PocoyoNick Junior UK's brand new animated preschool series "Pocoyo" is set in a 3D space, with a plain white background and usually no backdrops, and is about a young boy dressed in blue, who is full of curiosity, and is narrated by Stephen Fry. In "Pocoyo", viewers are encouraged to recognise situations that Pocoyo is in, and things that are going on with or around him. The narrator usually speaks explicitly to the viewers and to the characters as well. Each character has its own distinctive dance and also a specific sound (usually from a musical instrument), and most episodes end with the characters dancing. Many episodes also involve parties.
Nick Jr
Pocoyo is a curious little boy. Him and his friends, Pato and Elly always manage to have fun together while learning lots about things like colours, animals and shapes. Join them all for brand new eps this January!
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Wednesday, January 02, 2013
Nick Jr. UK Announces Plans To Start To Show Brand New Episodes Of "Pocoyo" In January 2013
According to the official Sky Media Ireland websites' 'Sky TV's Children's Television Highlights In January 2013' webpage, Nickelodeon UK and Ireland's preschool channel, Nick Jr. Channel UK and Ireland, will start to premiere and show brand new episodes of the popular animated preschool show "Pocoyo" in January 2013, as part of "January on Nick Jr. UK 2013":