Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Santa CRASHES Sandy’s Holiday Party! 馃巺❄️ | "Sandy's Country Christmas" Full Scene | SpongeBob SquarePants Official

Santa CRASHES Sandy’s Holiday Party! 馃巺❄️ | "Sandy's Country Christmas" Full Scene | SpongeBob SquarePants Official

Sandy’s Treedome transforms into the ultimate holiday party as her family performs a spectacular Christmas stunt show for Bikini Bottom! But things take a chaotic turn when her yuletide experiment causes the Christmas tree to grow out of control—sending Santa flying straight into the action. Can Sandy and her family save Christmas, or will this be a Texas-sized holiday disaster? 馃巹馃巺✨

Stream “SpongeBob & Sandy’s Country Christmas” on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com

Watch the SpongeBob SquarePants Universe, including Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years and The Patrick Star Show on Nickelodeon and Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com.

Listen to The SpongeBob Musical here!

CALLING ALL GOOFY GOOBERS! (ROCK!) Are ya ready for a deep dive into the world of SpongeBob SquarePants? The SpongeBob YouTube channel is THE PLACE for all fan-favorite SpongeBob moments! Subscribe now at https://www.youtube.com/SpongeBobOfficial!

#spongebob #spongebobsquarepants #nickelodeon

Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants Universe News and Highlights!

The Danceathon | Baby Shark's Big Show! | Full Episode | Hebrew Dub | Nick Jr. Israel

讘讬讬讘讬 砖讗专拽: 诪专转讜谉 讛专讬拽讜讚讬诐 | 驻专拽讬诐 讞讚砖讬诐 | 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专
谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专 讬砖专讗诇

讘讬讬讘讬 砖讗专拽 - 讛诪讜驻注 讛讙讚讜诇 | 专拽 讘谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专
诪专转讜谉 讛专讬拽讜讚讬诐 / 诪讛 砖注讜诇讛 诇诪注诇讛 | 讻讜诇诐 诪转讻讜谞谞讬诐 诇诪专转讜谉 讛专讬拽讜讚讬诐, 讗讱 讻诪注讟 讻讜诇诐 驻讜专砖讬诐 诪诪谞讜. 专拽 诇谞讬 讝讜讻专转 诇砖诪讜专 注诇 讛讗谞专讙讬讜转 砖诇讛. // 讘讬讬讘讬 讝讜讻讛 讘讘诇讜谉 讜诪谞住讛 诇砖诪讜专 注诇讬讜, 讗讘诇 讛讘诇讜谉 诪讗讘讚 讗转 讛讗讜讜讬专 讜讘讬讬讘讬 诇讗 讬讜讚注 讗讬讱 诇讛诪砖讬讱 诇砖诪讜专 注诇讬讜

诇讻诇 讛住专讟讜谞讬诐 砖诇 讘讬讬讘讬 砖讗专拽:    • 讘讬讬讘讬 砖讗专拽 讘注讘专讬转  

注专讜抓 85 讘-HOT 
讗驻讬拽 85 讘-yes

More Nick: The Jim Henson Company Works with Paramount's Ananey Studios to Develop 'The Season Keepers', A New Animated Series Inspiring 'Climate Hope'!

Originally published: December 03, 2024.

#谞讬拽讙讜谞讬讜专 #讘讬讬讘讬_砖讗专拽 #BabySharksBigShow

The Danceathon | Baby Shark's Big Show! | Full Episode | Hebrew Dub | Nick Jr. Israel

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. Israel and Baby Shark's BIG Show! News and Highlights!

31 Days of Doing the Holidays with Beavis & Butt-Head | Comedy Central

Comedy Central presents 31 Days of Doing the Holidays with Beavis & Butt-Head, featuring a bountiful feast of Holiday specials from your favorite shows, including South Park, Family Guy, The Daily Show, The Office, Seinfeld, and more! Catch 31 Days of Doing the Holidays with Beavis & Butt-Head, all this December, only on Comedy Central!

SHOP Comedy Central at ParamountShop.com

Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favorites on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Paramount Plus News and Highlights!

Troll Jelly | DORA | Full Episode | Hebrew Dub | Nick Jr. Israel

讚讜专讛: 讟专讜诇 讙’诇讬 | 驻专拽 讞讚砖 诪诇讗 | 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专 #dora #讚讜专讛
谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专 讬砖专讗诇

讛住讚专讛 讛讞讚砖讛 砖诇 讚讜专讛 | 讝讛 讘讟讜讞 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专!
讟专讜诇 讙’诇讬 / 诇转驻讜住 讗转 讛讞转诇转讜诇 | 讛专讙讝谞讬诐 讗讜讻诇讬诐 诇讟专讜诇 讛专讙讝谉 讗转 讻诇 讛讟专讜诇-讙'诇讬 砖诇讜 讜诪讘拽砖讬诐 讗转 注讝专转 讛讞讘专讬诐 讻讚讬 诇讛讻讬谉 讙'诇讬 讞讚砖. // 讛讞讘专讬诐 专讜讚驻讬诐 讗讞专讬 诇讗拽讬 讛讞转讜诇 讻讚讬 诇讛讞讝讬专 讗转 讞转诇转讜诇 讛拽住诐 砖讙讜专诐 诇讻讜诇诐 诇讛转谞讛讙 讻诪讜 讞转讜诇讬诐 讻砖讛诐 谞讜讙注讬诐 讘讜.

