In a brand new episode of Supah Ninjas...In the brand new episode of the Nickelodeon action-comedy series "Supah Ninjas" titled "Eternum", a demented psychiatrist called Dr. Eternum (portrayed by American film and Television actor Todd Stashwick) lures the Supah Ninjas to an asylum to test his theory that he has the power to turn good into evil. While investigating, Supah Ninja Amanda McKay (Gracie Dzienny) meets villain Checkmate (Rick D. Wasserman) again.
...the Ninjas are in for their craziest mission ever.
Get ready for some insane action... the Ninjas strike again.
Don't miss a brand new episode of Supah Ninjas, Friday at 5 on Nickelodeon.
Also available on Nickelodeon HD
To celebrate Nickelodeon UK and Ireland and Nickelodeon UK HD showing the brand new "Eternum" episode of "Supah Ninjas", below is a high quality (HQ) streaming video featuring a sneak peek video clip from the brand new episode of "Supah Ninjas" titled "Eternum":
Supah Ninjas “Eternum” at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT from Jessica Wilson on Vimeo.
Then, check out an all-new Supah Ninjas “Eternum” at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT. As part of a school project, Owen and Amanda are assigned to take care of an egg and end up taking the assignment way too seriously. Meanwhile, Dr. Eternum, a demented psychiatrist who believes he has the power to change human nature, lures the Supah Ninjas to his asylum in order to experiment on them. While in the asylum, Amanda runs into an old nemesis, Checkmate, who's eager for a rematch.