Saban's Power Rangers franchise is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, and longtime fans already know what that means: An morphinominal team-up episode bringing together Rangers past and present, as the Super Ninja Steel Rangers join forces with their legendary predecessors to save the world!
IGN has revealed three of the returning Rangers - and the premiere date for the anniversary episode - to give you time to prepare yourself for the wave of nostalgia that's about to hit you.
As some fans have speculated, Nickelodeon USA will air the anniversary team-up at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Tuesday, August 28, the date that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers first premiered on the Fox Kids Network.
Update (8/7): The Power Rangers 25th anniversary reunion special will be titled "Dimensions in Danger"! Below is the official synopsis for the episode:
In a very special 25th Anniversary episode, the Super Ninja Steel Rangers team up with Legendary Rangers in an epic battle to save the world.
Three of the Rangers that fans can look forward to seeing during the episode are Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank), who served as the original Green and White Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, the Red Zeo and Turbo Ranger, and the Black Dino Ranger; Kat Hillard (Catherine Sutherland), the second Pink Mighty Morphin Ranger and the Pink Zeo and Turbo Ranger; and Wes Collins (Jason Faunt), the Red Time Force Ranger. More iconic legacy Rangers from past seasons will be announced in the coming weeks.
It is interesting to note exactly what Power Ranger forms Frank and Sutherland are morphing into for the special. Frank, who has reprised his Green Ranger several times (most recently in the 2014 special for Power Rangers Super Megaforce), will once again become the Green Ranger instead of his White Ranger, his Red Zeo Ranger (from Power Rangers Zeo), his Red Turbo Ranger, or his Black DinoThunder Ranger (from Power Rangers DinoThunder).
Sutherland’s Kat is also interesting, given that Kat has been three different Pink Rangers: Mighty Morphin, Zeo, and Turbo. However, the only powers that survived their respective season finales was Zeo; both Mighty Morphin and Turbo were destroyed through various means. How Kat will transform into the Pink Turbo Ranger currently remains a mystery.
The photo also shows Tommy holding his traditional Morpher and Kat holding her Turbo Morpher. Collins will also have his Chrono Morpher.
Check out an super first look at Tommy, Kat and Wes preparing to morph below.
Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel returns for its midseason premiere on Saturday, August 25 at noon on Nickelodeon USA.
Update (8/19) - 10 Rangers will return for Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel‘s 25th Anniversary episode.
All 10 Rangers have now been revealed!
Check out the complete list of returning Rangers below, as they team up with the cast the Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel to fight a powerful foe.
- Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver, Mighty Morphin Green Ranger)
- Steve Cardenas (Rocky DeSantos, Mighty Morphin Red Ranger)
- Catherine Sutherland (Katherine Hillard, Turbo Pink Ranger)
- Selwyn Ward (TJ Johnson, In Space Blue Ranger)
- Jason Faunt (Wes Collins, Time Force Red Ranger)
- Jeff Parazzo (Trent Mercer, Dino Thunder White Ranger)
- Li Ming Hu (Gemma, RPM Silver Ranger)
- Steven Skyler (Antonio Garcia, Samurai Gold Ranger)
- Ciara Hanna (Gia Moran, Megaforce Yellow Ranger)
- Yoshi Sudarso (Koda, Dino Charge Blue Ranger)
And if you can't get enough of classic Power Ranger team-ups, check out the ongoing Shattered Grid storyline currently unfolding across BOOM! Studios' Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Go Go Power Rangers comics, which includes the teams from MMPR, Zeo, In Space, RPM, SPD, and Ninja Steel.
Brand NEW Episodes & Special!! | Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel Official Trailer
Celebrate 25 years of Power Rangers! Don’t miss all NEW Episodes of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel on Sat. Aug. 25th and the #PowerRangersSuperNinjaSteel Special on Mon. Aug. 27th!!
Update (8/1): The 25th Anniversary episode of Power Rangers has a lot to live up to, but the cast wants you to know that it will be much better than the previous special, "Legendary Battle".