诇讞爪讜 讻讗谉 诇讻诇 讛住专讟讜谞讬诐 砖诇 讚讜专讛: https://bit.ly/47fGiGH
讛专砖诪讜 诇注诪讜讚 讛讬讜讟讬讜讘 砖诇 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专: https://bit.ly/3PyBrJb
讻谞住讜 诇讗讬谞住讟讙专诐 砖诇 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专: https://bit.ly/43H7QlU
讛讜专讬讚讜 讗转 讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讬转 谞讬拽 讙׳讜谞讬讜专: https://bit.ly/Nick_Jr_App

注专讜抓 85 讘-HOT 
讗驻讬拽 85 讘-yes

More Nick: The Jim Henson Company Works with Paramount's Ananey Studios to Develop 'The Season Keepers', A New Animated Series Inspiring 'Climate Hope'!

Originally published: December 03, 2024.

#谞讬拽讙讜谞讬讜专 #讚讜专讛 #诪讙诇讬诐注诐讚讜专讛

Troll Jelly | DORA | Full Episode | Hebrew Dub | Nick Jr. Israel

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. Israel and Dora the Explorer News and Highlights!

Kifungo | World Aids Day | In Bloom

Kifungo #worldaidsday | In Bloom

Spotlighting Kifungo on World Aids Day, a Kenyan short film exploring HIV self-stigma, shame and mental health. Watch on the OFFICIAL In Bloom YouTube channel!

Subscribe to the OFFICIAL In Bloom YouTube channel.

In Bloom is a collection of 5 short films from around the world telling unexpected, unheard stories exploring the imbalance of gender complexities to evoke divergent thinking. 

The content supports UN Sustainable Development Goal no.5 : to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls and is funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favorites on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!


Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest on Nickelodeon International News and Highlights!

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for December 3, 2024 | Nickelodeon

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for December 3, 2024 | Nickelodeon

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for December 3, 2024 | Nickelodeon

Stream the classic Rugrats series on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.

Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.

Read more Rugrats comic strips!: https://www.creators.com/features/rugrats

More Nick: Paramount+ Renews 'Rugrats' For Season 3!

Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Classic Nickelodeon, NickRewind and Rugrats News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Unveils New Jasper Character Posters For 'Henry Danger The Movie'

With great power comes great.. facial hair? Henry Danger is returning in a brand new movie, and to celebrate, Nickelodeon has released a pair of new character posters for Henry's BFF, Jasper Dunlop, played by Sean Ryan Fox, who is back.. but hairier! Henry Danger The Movie premieres Friday, January 17 at 7:00 p.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon and streams the same day on Paramount+. Find out more about the movie below!

Jasper Is Back... | 'Henry Danger The Movie' Character Poster

....But Hairier | 'Henry Danger The Movie' Character Poster


Feature-Length Movie Based on the Hit Live-Action TV Show Set to Premiere on Paramount+ and Nickelodeon on Friday, Jan. 17

Original Cast Members from Henry Danger Reunite, Including Jace Norman, Sean Ryan Fox, Ella Anderson, Michael D. Cohen and Frankie Grande; Also Features New Cast Member, Glee Dango

Share It: @ParamountPlus @Nickelodeon @HenryDanger #HenryDanger

(L-R) Jace Norman as Kid Danger in Henry Danger The Movie
(L-R) Jace Norman as Kid Danger in Henry Danger The Movie. Photo: Ed Araquel/Nickelodeon/Paramount+

HOLLYWOOD, Calif., – Nov. 26, 2024 – Paramount+ and Nickelodeon today revealed the teaser, first-look images and premiere date for Henry Danger The Movie, a feature-length original movie based on the hit live-action series. In an exciting new chapter of the action-comedy franchise, Henry finds himself racing through a maze of alternate realities with his new superfan sidekick. Henry Danger The Movie will be available to stream in the U.S. on Paramount+ Friday, Jan. 17, and premiere on Nickelodeon that same day at 7 p.m. (ET/PT). The movie will also premiere on Paramount+ in select international markets where the service is available, and launch on Nickelodeon’s international channels later in the year.

In Henry Danger The Movie, Henry Danger (Jace Norman) meets a superfan—eager to fight crime with Kid Danger—who comes into possession of a device that can open up alternate realities. Facing a wild ride, Henry will need his best friend Jasper (Sean Ryan Fox) and his new superfan sidekick to find his way out or be stuck in another dimension forever.

