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Thursday, August 30, 2012
Nickelodeon UK's Official "Camp Orange: The Lost Kingdom" Blog Unveils A Fourth Brand New And Exclusive "Behind The Scenes Of Camp Orange" Video
To celebrate Nickelodeon UK premiering brand new episodes of the second series of "Camp Orange UK" called "Camp Orange: The Lost Kingdom" ("You'll never make it alone!"), Nickelodeon's adventure reality show for best friends, on Nickelodeon UK and Ireland and Nickelodeon HD UK Sunday's at 9.30am (repeated at 10.30am on Nick Replay UK]), the official "Camp Orange: The Lost Kingdom" blog on Nick UK's official "Camp Orange" website on the official Nickelodeon UK and Ireland website, Nick.co.uk/CampOrange/, has posted a brand new blog entry which features a fourth very special online streaming video which takes "Camp Orange UK" fans and Nick.co.uk visitors behind the scenes of the filming and production of the brand new "Camp Orange" challenge called "Sacred Sisters" to see how the show is made which you can watch here on the official "Camp Orange" blog on Nickelodeon UK's official "Camp Orange" website, Nick.co.uk/CampOrange! Nick.co.uk'srth brand new "Behind The Scenes Of Camp Orange" video also features various members of Nickelodeon UK's "Camp Orange 2012" production crew, including a photographer, and a short interview with Tom from the "Camp Orange: The Lost Kingdom" team "Surf Turtles".