Back At The Barnyard is a CGI animated comedy series which takes a hilarious and wacky look at what animals really do when humans aren't looking.
Based on the hit Nickelodeon Movies feature film, the series focuses on Otis, a carefree, "party boy cow" tossed into a position of responsibility. But unlike his dad before him, he is driven by his insatiable need for fun and frivolity.
So Otis, along with his barnyard friends Pip, Pig and Freddy will stop at nothing in his pursuit of a good time, while comically avoiding close calls with humans and other threats to their unconventional way of life.
The original party animals from Barnyard are back in, well...BACK AT THE BARNYARD! The new show features Otis, Pip and the rest of their fun-loving farm friends and it premieres September 1!
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Nickelodeon USA Plans To Premiere Back At The Barnyard On Saturday September 1st 2007
According to's official Back at the Barnyard website, Nickelodeon USA currently plans to premiere one of it's newest Nicktoons, Back at the Barnyard, on Saturday September 1st 2007.