(L-R) Jace Norman as Kid Danger and Glee Dango as Missy in Henry Danger: The Movie
(L-R) Jace Norman as Kid Danger and Glee Dango as Missy in Henry Danger: The Movie. Photo: Ed Araquel/Nickelodeon/Paramount+

The movie also stars original series cast members Ella Anderson, as “Piper Hart,” Michael D. Cohen, as “Schwoz,” and Frankie Grande, as “Frankini,” as well as new cast member, Glee Dango, as “Missy Martin/Superfan.”

Sean Ryan Fox as Jasper and Ella Anderson as Piper Hart in Henry Danger The Movie
Sean Ryan Fox as Jasper and Ella Anderson as Piper Hart in Henry Danger The Movie. Photo: Nickelodeon/Paramount+

Henry Danger debuted on Nickelodeon in July 2014. The series follows the adventures of Henry Hart, who gets selected by superhero Captain Man to be his apprentice. After promising to keep his new identity a secret, Henry must navigate a double life balancing the challenges of high school with the crazy adventures of a crime fighter.

Michael D. Cohen as Schwoz in Henry Danger: The Movie
Michael D. Cohen as Schwoz in Henry Danger: The Movie. Photo: Ed Araquel/Nickelodeon/Paramount+

Henry Danger The Movie is directed by Joe Menendez (Star Trek: PicardLegends of the Hidden TempleSnowpiercer) and written by Chris Nowak & Jake Farrow (Henry DangerDanger Force). Jace Norman serves as executive producer along with Menendez, Nowak and Farrow. Frankie Grande performs an original dance song “Smile,” written by Samantha Martin, Niki Hexum & Zack Hexum. The movie is based on the original Nickelodeon series created by Dan Schneider & Dana Olsen. Production for Nickelodeon Studios is overseen by Shauna Phelan, Head of Nickelodeon and Awesomeness Live-Action, along with Executive Brittany Cope.

Frankie Grande as Frankini in Henry Danger: The Movie
Frankie Grande as Frankini in Henry Danger: The Movie. Photo: Ed Araquel/Nickelodeon/Paramount+

(L-R) Jace Norman as Kid Danger, Sean Ryan Fox in Jasper and Glee Dango as Missy in Henry Danger: The Movie
(L-R) Jace Norman as Kid Danger, Sean Ryan Fox in Jasper and Glee Dango as Missy in Henry Danger: The Movie. Photo: Ed Araquel/Nickelodeon/Paramount+

(L-R) Jace Norman as Kid Danger in Henry Danger The Movie
(L-R) Jace Norman as Kid Danger in Henry Danger The Movie. Photo: Ed Araquel/Nickelodeon/Paramount+

Jace Norman as Kid Danger in Henry Danger: The Movie
Jace Norman as Kid Danger in Henry Danger: The Movie. Photo: Ed Araquel/Nickelodeon/Paramount+

About Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon, now in its 45th year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The brand includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, location-based experiences, publishing and feature films. For more information or artwork, visit http://www.nickpress.com. Nickelodeon is a part of Paramount’s (Nasdaq: PARA, PARAA) global portfolio of multimedia entertainment brands.

About Paramount+

Paramount+, a direct-to-consumer digital subscription video on-demand and live streaming service, combines live sports, breaking news and a mountain of entertainment. The premium streaming service features an expansive library of original series, hit shows and popular movies across every genre from world-renowned brands and production studios, including BET, CBS, Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, Paramount Pictures and the Smithsonian Channel. The service is also the streaming home to unmatched sports programming, including every CBS Sports event, from golf to football to basketball and more, plus exclusive streaming rights for major sports properties, including some of the world’s biggest and most popular soccer leagues. Paramount+ also enables subscribers to stream local CBS stations live across the U.S. in addition to the ability to stream CBS News Network for 24/7 news and CBS Sports HQ for sports news and analysis.

For more information about Paramount+, please visit www.paramountplus.com and follow @ParamountPlus on social platforms.

# # #

In Nickelodeon's first look at the Henry Danger The Movie, for which Norman serves as executive producer along with Menendez, Nowak and Farrow, the teaser trailer opens with shattered glass flying about as flashbacks from the beloved Nickelodeon series flash all around.

A now grown-up Kid Danger emerges from behind the glass, noting that he's "not a sidekick anymore" to Captain Man. "I'm a hero," the character says in a voiceover, as he stands stoically in his superhero attire.

Now speaking aloud, Kid Danger (a.k.a, Henry Hart) then says: "It's time to face my destiny."

From there, Henry's best friend Jasper (Fox) appears alongside him to hilariously remark on his changed appearance. "It's time for my face to have a mustache," he says, noting that he is not Jasper but "Captain Stache." Jasper even requests that his pal "get my name right" before Henry gives him a look and uses his fist to push him away.

The teaser also provides glimpses of the action-packed moments to come, with a voiceover noting that "it's Danger like you've never seen before."

Among those excited for the new film is one of the show's original stars, Frankie Grande.

"Bringing Frankini back has been an absolute dream come true! I am beyond excited for everyone to see him in all his glory—dancing, singing, but also, revealing a much darker side of Frankini that hasn’t been seen before," he told PEOPLE.