"Legendary Battle" was the 20th Anniversary celebration episode, which took place during Super Megaforce, and despite having a massive amount of Rangers in it, some fans found it underwhelming. had the chance to chat with Jason David Frank, Catherine Sutherland, and Jason Faunt, who will be reprising their roles in the upcoming 25th Anniversary episode. From their comments, it looks like the episode is shaping up to be pretty great.
"Power Rangers is up to the standards of where it needed to be," Frank said. "When I first heard about it (the episode), I was thinking, 'Man, I hope it's gonna be better than Super Megaforce.' Because I was so excited about that reunion episode and we had some glitches in there. They worked with me on coloring the helmet back to the original way it was supposed to be. When we shot Megaforce, it had the gray stripe in the helmet and gray Morpher, and I was like, "Ah, guys, I think, we need to make it the legit way." Because when Disney got it, somehow it put a stripe in the helmet, and the Morpher was silver, so they actually fixed that in post."
Frank holds this episode in some pretty high company, referencing an all-time classic.
"The episode by far is probably one of my favorite episodes, probably out of the whole franchise, I would imagine," Frank said. "Evil Green was really great, but I think coming back and reuniting with everyone has gotta be a good feeling for me and fans; here we are 25 years later and we're stronger than we were before. Like that song, Stronger than Before. ... I just realized that."
While he wouldn't provide exact details, Faunt did tease some big things from the episode when we asked if it would be bigger than the 20th Anniversary episode. "Yes, It's very safe to say," Faunt said.
"It was great," Faunt said. "This Power Rangers family is definitely a fraternity. And once they selected the people that were coming back, I'm very close with a lot of them. And it's just such a great time. And we were filming out in New Zealand for like two and a half weeks. Filming, hanging out, playing pranks, having a good time, hiking and just doing a lot of fun stuff. So it's just amazing. We're all so close that it's just kind of like going back to a high school reunion with a lot of close friends that you really enjoyed being around. So we had a blast. We had a blast out there."
For Sutherland, it was just great to meet the new cast, who look at them as legendary Rangers.
"It's really cute when we meet the newer ones because obviously they could be my children," Sutherland said. "They're so young. Immediately when we meet each other, it's just an immediate rapport we have. You're invited into the family and it's really a special thing. We are like one big family. It's wonderful. They were so excited to meet us and we were so excited to meet them and it was really fun. Really, just exciting. Exciting for them to have these legendary rangers in their eyes they're legendary. And we're excited to be meeting these new stars and seeing their careers unfold, so it was fun."
The 25th Anniversary special airs in primetime on Nickelodeon USA August 28th at 8 pm. ET/PT!
Update (8/11): Thanks to That Hashtag Show we know some of the bigger linchpins of the upcoming episode, and if you've read Shattered Grid you're very much going to recognize some of the themes:
"The anniversary episode, “Dimensions in Danger”, will focus primarily on two returning cast members – Jason Faunt (Wes, Time Force Red Ranger), and Jason David Frank (Tommy, Mighty Morphin Green and White Rangers, Zeo Red Ranger, Turbo Red Ranger, and Dino Thunder Black Ranger). A new villain – Lord Drayvon – makes his debut. While exact specifics were not given to us, his ultimate goal is to destroy the multiverse. That’s right Power Rangers fans – it is now “show canon” that there are multiple universes in Power Rangers (as opposed to just two … the regular and RPM universes). To achieve his goal he has started kidnapping Power Rangers throughout the multiverse. Wes, the Time Force Red Ranger, detects the disturbances and heads through time and space to recruit other Power Rangers to defeat Lord Drayvon.
These kidnapped Power Rangers are used to create evil copies that Lord Drayvon controls. “BUT WHAT ABOUT TOMMY!?” you cry. Never fear – evil Tommy returns! “OMG – LORD DRAKKON!?” Not quite. The evil Tommy you will see in the episode is actually an evil robot clone. But don’t worry – the Tommy you know and love will show up packing some old familiar toys … and maybe a new one. Will he be the one to save the day?
