Production for "Hotel 13" season 2, which will be comprised of 56 episodes, is expected to commence in August 2013.
In the TV movie, fans can discover the 1950s: After the summer, the hotel Tom, Anna and Liv are home again. But suddenly standing in front of Tom's door is a girl in a petticoat, who asks him for help. Someone has sent them to the present time in a time machine which thus sets off a dangerous chain of events in motion. The three have to bring the girl back to her time otherwise Tom, Anne and Liv will have never met each other. Not only their friendship, but also the love between Tom and Anna is at stake.
Nick Europe is planning to premiere and show the new "Hotel 13" movie in early November 2013, and is planning to start to premiere and show episodes from "Hotel 13" season two from Spring 2014 on Nickelodeon.
'Hotel 13' is produced in the vicinity of Antwerp Studio 100. The German language version is broadcast in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with a local language version broadcast in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden:
Nickelodeon gives the green light for the second season of 'Hotel 13'Also, below is the untranslated version of the same Nickelodeon Deutschland Press Release:
Joy in the 'Hotel 13' lobby: the children's channel Nickelodeon will produce another season of the popular series. On 17 June start the filming of a TV movie in which Patrick Baehr, Carola Quick and Juliet Schäfle reprise their roles as Tom, Anne and Liv again to pass the next time-travel adventure. In August, following the production of the second season with 56 episodes.
"With our partner Studio 100 we have '13 Hotel' developed a coherent and exciting concept for the sequel. At a time travel story, there are infinitely many eras and adventurous stories to experience. Using the TV movie we have the opportunity to make a to tell these stories and simultaneously to shorten the waiting time for the new season, "said Janine Weigold, Director, Acquisitions & Development, Nickelodeon.
In the TV movie, fans can discover the 1950s: After the summer, the hotel Tom, Anne and Liv are home again. But suddenly standing in front of Tom's door a girl in a petticoat, which asks him for help. Someone has sent them into a time machine to the present and thus set a dangerous chain of events in motion. The three have to bring the girl back to her time because Tom, Anne and Liv will never meet. This not only their friendship, but also the love between Tom and Anna at stake.
A broadcast of the film is planned for early November. The second season is seen from spring 2014 on Nickelodeon.
'Hotel 13' is produced in the vicinity of Antwerp Studio 100 in German. The German language version is broadcast in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, the series can be seen in the local language.
Footage of 'Hotel 13' can be found in [Nickelodeon Germany's Press Center] library.
About Nickelodeon:
Nickelodeon is a world-emitting children's channel and home to some of the most popular children's series at the moment, including "SpongeBob SquarePants," "iCarly," "The Penguins of Madagascar," "Victorious", "Kung Fu Panda", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Dora". Special program highlight is the annual Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards, a star-studded show in which children worldwide vote on the winners. Nickelodeon is one of the Viacom International Media Networks Ltd. For Nickelodeon television company in addition to the varied activities for children also includes the Consumer Products Division, online and other leisure activities and publishing products. Nickelodeon Northern Europe, with headquarters in Berlin, the Nickelodeon radiates content in 14 countries from Northern Europe to its channels Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nick Jr., Nick Hits, Teen Nick and Kindernet. The productions "Het Huis Anubis" / "House of Anubis", "Cheeese", "Hotel 13" and "Nick Battle" round off the range of Nickelodeon in Northern Europe.
Viacom International Media Networks Northern Europe
Contact: Volker Körkemeier
Phone: 49 30 700 100-394, Fax: 49 30 700 100-9394
E-mail: koerkemeier.volker@vimn.com, Info: www.presse.nick.de.
Nickelodeon gibt grünes Licht für die zweite Staffel 'Hotel 13'Nickelodeon and Studio 100's brand new live-action daily soap opera series called "Hotel 13" stars Patrick Baehr as Tom Kepler, Gerrit Klein as Jack Leopold, Julia Schäfle as Liv Sonntag, Carola Schnell as Anna Jung, Hanna Scholz as Victoria von Lippstein and Marcel Glauche as Flo Tuba, and is about six teenagers that could not be more different than each other who meet up with each other at Hotel 13, a beautiful Art Nouveau hotel near the sea, during the holidays. Tom and Anna have applied for summer jobs at the hotel, Flo is training in the kitchen, Victoria is a pampered guest, Jack is the son of the hotel owner, and as Anna's friend Liv arrives at the hotel, the group is complete. Tom has his own reasons for a summer job at the Hotel 13: He got a cryptic message to "find the room and 13th" But that's easier said than done, as seems to be a room with the number 13 did not give it." The search begins and with it a great holiday adventure full of friendship, fun and first love. The first season of "Hotel 13 - Die Zeit Deines Lebens (the time of your life)" includes 120 12-minute long episodes.