"This project has been one of the most thrilling experiences of my career, and I can’t wait for the world to experience the chaos, the charm, and the unexpected twists," Grande concluded. "It’s truly a wild ride, and I’m so proud to finally share it with everyone!"

Norman, now 24, previously told PEOPLE in 2018 that Henry Danger and Nickelodeon will always remain a part of him.

"I can remember my childhood and how much those shows resonated with me when I was a kid, so the fact that I'll be a part of so many kid's childhood memories blows my mind," he shared. "That's the most rewarding part of it."

Shop your favorite Nickelodeon shows at ParamountShop.com

Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favorites on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest 2025 on Nickelodeon, Paramount Plus and Henry Danger Universe News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Arabia Merges With Global Pan-Regional Feed

Nickelodeon Arabia (噩َ夭ِ賷乇َ丞ُ 丕賱ْ毓َ乇َ亘) switched from using a localized feed to merging with the Nickelodeon Global pan-regional feed on Monday 25th November 2024. With the switch to the Global feed, it is thought that Nickelodeon Arabia will no longer use localized continuity and on-air graphics, such as bumpers, idents and banners, for local holidays, including Ramadan and Eid.

Nickelodeon Splat logo (2023 rebrand)

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Middle East News and Highlights!

SpongeBob SquarePants 25th Anniversary Celebration at Parque de Atracciones de Madrid! | Nickelodeon Spain

¡Celebraci贸n de los 25 a帽os de Bob Esponja en el Parque de Atracciones de Madrid! | Nickelodeon en Espa帽ol

La celebraci贸n del 25潞 aniversario de Bob Esponja comenz贸 con un desayuno especial para invitados, influencers y prensa. 馃Ы✨ Para el p煤blico general, organizamos un evento repleto de diversi贸n, donde las familias recibieron un pasaporte SB25 para completar con sellos en diferentes atracciones del parque. 馃専 Una vez lleno, pod铆an canjearlo en el stand promocional por un fant谩stico kit de merchandising tem谩tico de Bob Esponja. 馃巵

Suscr铆bete ahora para ver m谩s de tus series favoritas en Nickelodeon, como Bob Esponja, The Loud House, Los Thundermans, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Henry Danger ¡y muchas m谩s! https://www.youtube.com/@NickelodeonEnEspanol

Encontrar谩s m谩s diversi贸n y videos en nuestro sitio web: https://www.nickelodeon.es/

Nickelodeon en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickelodeonesp
Nickelodeon en Twitter: https://twitter.com/nickelodeonesp
Nickelodeon en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nickelodeonesp

Puedes ver m谩s shows de Nick en SkyShowtime: SkyShowtime.com/es

Nickelodeon Land

Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Spain and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!

Nick Jr. Israel Start's to Premiere New 'Baby Shark's Big Show!' Episodes

讘讬讬讘讬 砖讗专拽: 驻专拽讬诐 讞讚砖讬诐 | 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专
谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专 讬砖专讗诇

讘讬讬讘讬 砖讗专拽 - 讛诪讜驻注 讛讙讚讜诇 | 专拽 讘谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专
诇讻诇 讛住专讟讜谞讬诐 砖诇 讘讬讬讘讬 砖讗专拽:    • 讘讬讬讘讬 砖讗专拽 讘注讘专讬转  

诇讻诇 讛驻专拽讬诐 讛诪诇讗讬诐 砖诇 爪讜讜转 讛爪诇讛:    • 爪讜讜转 讛爪诇讛 - 驻专拽讬诐 诪诇讗讬诐  
诇讻诇 讛住专讟讜谞讬诐 砖诇 诪住注讚转 讘讜谞讘讜谉:    • 诪住注讚转 讘讜谞讘讜谉  

讛专砖诪讜 诇注诪讜讚 讛讬讜讟讬讜讘 砖诇 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专: @nickjrisrael
诇讞爪讜 讻讗谉 诇讻诇 讛住专讟讜谞讬诐 砖诇 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专: @nickjrisrael
诇讞爪讜 讻讗谉 诇讻诇 砖讬专讬 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专:    • 讻诇 砖讬专讬 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专  

讛讜专讬讚讜 讗转 讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讬转 谞讬拽 讙׳讜谞讬讜专: https://bit.ly/Nick_Jr_App

注专讜抓 85 讘-HOT 
讗驻讬拽 85 讘-yes

诇讞爪讜 讻讗谉 诇讻诇 讛住专讟讜谞讬诐 砖诇 讚讜专讛: https://bit.ly/47fGiGH
讛专砖诪讜 诇注诪讜讚 讛讬讜讟讬讜讘 砖诇 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专: https://bit.ly/3PyBrJb
讻谞住讜 诇讗讬谞住讟讙专诐 砖诇 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专: https://bit.ly/43H7QlU
讛讜专讬讚讜 讗转 讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讬转 谞讬拽 讙׳讜谞讬讜专: https://bit.ly/Nick_Jr_App

More Nick: The Jim Henson Company Works with Paramount's Ananey Studios to Develop 'The Season Keepers', A New Animated Series Inspiring 'Climate Hope'!

