
Monday 13th April 2015 - Safe Deposit Krabs: Mr. Krabs gets trapped in Bikini Bottom's brand-new bank, and it's up to SpongeBob and Patrick to save him.
Tuesday 14th April 2015 - Plankton's Pet: After failing again to steal the Krabby Patty formula, Plankton gets a pet to cheer himself up.
Wednesday 15th April 2015 - Kenny the Cat: SpongeBob will do anything to get to meet his newest hero, Kenny The Cat.
Thursday 16th April 2015 - Yeti Krabs: Attempting to get more work out of Squidward, Mr. Krabs spins the story of the monstrous Yeti Crab, which eats lazy workers.
Don't forget to catch SpongeBob in his latest big screen adventure, "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water", in cinemas everywhere now!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon UK, NickToons UK and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
Below is a list of the all-new "SpongeBob SquarePants" episodes that Nicktoons UK will premiere as part of "SpongeBob's Big Squeeze", from DigiGuide:
Monday 6th April 2015 - Extreme Spots: SpongeBob and Patrick try to join the extreme sports team The Drasticals.
Tuesday 7th April 2015 - Squirrel Record: Sandy finds a book of world's records, and tries to break them all with SpongeBob's help.
Wednesday 8th April 2015 - Jailbreak!: An imprisoned Plankton teams up with his fellow inmates to break out of jail and steal the Krabby Patty secret formula.
Thursday 9th April 2015 - Evil Spatula: SpongeBob replaces his broken spatula with one from Plankton, which may or may not have magical powers.
Monday 13th April 2015 - Safe Deposit Krabs: Mr. Krabs gets trapped in Bikini Bottom's brand-new bank, and it's up to SpongeBob and Patrick to save him.
Tuesday 14th April 2015 - Plankton's Pet: After failing again to steal the Krabby Patty formula, Plankton gets a pet to cheer himself up.
Wednesday 15th April 2015 - Kenny the Cat: SpongeBob will do anything to get to meet his newest hero, Kenny The Cat.
Thursday 16th April 2015 - Yeti Krabs: Attempting to get more work out of Squidward, Mr. Krabs spins the story of the monstrous Yeti Crab, which eats lazy workers.
Don't forget to catch SpongeBob in his latest big screen adventure, "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water", in cinemas everywhere now!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon UK, NickToons UK and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
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