Butch Hartman, the creator of Nick's Emmy Award-winning original animated series (Nicktoon) "The Fairly OddParents", has confirmed the exciting news that Nickelodeon is currently making more brand-new episodes of "Fairly OddParents", which could be for a tenth season of "Fairly OddParents", in a series of posts on his official Instagram profile page, @ButchHartman!
To celebrate, Butch has shared some fantastic behind-the-scenes photos of a script and a storyboard from some of the upcoming brand-new episodes "The Fairly OddParents" which he has recently been working on!:
In the script for a upcoming all-new episode, below, it turns out that Mr. Denzel Crocker's Mother, Mrs. Dolores-Day Crocker, is actually a secret government agent! After Denzel accidentally see's too much, Mrs. Crocker has to decide what to do with her son - neutralize his memory or to deputize him as a junior agent!:
In the storyboard panel for a upcoming brand-new episode, below, whilst Cosmo and Wanda are Birds in a cage, Timmy Turner says to Cosmo "and look over there while I steel a taquito.":
Source: ToonZone forums member Rouge.
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