Originally published: December 03, 2024.

#谞讬拽讙讜谞讬讜专 #讘讬讬讘讬_砖讗专拽 #BabySharksBigShow

Nick Jr. Israel Start's to Premiere New 'Baby Shark's Big Show!' Episodes

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. Israel and Baby Shark's BIG Show! News and Highlights!

Nick Jr. Israel Start's to Premiere New 'DORA' Episodes

讚讜专讛: 驻专拽讬诐 讞讚砖讬诐! | 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专 #dora #讚讜专讛
谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专 讬砖专讗诇

讛住讚专讛 讛讞讚砖讛 砖诇 讚讜专讛 | 讝讛 讘讟讜讞 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专!
诇讞爪讜 讻讗谉 诇讻诇 讛住专讟讜谞讬诐 砖诇 讚讜专讛: https://bit.ly/47fGiGH
讛专砖诪讜 诇注诪讜讚 讛讬讜讟讬讜讘 砖诇 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专: https://bit.ly/3PyBrJb
讻谞住讜 诇讗讬谞住讟讙专诐 砖诇 谞讬拽 讙'讜谞讬讜专: https://bit.ly/43H7QlU
讛讜专讬讚讜 讗转 讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讬转 谞讬拽 讙׳讜谞讬讜专: https://bit.ly/Nick_Jr_App

注专讜抓 85 讘-HOT 
讗驻讬拽 85 讘-yes

More Nick: The Jim Henson Company Works with Paramount's Ananey Studios to Develop 'The Season Keepers', A New Animated Series Inspiring 'Climate Hope'!

Originally published: December 03, 2024.

#谞讬拽讙讜谞讬讜专 #讚讜专讛 #诪讙诇讬诐注诐讚讜专讛

Nick Jr. Israel Start's to Premiere New 'DORA' Episodes

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. Israel and Dora the Explorer News and Highlights!

Milkshake! Wish You a Merry Christmas 馃幎馃巹 | Music Video | With Derek, Jen & Kemi 馃巺☃️馃巵| Milkshake!

Milkshake! Wish You a Merry Christmas 馃幎馃巹 | Music Video | With Derek, Jen & Kemi 馃巺☃️馃巵| Milkshake!

Join in with Derek, Jen and Kemi as they sing a Christmas song about snowmen, gingerbread and Santa, of course! Merry Christmas Milkshakers!

Milkshake! Grown-ups follow the gang on social! 
Milkshake! Website milkshake.tv
Milkshake! Live Tour
Be on Milkshake!
Milkshake! Grown-Ups would you like to send Milkshake! a picture of your Milkshaker, it could be a birthday picture, pet of the day or thumbs up.

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Paramount+ UK & Ireland is HERE! Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favourites! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Paramount+ is also available with Sky Cinema at no extra cost.

Originally published: December 03, 2024.

#ChristmasSongs #Milkshake

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Dear Santa (2024) | Jack Black is NOT Santa?! (Full Scene) | Paramount Movies

Dear Santa (2024) | Jack Black is NOT Santa?! (Full Scene) | Paramount Movies

This holiday, Jack Black is NOT Santa. Watch Dear Santa, now streaming on Paramount+ and on Digital https://bit.ly/DearSantaMovie

About Dear Santa: When a young boy mails his Christmas wish list to Santa with one crucial spelling error, a devilish Jack Black arrives to wreak havoc on the holidays. From the hilarious minds behind DUMB & DUMBER, Christmas is about to go up in flames.

Featuring: Jack Black, Robert Timothy Smith, Keegan-Michael Key, Brianne Howey, Hayes MacArthur, Post Malone, & more!

Shop Paramount at ParamountShop.com

Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favorites on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

#DearSanta #JackBlack #ParamountMovies #MeanGirls

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Dear Santa: Paramount+ Premieres New Christmas Comedy Film Starring Jack Black


Streaming Service’s First Original Holiday Film Starring Jack Black, Robert Timothy Smith, Keegan-Michael Key, Brianne Howey, Hayes MacArthur, Post Malone, P.J. Byrne, Jaden Carson Baker and Kai Cech to Premiere November 25

From the Hilarious Minds Behind Dumb & Dumber, The Farrelly Brothers are Back to Take on Holiday Movie Season

Stream Now on Paramount+

Dear Santa

Nov. 7, 2024 – Paramount+ today revealed the full trailer for DEAR SANTA, the upcoming original holiday comedy from Peter and Bobby Farrelly – The Farrelly Brothers – which will premiere on the streaming service November 25. The movie, which is the service’s first original Christmas film, will premiere exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S. and the following day in the UK and Australia. Additional Paramount+ international market premiere dates will be announced at a later time. The movie will also be featured in the annual Paramount+ ‘Tis the Season For Streaming holiday collection that curates a broad and popular lineup of beloved movies, seasonal episodes from hit original series and festive specials for the whole household to enjoy. The film will also be available to buy on digital the same day.