Now before you scream “THIS IS EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER WANTED” we would also share with you from our sources that aside from Wes and Tommy there isn’t a ton of screen time or dialogue for other returning Power Rangers. We’re not saying this is a repeat of the over-hyped Legendary Battle from Power Rangers Super Megaforce. But we are advising caution as this is a standard run-time single episode featuring 16 total Power Rangers as well as their allies and a brand new villain (and possibly Sledge as well). Its just a lot of people to fit in to a single episode. Word has also reached us that it’s possible Netflix will be receiving an extended cut of “Dimensions in Danger” (release TBD) much like “Legendary Battle” had (though unlike “Legendary Battle” we have not heard of an extended cut airing later on Nick Toons).
The Power Rangers 25th Anniversary Special will air on Tuesday, August 28th at 8 P.M. EST on Nickelodeon. Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel returns on Saturday, August 25th, at 12 P.M. EST also on Nickelodeon."
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Power Rangers 25th Anniversary Episode Behind The Scenes Footage & Commentary Revealed
[Click HERE for video]
We now know three of the Rangers featured in the upcoming 25th Anniversary episode, and had the chance to speak with them about the big event.
Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver), Catherine Sutherland (Katherine Hillard), and Jason Faunt (Wes Collins) will be three of the classic Rangers making an appearance during the episode, and we've got an exclusive behind the scenes look at the anticipated episode in the video above. You can see Wes, Kat, and Tommy filming some of their sequences for the episode, and the crew couldn't be more thrilled about working together.
"Working side-by-side with Faunt was really cool because we worked together in Forever Red, but we haven't worked together since, although we do a lot of comic cons together," Frank said. "To bring him in was like, "Oh, wow, Wes, that's crazy, that's cool. That's something new." Then, of course, Catherine was the pink. She was a different pink. Again, go to the picture and it will tell you what she has, I just don't want to say anything."
"There are a lot of other team members, part of the franchise, I think people are going to be excited about," Frank said. "I think it is reaching different age groups. Power Rangers has been around for 25 years, so it's just going to make people wonder, 'Who's involved?'"
Sutherland couldn't be more honored to be a part of the big event, and her character Kat has a well-known history with Tommy, as both appeared not only in Mighty Morphin together but also Zeo and Turbo.
"Yeah, it's a huge honor," Sutherland said. "There's so many of us now that I was very honored to be one of the very few they selected and super excited 'cause fans have been wanting this for so long and I know there was some disappointment with the last one so I was very excited to be a part of it and especially in the twenty-fifth year. It was so fun. It was like hanging out with my family again. And just fun because obviously I worked with Jason but I hadn't worked with the others so it was really fun to be able to work with them."
Faunt's season was Time Force, but no matter what season one appears on you become a member of the Power Rangers family for life.
"It was great," Faunt said. "This Power Rangers family is definitely a fraternity. And once they selected the people that were coming back, I'm very close with a lot of them. It's just such a great time and we were filming out in New Zealand for like two and a half weeks. Filming, hanging out, playing pranks, having a good time, hiking and just doing a lot of fun stuff. So it's just amazing. We're all so close that it's just kind of like going back to a high school reunion with a lot of close friends that you really enjoyed being around. So we had a blast. We had a blast out there."
You can see more of the behind the scenes footage in the video [HERE].
"In “Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel,” the heroic teens find themselves face-to-face with an old enemy when they discover Madame Odius is still alive and more determined than ever to steal the Ninja Nexus Prism and revive its powers for her nefarious purposes. Now it’s up to the Rangers, and some unexpected help from new friends, to use the power of teamwork to protect the Prism, defeat Odius and save the world!"
The special anniversary episode will follow previous Power Rangers anniversary episodes including "Forever Red", "Once A Ranger", and "Legendary Battle".
It's a blast from the past on Power Rangers! Suit up for new episodes of Super Ninja Steel, starting August 25th! 💥
From Northwest Herald:
McHenry's Faunt set for Power Rangers 25th anniversary
McHENRY – The year was 1997. Jason Faunt had just graduated from the University of North Carolina, Asheville with a business degree. He told his mother he was moving to Los Angeles to be an actor. Her response was, ‘No you’re not.’
In a truck with 250,000 miles on it and no air conditioning, the McHenry East Campus alum made the cross-country trip with fellow East campus classmate and best friend Jeremy Fitzl, who was at the University of Southern California.
