"Digimon Fusion" is the sixth installment (series) of the hugely successful Japanese anime (animation) 'Digimon' franchise, which Saban Brands re-acquired in 2012. Unleashing countless Digimon combinations, "Digimon Fusion" takes today's tech-savvy children inside an adventure-packed digital world, where the heroes' courage is matched only by the fusion of their teamwork, loyalty and humor. The series features all-new Digimon action and excitement following Mikey, a human boy, who is transported into the digital realm and must team up with his new "Digimon" or "Digital Monster" friends before their world is deleted once and for all. New fusion powers allow Digimon to combine and fuse their abilities to create endless battle possibilities:
Saban Brands Announces Nickelodeon as U.S. Broadcast Partner for Brand-New Digimon Fusion SeriesAlso, from C21Media:
The Powerful Anime Icon Gets a Reboot in 2013
NEW YORK, Feb. 5, 2013 /Saban Brands Press Release via PRNewswire/ -- Saban Brands announced today its new animated series, Digimon Fusion, will air on Nickelodeon in 2013. Digimon Fusion is the sixth installment of the hugely successful Digimon franchise, which Saban Brands re-acquired in 2012. Unleashing countless Digimon combinations, Digimon Fusion takes today's tech-savvy kids inside an adventure-packed digital world, where the heroes' courage is matched only by the fusion of their teamwork, loyalty and humor.
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"Digimon is the longest-running Japanese anime property and has been enjoyed by kids for more than a decade," said Elie Dekel , President of Saban Brands . "We're thrilled to be bringing the all-new Digimon Fusion TV series to Nickelodeon, where we have the opportunity to introduce the series to a new generation of children while still engaging long-time fans."
The series features all-new Digimon action and excitement following Mikey, a human boy, who is transported into the digital realm and must team up with his new "Digimon" or "Digital Monster" friends before their world is deleted once and for all. New fusion powers allow Digimon to combine and fuse their abilities to create endless battle possibilities. Tap into the excitement of Digimon Fusion later this year on Nickelodeon.
Digimon Fusion will be distributed internationally (outside of Asia) by MarVista Entertainment.
About Digimon Fusion
Digimon Fusion is the all-new animated series and sixth installment of the Digimon franchise, the longest-running Japanese anime property. The series will feature all-new Digimon action and excitement following Mikey, a human boy, who is transported into the digital realm and must team up with his new "Digimon" or "Digital Monster" friends before their world is deleted once and for all. New fusion powers allow Digimon to combine and fuse their abilities to create endless battle possibilities. A property of Saban Brands , Digimon Fusion will air on Nickelodeon in the U.S. in 2013. Visit www.SabanBrands.com for more information.
About Saban Brands
Formed in 2010 as an affiliate of Saban Capital Group, Saban Brands (SB) was established to acquire and develop a world-class portfolio of properties and capitalize on the company's experience, track record and capabilities in growing and monetizing consumer brands through content, media and marketing. SB applies a strategic transmedia management approach to enhancing and extending its brands in markets worldwide and to consumers of all ages. The company provides full-service management, marketing, promotion and strategic business development for its intellectual properties including comprehensive strategies unique to each brand, trademark and copyright management and enforcement, creative design, retail development, direct-to-consumer initiatives and specialized property extensions. SB is led by a superior management team with decades of experience in media, content creation, branding, licensing, marketing and finance. For more information, visit www.sabanbrands.com.
About Nickelodeon
Nickelodeon, now in its 33rd year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The company includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, online, recreation, books, and feature films. Nickelodeon's U.S. television network is seen in almost 100 million households and has been the number-one-rated basic cable network for 18 consecutive years. For more information or artwork, visit www.nickpress.com. Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB).
SOURCE Saban Brands
Nickelodeon dives into Digimon
Nickelodeon has acquired Digimon Fusion, the latest installment in the Japanese anime franchise, following a deal with its new owner Saban Brands.
The kids’ cablenet will air the series later this year. It’s the sixth incarnation of Digimon, which Saban reacquired last year from Toei Animation. The show was one of the first to combine TV and virtual pets.
The new version follows Mikey, a human boy, who is transported into the digital realm and must team up with his new ‘Digimon’ or ‘Digital Monster’ friends before their world is deleted once and for all.
“Digimon is the longest-running Japanese anime property and has been enjoyed by kids for more than a decade,” said Saban Brands president Elie Dekel.
“We’re thrilled to be bringing the all-new Digimon Fusion TV series to Nickelodeon, where we have the opportunity to introduce the series to a new generation of children while still engaging long-time fans.”
The Nick pick-up comes after parent Viacom last week unveiled plans to introduce six new series in a bid to turn around its flagging ratings.
Power Rangers owner Saban first brought Digimon to US audiences in 1999 via Fox Family Worldwide. MarVista handles distribution of the property outside Asia.
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