Try Paramount+ for FREE at ParamountPlus.com.

DEAR SANTA is the story of a young boy (Robert Timothy Smith) who mails his Christmas wish list to Santa with one crucial spelling error, resulting in a devilish Jack Black’s arrival to wreak havoc on the holidays. DEAR SANTA marks the return of the Farrelly Brothers, the hilarious minds behind Dumb & Dumber, Something About Mary, and more. With their latest collaboration, which joins their decades-spanning repertoire of wild comedy films, Christmas is going up in flames.

Additional cast members of the deviously charming Christmas film, include Keegan-Michael Key (Key & Peele, Wonka), Brianne Howey (Ginny & Georgia), Hayes MacArthur (Angie Tribeca, Merry Happy Whatever) global music superstar Post Malone, P.J. Byrne (The Boys, The Big Cigar), Jaden Carson Baker and Kai Cech.

From Paramount Pictures, a Farrelly Brothers / Kraymation Films Production, DEAR SANTA is a Paramount+ original movie directed by Bobby Farrelly (Champions), Screenplay by Ricky Blitt (Hit by Lightning, Loudermilk) & two-time Academy Award© winner Peter Farrelly (Green Book) and a story by Ricky Blitt & Peter Farrelly and Dan Ewen. The film is produced by Peter Farrelly, p.g.a., Bobby Farrelly, p.g.a. and Jeremy Kramer, p.g.a., and executive-produced by Kevin Barnett, Pete Jones and Gretel Twombly.

DEAR SANTA is rated PG-13 for some language and suggestive material.

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

'Dear Santa' key art/poster


About Paramount+

Paramount+, part of Paramount’s (Nasdaq: PARA, PARAA) global portfolio of multimedia entertainment and news brands, is a direct-to-consumer digital subscription video on-demand and live streaming service, combining live sports, breaking news and A Mountain of Entertainment™. The streaming service features an expansive library of original series, hit shows and popular movies across every genre from world-renowned brands and production studios, including BET, CBS, Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, Paramount Pictures and the Smithsonian Channel. Paramount+ with SHOWTIME, the service's cornerstone plan, is also home to SHOWTIME® content, including scripted hits and critically acclaimed nonfiction projects and films. This premium plan includes unmatched events and sports programming through the local live CBS stream, including golf, basketball and more. All Paramount+ subscribers have streaming access to CBS News Network for 24/7 news and CBS Sports HQ for sports news and analysis.

For more information about Paramount+, please visit www.paramountplus.com, and follow @ParamountPlus on social media.

About Paramount Pictures

Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Paramount Global (NASDAQ: PARA, PARAA), a leading global media and entertainment company that creates premium content and experiences for audiences worldwide. Paramount Pictures has some of the most powerful brands in filmed entertainment, including Paramount Pictures, Paramount Animation, and Paramount Players. PPC operations also include Paramount Home Entertainment, Paramount Pictures International, Paramount Licensing Inc., and Paramount Studio Group.




Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favorites on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Shop Official Paramount Merch: https://www.paramountshop.com

Originally published: November 08, 2024.

Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Paramount Plus News and Highlights!

Dear Santa (2024) | Working with Jack Black | Paramount Movies

Dear Santa (2024) | Working with Jack Black | Paramount Movies

This holiday, Jack Black is NOT Santa. Watch Dear Santa, now streaming on Paramount+ and on Digital https://bit.ly/DearSantaMovie

About Dear Santa: When a young boy mails his Christmas wish list to Santa with one crucial spelling error, a devilish Jack Black arrives to wreak havoc on the holidays. From the hilarious minds behind DUMB & DUMBER, Christmas is about to go up in flames.

Featuring: Jack Black, Robert Timothy Smith, Keegan-Michael Key, Brianne Howey, Hayes MacArthur, Post Malone, & more!

Shop Paramount at ParamountShop.com

Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favorites on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

#DearSanta #JackBlack #ParamountMovies #MeanGirls

Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Paramount Plus News and Highlights!

Movie Madness | December 2024 Highlights | Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon's Movie Madness brings the biggest movies to you, every Friday at 7:00 p.m. (ET/PT) all month long, only on Nickelodeon! Showing this month is: Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and The Thundermans Return!

Catch Sonic the Hedgehog 3, zooming into a theater near you December 20!

The Thundermans return in a brand new spin-off series, coming soon to Nickelodeon!

Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favorites on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Shop Nickelodeon at ParamountShop.com

Originally published: December 03, 2024.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon News and Highlights!

Slimetime UK 馃張 FULL EPISODE | Journey to the Otter Side | Nickelodeon UK

Slimetime UK 馃張 FULL EPISODE | Journey to the Otter Side | Nickelodeon UK

We're back with Slimetime UK Season 2! Tune in for the lowdown on American Football with a new crew and special guests! Check out even more of the action, with brand new episodes of Slimetime UK, every Saturday on #Nickelodeon 馃摵 

Calling all UK Sports Fans! 馃摚 Are you looking for a new game to enjoy with your family? Why not discover the world of American Football with Nickelodeon’s Slimetime UK! 馃張

Paramount+ UK & Ireland is HERE! Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favourites! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Paramount+ is also available with Sky Cinema at no extra cost.