“I had wanted to move to L.A. and be an actor since the beginning of high school,” said Faunt. “I literally packed up my bags after college with the $500 I had to my name and went on my way.”
It was an age-old tale; Faunt started waiting tables and immediately jumped into the best acting class he could afford. A year and some much-needed connections later, the aspiring actor had his first officially credited role on NBC soap opera “Sunset Beach”.
“Guy delivering package. That was the role,” Faunt said. “I was in the right place at the right time. I had a couple lines and it got me my SAG (Screen Actors Guild) card. Then I was on ‘Passions’ and ‘Port Charles’.”
In 2001, after his third time auditioning for the show, Faunt landed the role, or rather roles, of Wes Collins in “Power Rangers Time Force”, as well as that of Alex, the former Red Time Force Ranger. Faunt played his past and future self in the same season.
The first episode of “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” aired on Aug. 28, 1993. Faunt’s 40-episode ninth season started with him taking an immediate turn for what would seem to be the worse.
“I die in the first episode,” Faunt said. “Well, the other rangers think I died. But I didn’t.”
The critically acclaimed season has since earned Faunt four opportunities to appear in other seasons. The Power Rangers franchise is coming up on its 25th anniversary. What better way to celebrate than teaming up with past Rangers with the current “Super Ninja Steel Rangers” crew in a reunion episode to complete the ultimate task, saving the world.
Faunt will reprise his role as the Red Ranger in the 25th-anniversary episode “Dimensions in Danger,” which airs Aug. 28 at 7 p.m. on Nickelodeon.
Faunt will also be at Wizard World Comic Con at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont from Aug. 23-26 signing autographs and meeting with fans, old and new.
“You come across kids that are older now that watched you when they were younger, and you changed their life,” Faunt said. “Whether it was bullying or divorce or something else, I’ve had fans come up to me in tears saying I got them through a really tough time. You meet these people and you realize the impact you have on people’s lives. It’s really cool. The show is on Netflix now and adults who loved the show when they were little are now watching it with their kids. They can go back and watch what dad watched. I have five and 6-year-olds coming up to me asking me questions like the show is airing now. It’s awesome.”
Now 43 years old and a father of two, Faunt divides his time between acting, working as a financial planner and fatherhood.
“The entertainment side can come and go,” Faunt said. “After Power Rangers happened, 9/11 happened and it was a tough time to get work with all of the reality shows kicking in. I segued into financial planning but was still always auditioning. It gave me ability to not put all my eggs in one basket.”
Faunt most recently portrayed a villain in the film “Enuattii” and plays the lead role of Mike in Lifetime’s “Honeymoon in Paradise”, scheduled to come out later this year. Faunt also shot a futuristic television pilot “E.L.E.” in which he plays an Air Force lieutenant, though there is not a set air date as of yet.
Living in L.A. can be quite the experience, but Faunt said there is just something about McHenry that makes him feel at home.
“There’s something pretty cool about that Midwestern life,” Faunt said. “People are always so friendly and there’s a different sense of community out here than there is there. It’s a different beast out here. Fiesta Days and Friday night football games, there’s just something great about it.”
For information on Wizard World Chicago, visit
Also, via Deseret News:
We spoke with the original Green Power Ranger about Utah, his fans and the 25th anniversary 'Super Ninja Steel' episode
SALT LAKE CITY — Jason David Frank’s schedule is go, go, go.
It helps that he’s a Power Ranger.
Frank, who will be in Salt Lake City for the FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention Sept. 6-8, is well-known to many '90s kids as Tommy Oliver, the original Green Power Ranger from “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.”
But Frank, unlike several of his colleagues, never forgot the franchise. He stayed involved for subsequent series — “Power Rangers Zeo” and “Power Rangers Turbo” — and returned, years later, as Dr. Tommy Oliver for “Power Rangers Dino Thunder.”
Although he had a brief stint in the mixed martial arts circuit — he has even called out former WWE wrestler CM Punk for a fight — Frank has returned again and again to the “Power Rangers” franchise. He helped promote a new comic book series, which stars the evil Lord Drakkon, an alt-universe version of Tommy. He has appeared on multiple reunion episodes for “Power Rangers.”
