Created by Scott Fellows ("Big Time Rush"), "100 Things to Do Before High School" follows the comedic adventures of 12-year old CJ Martin (Isabela Moner) who always dreamed that high school would be the greatest years of her life. After her older brother warns her that life after middle school is not quite the teenage dream, CJ becomes more committed than ever to strengthen her friendships with her two best friends, Fenwick Frazier (Jaheem Toombs) and Christian "Crispo" Powers (Owen Joyner), before high school ruins their lives forever. Together, they embark on a bucket list of adventures that help them overcome class cliques, terrifying bullies and clueless teachers. For CJ, Fenwick and Crispo growing up means trying everything and taking chances while they still can.
Pictured: "100 Things to Do Before High School - movie" -- Pictured: CJ Parker (Isabela Moner), Fenwick Frazer (Jaheem King Toombs), Crispo Powers (Owen Joyner), in 100 THINGS TO DO BEFORE HIGH SCHOOL. Photo: Robert Voets/Nickelodeon©2014 Viacom, International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
To celebrate the Northern European debut of Nick's brand-new sitcom, Nickelodeon channels across Northern Europe have launched localised official "100 Things to Do Before High School" microsites, which features information about Nickelodeon's brand-new comedy show and each of the characters in the series! Kids are also invited to take part in Nickelodeon's very own Summer bucket list, featuring activities to complete before the premiere of "100 Things to Do Before High School", such as 'take a picture of your favourite pet'! Visitors to each localised "100 Things to Do Before High School" microsite can also check how other kids are doing and their achievements.
Below are links to each local Nickelodeon channels' official "100 Things to Do Before High School" webpages along with each Nick channels' local series title for "100 Things to Do Before High School":
Nickelodeon Benelux:
Nickelodeon Netherlands (Nederland) - Locally titled "100 dingen te doen voor de middelbare School";
Nickelodeon Belgium (België; Flanders) - Locally titled "100 dingen te doen voor de middelbare School";
Nickelodeon Scandinavia:
Nickelodeon Denmark (Danmark) - Locally titled "100 ting at nå før High School";
Nickelodeon Sweden (Sverige) - Locally titled "100 saker att göra före High School";
Nickelodeon North:
Nickelodeon Germany (Deutschland) - Locally titled "100 Dinge bis zur High School" (following the series debut, Nick Germany will continue to debut more brand-new episodes of "100 Dinge bis zur High School" every Sunday at 6:50pm);
Nickelodeon Austria (Österreich) - Locally titled "100 Dinge bis zur High School";
Nickelodeon Switzerland (Schweiz) - Locally titled "100 Dinge bis zur High School";
Nickelodeon Poland (Polska) (TBA);
Nickelodeon Norway - Locally titled "100 ting du bør gjøre før High School".
Huge thanks to Random TV Fans! for the news!
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