If you love Nickelodeon, hit the YouTube subscribe button - http://bit.ly/1Dl75Rg

To watch full episodes of all of your favourite shows, tune in to the Nickelodeon and NickToons UK TV channels. 

For more ways to laugh your pants off...

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#SlimetimeUK #AmericanFooball #FullEpisode

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December 2024 on Pluto TV | Programming Highlights

Pluto TV, Paramount’s free streaming service, has revealed its December 2024 highlights!

Pluto TV Bauble logo

The Pluto TV December 2024 lineup includes the “Season’s Greetings” category, which features festive TV and movies all month long on channels like Pluto TV Christmas, Hallmark Movies and More Holiday Favorites.

Special programming, like a Hanukah Menorah and Kwanzaa Kinara on the service’s Crackling Fireplace channel, will also be available. Be sure to check out new channels such as Dinos 24/7 and The Twilight Zone as well.

Pluto TV is the leading free streaming television service, delivering hundreds of live, linear channels and thousands of titles on-demand to a global audience. The Emmy Award-winning service curates a diverse lineup of channels in partnership with hundreds of international media companies. Stream now, pay never at pluto.tv.

Shop your Paramount favorites at ParamountShop.com


This December, Pluto TV is serving up a sleigh-load of Christmas classics, holiday episodes, movies and more. Don’t miss their “Season’s Greetings” category, featuring fan-favorite holiday movies and a touch of seasonal ambiance, including special presentations of the Hanukkah Menorah and Kwanzaa Kinara on the Crackling Fireplace channel. You can also binge holiday episodes and movies across the service all month long. 

Pluto TV December 2024 - Season's Greetings


Pluto TV Christmas: It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and Pluto TV Christmas is here to make your days be merry and bright. Watch family-friendly movies and specials that will fill you with the Christmas spirit for the entire holiday season.

Crackling Fireplace: There’s something about the natural sounds of a roaring fire that make the holidays feel cozy. With Pluto TV’s Crackling Fireplace, you can enjoy that feeling any time of day this holiday season. Featuring a Hanukkah Menorah from December 25-31 and a Kwanzaa Kinara from December 26-31.

Festive Fireplace: During the holidays, there’s nothing like gathering with your loved ones to sing songs around the fire. With Pluto TV’s Festive Fireplace, you can enjoy a traditional Yule log and accompanying music any time of day this holiday season.

Pluto TV Festive Fireplace

Hallmark Movies & More Holiday Favorites: Your cozy corner for festive, feel-good Hallmark holiday favorite movies that uplift your heart and bring non-stop joy all season long.

Hallmark en espa帽ol: Hallmark en espa帽ol te ofrece pel铆culas originales de romance y festividades orientadas a la familia que los hispanos adoran. Con una amplia colecci贸n de contenido del cat谩logo de Hallmark doblado al espa帽ol, hay algo para todos.

Stingray Holidayscapes: Transform your home into a holiday haven and make every day memorable.

Holiday Movie Favorites by Lifetime: Get into the holiday spirit with your favorite Lifetime Holiday Movies. It’s the channel that keeps on giving.

Pluto TV Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays: Your home for holiday cooking all month long. Stews, breads, cakes, and more to keep your bellies full and your spirits high through the month of December. Happy Holidays from Pluto TV!

Vevo Holiday: Current and classic videos to help you celebrate the season.

Cine navide帽o: Las mejores pel铆culas y especiales navide帽os est谩n en un solo lugar: Cine navide帽o. Re煤ne a toda tu familia y prep谩rense para descubrir que este canal es el mejor regalo para disfrutar.

Places & Spaces: There’s no place like home, and no channel embraces the interiors, exteriors and everything in between quite like this. We’re the heart of home.

Pluto TV Cine navide帽o


12/19 on Sitcom Legends: The Conners, King of Queens, and Rules of Engagement.

12/21 on Cheers + Frasier: Cheers and Frasier.

12/22 on More TV Sitcoms: Becker, Just Shoot Me, Married with Children, and Wings.

12/23 on TV Land Sitcoms: Caroline in the City, Hot in Cleveland, The New Adventures of Old Christine, Sabrina: The Teenage Witch, and The Exes.

12/25 on Black Throwbacks: Everybody Hates Chris, Girlfriends, One on One, and The Parkers.

12/25 on Black Classics: Moesha, Sister, Sister, Flip Wilson, Webster, and Sanford and Son.

12/24-12/25 on Classic TV Comedy: ALF, Green Acres, Hogan’s Heroes, Maude, Petticoat Junction, Taxi, That Girl, The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, The Odd Couple, and The Brady Bunch.