Oh, and he is set to appear on the 25th-anniversary episode on “Power Rangers Ninja Steel,” Tuesday, Aug. 28, on Nickelodeon.
But that’s not Frank's entire resume. He depicted the character Bloodshot from the "Ninjak vs. the Valiant Universe" series and he’s appeared in a few independent films, too.
And it won’t end there. Frank wants to see his Tommy character in a dark, original TV series (though still rated PG, he said). In fact, he'll do just about anything to make sure his beloved “Power Rangers” have a long future.
And everything he does, he said, is for the fans.
We spoke with Frank in a phone interview ahead of his FanX appearance. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Jason David Frank poses as Lord Drakkon for a YouTube video promoting the character. Courtesy Jason David Frank
Deseret News: This isn't your first time coming to Salt Lake; you’ve come to Salt Lake City for conventions before. What’s your experience been like here? What have you liked about Salt Lake City?
Jason David Frank: I've been going to Salt Lake for a while. I'm an instructor for fun up at iFly (an indoor skydividng company).
… Great people. Great city. It's been a really good experience for me down there.
It's important that when I do a show that the fans leave happy. … I'm there to cater to the fans, and that's what I like about it. You can have a great experience at a booth, but if you don't have a good experience overall at a show, you're not going to have a great experience (at a booth). So I try.
DN: You were involved with "Power Rangers" for many years. How would you describe your career arc? What’s it been like to come back to “Power Rangers” after taking a break?
JDF: I took a break after “Turbo.” It was just one of those things that I wanted to do as an actor and you know just took a break and went back and did “Dino Thunder” as a favor for two of my producers that wanted me to come back to pick up ratings. I picked up ratings a bit and “Power Rangers” took a slump at one point and I just stayed with it.
I embraced who I was — I was happy who I was.
I have some martial art schools, and we do so well that I don't even need to work anymore. When I did New York Comic Con, I paid my own way for everything and just pretty much begged these people just to be there for an hour just so I could say hi to my fans and spend time with them.
The key is feeling like you owe the fans versus actors (who) feel like the fans owe them. That's the difference where you're going to be in life.
… I just stayed consistent in the brand. I believed in it. I was the only one that went back for “Dino Thunder.” I was the only one to keep promoting it when the brand was down.
I'll be 45 soon. Hopefully, I will (continue to) fit in spandex and be happy who I am. But there's a time where Tommy needs to go like the old man in "Logan." And the cool thing about me: I don't hold on to no past, man, the past has held on to me.
But to be honest, I'm just doing this for fun. I mean, I fight for fun. I do movies for fun.
… I think if you look at life as "follow your passion," you know, there's a purpose. There's purpose, there's passion. And then later on comes the profit. … But you gotta have those two ingredients in order to make a good recipe.

Jason David Frank poses as the Black Ranger for the upcoming anniversary episode. Courtesy Jason David Frank.
DN: It definitely shows you’re trying to stay involved. Your Instagram, YouTube, Twitterand Facebook pages all promote new shows, new comic books.
JDF: I’m just trying to be consistent and not saying, “I turn this down because it wasn't enough money,” or not saying, “Well I'm not coming to this comic con because I'm not getting paid enough.” I can eliminate all that (with) no appearance fees.
I do things because I like to do (them) and that's how I kind of live my life. I jump out of airplanes because I like it. I jump helicopters, I jump bridges. These are things that I like to do. No one's forced me to do (them).
DN: Were there any storylines on “Power Rangers” you wanted to do but never did?
JDF: No. We kind of follow the Japanese footage, you know what I mean, follow the storylines. But I will say, to go back to this reunion episode, I had a checklist of stuff that I needed to make sure was in the episode. I know what our fans like and what they want to see, so I had a checklist, a long checklist of "this needs to be in, that needs to be in, this needs to be in." … I reached about 90 percent of it. I think this anniversary episode is really going to be good for people on Aug. 28. I cared about it.
I think you are really going to be happy.
DN: You made a cameo appearance in the new “Power Rangers” movie. There’s a tease at the end for a new Tommy Oliver. How do you feel about that?
