"Rabbids" is a CGI-animated series that brings to television the hysterical physical comedy that is the hallmark in Ubisoft's wildly successful "Raving Rabbids" video games. Irreverent, unpredictable and silly, the Rabbids are a mysterious breed of rabbit-like creatures that explore, and often wreak havoc, in the human world. Everything is a source of wonder and amusement, and these indestructible and uncontrollable creatures have absolutely no respect for the social rules that govern society. For them, there are no laws, no rules of the road. It's all about having fun and saying "Bwaaaaaah!" Nickelodeon has secured global broadcast rights for 26 new half-hour CG episodes (season one) of "Rabbids", which will be produced by Ubisoft.
Nickelodeon is also planning to debut a second brand new "Raving Rabbids" television series called "Rabbids Invasion" in 2014 which will be a interactive that will allow players to interact with scenes from the series by participating in mini-games. Using Xbox Kinect, players will be able to dance with the Rabbids, solve puzzles, throw objects at the screen and even scream at the television. The show was previewed at E3 2013. You can read the full news and information here on NickALive!.