12/24-12/25 on Classic TV Crime Drama: Cagney & Lacey, Dragnet, Hunter, In the Heat of the Night, Peter Gunn, 21 Jump Street, The Commish, Streets of San Francisco, MacGyver, and Sherlock Holmes.

Pluto TV Classic TV Crime Drama


Bad Santa
Bad Santa 2
A Christmas Carol (1984)
Christmas Cupid
Daddy’s Home 2
Deck The Halls
Home For The Holidays
Little Women (1994)
Miracle On 34th Street
Surviving Christmas
The Long Kiss Goodnight
Everybody’s Fine
Go (1999)
Reindeer Game

Pluto TV December 2024 - The Twilight Zone


Here are some of the new channels and movies launching throughout December on Pluto TV.


The Twilight Zone
You’re traveling through another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. One that brings you all the twists and turns of Rod Serling’s groundbreaking classic series. Your next stop: Pluto TV’s The Twilight Zone channel.

Dinos 24/7
Discover the awe-inspiring world of razor-sharp claws, massive tails, and groundbreaking archaeological finds. With captivating shows like Walking with Dinosaurs and Deadly Dinosaurs, every moment on Dinos 24/7 promises a new adventure!

A space where we celebrate life, real people and real stories. It will be an emotional journey and a celebration you don´t want to miss.
Un espacio para celebrar la vida con historias aut茅nticas y reales. Prep谩rate para un viaje lleno de emociones.

CN脩 XPRESS offers the latest news in Spanish including sports, entertainment and business with original reporting, news briefs and interviews with newsmakers from the US, Latin America and the World.
Xpress ofrece las 煤ltimas noticias en espa帽ol, incluyendo deportes, entretenimiento y negocios, con reportajes originales, res煤menes de noticias y entrevistas con personajes destacados de Estados Unidos, Am茅rica Latina y el mundo.

Construcciones Asombrosas
The most amazing builds in the most amazing environments. Viewers will not believe that it is possible to build these kind of properties in these great locations.
Estructuras sorprendentes en escenarios extraordinarios. La audiencia no podr谩 creer que se puedan construir propiedades as铆 en lugares tan especiales.

Real-life crime stories that are captivating and full of intrigue making spectators part of the investigation through the unique storytelling and reenactments that are full of suspense. Stay until the end to find out who did it and whether the victims survived or are they stories from the grave.
Historias reales de cr铆menes envueltos en misterio y llenos de suspenso que te dejar谩n pegado a la pantalla para descubrir al culpable y el destino de las v铆ctimas —a煤n desde la tumba.

Expedientes Sobrenaturales
Fact or fiction? It´s up to you! Experience moments of extreme suspense, fear and intrigue with content that showcases the world of the unknown.
¿Realidad o ficci贸n? T煤 decides. Vive momentos de suspenso, intriga y miedo, mientras exploras el mundo de lo desconocido.

The best quality of local productions, produced in the US and Latin America, featuring local talent with Hispanic appeal.
El mejor contenido producido en Estados Unidos y Am茅rica Latina, con talentos hispanos e historias que cautivar谩n al p煤blico.

A mix of top quality scripted and unscripted local Latin American productions.
Lo mejor de nuestras producciones locales, con una variedad de ficci贸n, reality-shows y documentales de la m谩s alta calidad.

Vidas Extremas
Meet our most iconic Discovery personalities and immerse yourself into their extraordinary worlds.
Conoce a las personalidades m谩s ic贸nicas de Discovery y sum茅rgete en sus extraordinarios mundos.

Pluto TV Christmas


13 Going On 30
A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Air Force One
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy
Bad Santa
Bad Santa 2
Beverly Hills Cop
Beverly Hills Cop II
Boogie Nights
Catch Me If You Can
A Christmas Carol (1984)
Christmas Cupid
Coach Carter
Daddy’s Home 2
Days Of Thunder
Deck The Halls
Deep Impact
Drive (2011)
Empire Of The Sun
Forrest Gump
The Godfather
The Godfather Part II
The Godfather Coda: The Death Of Michael Corleone
Godzilla (1998)
Good Will Hunting
Home For The Holidays
Hustle & Flow
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom
Insidious: Chapter 2
The Island
The Italian Job (2003)
Jack Reacher
Life (Sony)
Little Women (1994)
Minority Report
Miracle On 34th Street
Mission: Impossible
Mission: Impossible II
Mission: Impossible III
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol
No Country For Old Men
Oceans 11
Oceans 12
Oceans 13
Oceans 8
Old School
Once Upon A Time In Mexico
Pulp Fiction
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Roman J. Israel, Esq.
Saving Private Ryan
Sense And Sensibility
She’s All That
Social Network, The
Surviving Christmas
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
The Long Kiss Goodnight
War Of The Worlds (2005)
When Harry Met Sally
World War Z
You Got Served

Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favorites on Paramount+! Try it FREE at ParamountPlus.com!

Original source: Vital Thrills.

Pluto TV December 2024 Schedule Announced

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