JDF: I'm fine with that, man. My focus really is on a prime-time show. That's where my focus is. I'm focused on where Tommy is now and not a young Tommy, you know. I think they have to stick to the movie version of it. They can't change it unless they do. I don't know much about that, the whole movie brand.
But I do know where I want to take the series: … a “Green Ranger” show. A darker one, you know, like a “Daredevil." … Although, not rated R. PG if we can get away with it. Like Drakkon — exactly like Drakkon was. That's what I like to do for my fan base, so my eyes are on something else right now.
DN: “Power Rangers” clearly leans toward family values. Is that why you did the show?
JDF: I've been in martial arts my whole life. Same values ever since I was a kid so to reinforce those values on the show — to reach millions of people around the world — that's what I'm excited about. I'm the only Power Ranger out there that really owns a martial arts school, you know. From day one until now, those are the values that I preach to my kids and those are the values I thought (were) great to add to the show. The show was already there so I was just able to influence millions around the world and I still do.
DN: Thanks again for chatting with us. Is there anything else you want people to know?
JDF: I always do these interviews to let people know that the relationship doesn't end (with the show). I try to tell people I look at everything. Tag me, tell me your stories, inbox me. I try to spend a lot of time on social media … but it's also good for (us) to hear, “I was a big fan of yours.”
… I want to make sure ("Power Rangers") will be something that people can remember forever.
From TV Insider:
Jason David Frank Says 'Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel' 25th Anniversary Episode Is Green Ranger-Approved
Throughout the ever-changing world of Power Rangers, the one constant has been Jason David Frank. The actor has remained loyal to the franchise and his character Tommy Oliver from the moment he donned the Green Ranger suit.
To celebrate the show’s longevity and “Mighty Morphin” legacy, Nickelodeon presents a special 25th anniversary episode of its current series Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel. “Dimensions in Danger” will feature not only returning favorite Tommy, but other alums including Wes Collins (Jason Faunt) and Kat Hillard (Catherine Sutherland). Adding to the nostalgia, the show premieres on August 28 to coincide with when Mighty Morphin Power Rangers debuted in the United States back in 1993.
“It was amazing,” Frank said of the experience back on set. “I went back to New Zealand. It was where I filmed Dino Thunder, so to go back and see some of the same people that are working. It felt like home. I got a chance to reunite with cast members. Got a chance to meet the new cast.
“But when I’m working, I work. Even when I’m not working, I’m learning lighting, camera. I’m learning the different departments. I’ve always been hands-on with everything I do. For me, it was great to go back and reprise the role of Dr. Oliver. I think Dino Thunder was an important season a lot of people loved, and it is an important season to see now. It’s great for the kids to be introduced to Dino Thunder because what kid doesn’t love dinosaurs. It’s super cool.”
Frank has worn many colors during his Power Rangers run. However, the iconic green or even white are arguably the most beloved. The actor keeps the iconic role alive through his many comic convention appearances, as well in projects like the digital Super Power Beat Down.
“I’m just believe in it,” Frank said. “I’m the first Power Ranger really to do Comic Con events for fun…Any opportunity that comes up, I’m the first one there. There are a lot of people that turn it down. People who are involved in the franchise, maybe they don’t’ want to be involved. I’m there to do it because just to see the fan’s faces light up when you are bringing back to being a child again. That is what is so cool about it.”
Frank believes the show has survived and thrived for a number of reasons. Among them is the message the program sends.
“It did show values for kids,” he said. “The brotherhood, the dedication and respect, cooperation with people. On top of that you had the different colors, which kids like. On top of that, you have karate. And on top of that, you had cheesy monsters. It’s one of those things that grew with the kids.”
All the elements translated into Power Rangers becoming a global phenomenon. Its stars became overnight sensations thanks in part to the fact that children felt represented.
“I think the first season was great because there was a character all the kids could identify with,” Frank said. “Tommy was the loner. Jason was the jock. Kimberly the ‘Valley Girl.’ Billy was the smart one, really educated. Then you had Zack doing the hip-hop kito. It really was diverse.”
With every appearance Frank can see how Power Rangers impacted audiences. He likens it to when a person hears a song and how it can signal memories good or bad.
