"Dora and Friends: Into the City!" (20 episodes) is a brand-new animated preschool series featuring the iconic character Dora The Explorer in all-new adventures, with new friends and a new interactive curriculum. The series is set in a fictional, pan-Latino city called Playa Verde, where Dora is 10 years old, in school and at the center of a peer group that works together to give back to the community — having both real-life and magical adventures along the way. As always, Dora is an adventurer, a good friend and problem-solver. "Dora and Friends" helps teach Spanish and introduces new educational areas to the curriculum, including social-emotional skills like community service and peer relationships. "Dora and Friends" is created by Chris Gifford and Valerie Walsh Valdes ("Dora the Explorer").
In each episode, Dora and her friends go on adventures, whether it's rescuing a lost stuffed monkey for a little boy in the hospital or returning a ring to an ancient Mayan Princess.
Dora uses the help of a Map App on her smartphone and a magical charm bracelet to navigate the city and overcome obstacles along the way. In this new series, Dora continues to show she is a good friend, leader, and problem-solver with a group of new friends – Kate, Naiya, Emma, Alana and Pablo -- who share her passion for learning and exploring.
Watch the trailer for Dora's new series, "Dora and Friends: Into the City" below:
Partial transcript of Nickelodeon USA's "Dora and Friends: Into the City!" promo:
Get ready to meet a amazing group of friends, and the one girl who brings them altogether.To celebrate the upcoming premiere of "Dora and Friends: Into the City!", Nick Jr. USA's official websites "Dora and Friends: Into the City!" webpage has unveiled exclusive printable "Dora and Friends" eBooks, which introduces each character from Nick's brand-new animated preschool show, which you can print out here on NickJr.com!
Nickelodeon Presents a brand new series.
Join Dora, Emma, Kate, Naiya, Alana and Pablo, for big adventures in the big city!
When these friends get together, anything is possible!
Dora and Friends: Into the City. The brand-new series begins this August, only on Nickelodeon!
Nick Jr. UK and Ireland will start to premiere and show Nickelodeon Preschool Animations "Dora and Friends", a brand new animated spin-off series from Nickelodeon's massively popular preschool series "Dora the Explorer", in 2015, as part of "2015 on Nick Jr. UK"!
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