Freude in der 'Hotel 13' Lobby: der Kindersender Nickelodeon wird eine weitere Staffel der beliebten Serie produzieren. Bereits am 17. Juni starten die Dreharbeiten zu einem TV-Movie, in dem Patrick Baehr, Carola Schnell und Julia Schäfle ihre Rollen als Tom, Anna und Liv wieder aufnehmen, um das nächste Zeitreise-Abenteuer zu bestehen. Im August folgt dann die Produktion der zweiten Staffel mit insgesamt 56 Folgen.
"Mit unserem Partner Studio 100 haben wir ein stimmiges und spannendes Konzept für die Fortsetzung von 'Hotel 13' erarbeitet. Bei einer Zeitreise-Geschichte gibt es unendlich viele Epochen und abenteuerliche Geschichten zu erleben. Mit dem TV-Movie haben wir die Gelegenheit, eine dieser Geschichten zu erzählen und gleichzeitig die Wartezeit auf die neue Staffel zu verkürzen", so Janine Weigold, Director Aquisitions & Development, Nickelodeon.
In dem TV-Movie können die Fans die 1950er Jahre entdecken: Nach dem Sommer im Hotel sind Tom, Anna und Liv wieder zuhause. Doch plötzlich steht vor Toms Tür ein Mädchen im Petticoat, das ihn um Hilfe bittet. Irgendjemand hat sie mit der Zeitmaschine in die Gegenwart geschickt und damit eine gefährliche Kette an Ereignissen in Gang gesetzt. Die Drei müssen das Mädchen zurück in ihre Zeit bringen, denn sonst werden sich Tom, Anna und Liv nie begegnen. Damit steht nicht nur ihre Freundschaft, sondern auch die Liebe zwischen Tom und Anna auf dem Spiel.
Eine Ausstrahlung des Films ist für Anfang November geplant. Die zweite Staffel ist ab Frühjahr 2014 bei Nickelodeon zu sehen.
'Hotel 13' wird in der Nähe von Antwerpen von Studio 100 auf Deutsch produziert. Die Deutschsprachige Version wird in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz ausgestrahlt. In den Niederlanden, Belgien, Dänemark, Schweden ist die Serie in Landessprache zu sehen.
Bildmaterial zu 'Hotel 13' finden sie in unserer Mediathek.
Über Nickelodeon:
Nickelodeon ist ein weltweit ausstrahlender Kindersender und die Heimat einiger der beliebtesten Kinderserien derzeit, darunter „SpongeBob Schwammkopf“, „iCarly“, „Die Pinguine aus Madagascar“, „Victorious“, „Kung Fu Panda“, „Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles“ und „Dora“. Besonderes Programm-Highlight sind die jährlich stattfindenden Nickelodeon Kids‘ Choice Awards, eine starbesetzte Show, in der Kinder weltweit abstimmen über die Preisträger. Nickelodeon gehört zu der Viacam International Media Networks GmbH. Zum Nickelodeon Unternehmen gehören neben dem abwechslungsreichen Fernsehangebot für Kinder außerdem der Bereich Consumer Products, Online- und Freizeitangebote sowie Publishing Produkte. Nickelodeon Northern Europe, mit Hauptsitz in Berlin, strahlt die Nickelodeon Inhalte in 14 Länder Nordeuropas auf seinen Kanälen Nickelodeon, Nicktoons, Nick Jr., Nick Hits, Teen Nick und Kindernet aus. Die Eigenproduktionen „Het Huis Anubis“ / „Das Haus Anubis“, „Cheeese“, „Hotel 13“ und „Nick Battle“ runden das Angebot von Nickelodeon in Nordeuropa ab.
Viacom International Media Networks Northern Europe
Kontakt: Volker Körkemeier
Fon: 49 30 700 100-394, Fax: 49 30 700 100-9394
E-Mail: koerkemeier.volker@vimn.com, Info: www.presse.nick.de.