“When people watch Power Rangers, it zaps them back to being a kid again. Those moments of, ‘Hey, I didn’t have a dad,’ or, ‘Hey, I was suicidal.’ I hear every story,” Frank said. “I hear that the show encouraged them to never give up. These stories are endless. And I’m there sharing and communicating with my fans worldwide through my social media and the fan base at the conventions.
“I think a lot of the actors, they don’t communicate much with their fans. They don’t get to share with these awesome stories of fans…It’s encouraged a lot of people. I’m just proud of the show because we were the number one show in America before Instagram, Google, Facebook. We did it the old-fashioned way. To be number one in the world the old-fashioned way, it means a lot to me.”
Frank is committed to the fans because he appreciates their support. They’ve followed him beyond Power Rangers into other realms. He has done voice work for Transformers: Titans Return and portrayed Blood Shot in the web series Ninjak vs. The Valiant Universe. Despite the other work, don’t expect Frank to neglect his roots. He stands behind the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid comic series or the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon graphic novel releasing in December.
“The Green Ranger solo book I’ve been pushing for,” Frank said. “Hopefully, we can turn it into a digital series. Tommy will one day die. He died in Shattered Grid #25, but until then I will still be rocking the suit. I’m really not into the movies. I’m into the series with Green Ranger, a darker version. More like Shattered Grid. That’s gone viral everywhere around the world. Lord Drakken is everywhere now. That’s basically Tommy turning evil. He has killed Rita. It’s for an older, mature audience. A promo that leads into the book. That is where I want to see my character go.”
He also enjoyed doing the cameo with Amy Jo Johnson in the Power Rangers movie reboot. Although he thought they should have had the originals in there more, considering the positive reaction to their appearances. Frank is confident in the future of the brand as it enters a new era with Hasbro acquiring the franchise.
“I think Hasbro has good things in store,” Frank said. “I don’t know what they have planned. I will tell you I was proud to do the movie…Reboots are very touchy to do. You got to have the right formula, or it’s not going to be a $500 million movie. It could have been if it had the right formula, but they didn’t.
“I’m sure Hasbro is going to pick up all the slack. They are a great company. There is potential for a lot of good cross-overs. From what I heard with just Haim [Saban] being supportive of the brand and guiding them, I think in Hasbro’s hands it will be great. Fans are going to be excited across the board. I’m sure Hasbro has a plan. You don’t buy a company for over half a billion dollars and not have a plan.”
The past, present and perhaps future of Power Rangers is encapsulated in the upcoming milestone episode of the series. Frank doesn’t provide too many details on what happens when the veteran Rangers come together with the new blood heroes to save the world.
“I will say for my character Tommy, I came up with a checklist because on tour, I come to know what fans want,” Frank said. “In order for me to do the show, it had to meet my criteria and the checklist I had…The Megaforce reunion, I didn’t like too much. It was great to have the opportunity, but I didn’t think the story made sense. This checklist was an unbelievable checklist, so if you’re a fan of Tommy Oliver I think it will be everything you’ll want to see in this anniversary episode.
“It’s a reunion episode I’m proud of. It’s one of the best reunion episodes for today. Forever Red was great, but we’re talking 2018 and keeping it traditional. There are a lot of things you’re going to see in there. It’s going to blow your mind. You’re going to go back to being a kid again. I will say it’s Green Ranger approved, and I’m happy and honored to be part of it.”
Another thing that is Green Ranger approved is the facto Hasbro deemed August 28 “National Power Rangers Day.” A day to recognize the original “teenagers with” attitude.”
“I’m happy to say August 28 we celebrate Power Rangers on that day, and for the rest of our lives because that is how long we are going to be around,” Frank said. “You can’t get rid of us. We don’t die. We multiply.”
And don’t forget morph.
Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel, Saturdays, 12/11am c, Nickelodeon
Special “Dimensions in Danger” episode, Tuesday, August 28, 8/7c, Nickelodeon
More Nick: Saban Brands Announces Power Rangers’ 26th Season, 'Power Rangers Beast Morphers'!
Originally published: Monday, July 30, 2018.
H/T: Inverse; Additional sources: ComicBook (II), Den of Geek, Twitter /@TheAGames10 (via ToonZone), Power Rangers NOW, Publimetro Peru.
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