Guess who has a show in development at Nick...? Program Alum ('09-'10) Gabe Garza & Jonathan Butler!The Nickelodeon Writing Program was developed by Nickelodeon to help broaden their outreach efforts, and is designed to attract, develop and staff writers with diverse backgrounds and experiences on Nickelodeon Network productions. Operating in a three-phased structure, the Program provides a salaried position for up to one year and offers hands-on experience writing spec scripts and pitching story ideas in both live action and animation television. This three-phased structure allows writers an opportunity to nurture relationships with creators, network executives, line producers, head writers, show runners and story editors. As part of their script writing, each writer is assigned to an Executive in Charge of Production and have an opportunity to write a spec script for an on-air Nickelodeon show. In addition, all writers are integrated into the activities of both the development and production departments. This allows the writers an opportunity to attend storyboard pitches, notes meetings, records, table reads, show pitches and show tapings; all while being exposed to top creators and key production crews.
Congratulations on a successful pitch and the selling of your live action show idea!!!
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Monday, December 17, 2012
The Nickelodeon Writing Program Announces Nickelodeon Developing A Brand New Live-Action Show From Program Alum Gabe Garza And Jonathan Butler!
The Nickelodeon Writing Fellowship Program today (Monday 17th December 2012) announced on their official Facebook profile page,, the Nickelodeon News that Nickelodeon is currently developing a, as yet unnamed, brand new live-action series from Program Alum ('09-'10) Gabe Garza ("The Penguins of Madagascar") and Jonathan Butler ("Fanboy & Chum Chum")!: